You actually realise this is over now right?

This is actually the end.

Also do you think Putin got Trump to band Dr. Disrespect?

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Go back to plebbit moron nobody cares about your twitch streamer

this is Zig Forums in 2020

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why cares, just more white southern roadkill, hardly even human

The Jews are really eager to start a war between the US and Russia. Why?

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when soviets invaded afhganistan usa helped terrorists aswell which caiused deaths of many russians.

and we payed isis to kill russians (hell we actually bombed russian in syria)
sounds fair

>which caiused deaths of many russians.
very good indeed

Jews starts majority of the wars.
No wonder 109 countries kicked them out.

Nobody listens to you retards anymore you have lost all credibility, it's highly likely sources say.

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