We are the whitest and smartest region in the country with the richest history. We are more like Western Europe than America. We also have the lowest obesity rate. It is clear that New Englanders are superior to the rest of this filthy country which has been plagued by degeneracy and race mixing. Even still our once great beautiful cities have been invaded by foreign immigrants and niggers that migrated from the south. But we are still the states with the highest percentage of white people and I reckon the people up here are more racist than those in the south because unlike the southern filth we don’t breed with subhumans. Our gdp would be 1.148 trillion and our gdp per capita would be the 4th highest in the world if we were independent. The average iq would be 104 the highest out of all non Asian countries and that includes the niggers Puerto Rican’s and Brazilians bringing the score down. We began the first revolution and we shall start the second.
New England secession
You're going to be a nuclear testing site under me
You’re going to be a starving wasteland full of niggers and Hispanics under me
What, you don't want to be an American gladiator?
>We are more like Western Europe than America.
I wish more people understood this. I'm pure Anglo from Boston, and I felt more at home when I visited London, than in some shithole like Florida or Alabama.
to the entire southern portion of america: you and I? we're not the same.
Keep bumping my thread
god you're doing this again
you're so fucking cringe I hope you know that
"The Supreme Court has consistently interpreted the Constitution to be an "indestructible" union. There is no legal basis a state can point to for unilaterally seceding. Many scholars hold that the Confederate secession was blatantly illegal."
I’ll post every week until we’re independent
t. floridian swamp nigger
t. alabama negro
t. redneck tennesseefag
I don’t know about London that’s an African shithole now but otherwise you’re right
...New Hampshire's 1784 constitution[s] required the perversion of the ends of government and the endangering of public liberty and that all other means of redress were to no avail
State Trumps Federal
This is based as fuck and needs to happen unironically.
None of that means shit. It's hell and the flood of niggers and spicks won't stop. The welfare goes from the middle class to the upper and lower. Essentially making a defacto caste system. I say caste because once you are there there is no traversing between them. It will go country wide too if no one developes a backbone. Fuck commies.
We can expel them to jew York City or Canada
Cool idea, but your flag looks like a redesign of Lebanon's.
That piece of paper is irrelevant now that America is full of foreign invaders. New England is clearly its own thing and should be treated as such
I’d be on board if every major city in New England wasn’t a stinking craphole.
Boston is just New York with crappier restaurants. Same people, same problems.
New Hampshirite Bvll here
New England is a distinctively European place with a strong homogenous heritage, wealth culture, and geography, we should succeed immediately and take Quebec with us, the rest of the US is a nigger infested shithole
Fuck europe, east and west. Otherwise yeah i'm in dude
No Lebanese ever called me nigger
>Many scholars hold that the Confederate secession was blatantly illegal
And yet it happened. If they won the war who’d be left to sue?
I felt at home too, except for all the trillions of CCTV cameras and the people speaking broken English. This was in 2011, before the Muslim invasion turned London into a true caliphate.
>Daddy don't leave
>Who's gonna subsidize my corn farm?
>Who's gonna educate Cletus?
>Who can I blame with you gone?
>Will I have to look inward?
Boston has gotten really comfy since the plague. No wandering hordes of chinks, much less niggers on the streets, there's finally space to breathe. It feels like an inkling of the city my grandparents met in.
They're foreign af, they literally don't speak English. We should take New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, and Newfoundland if anything. Maybe PEI too, or just leave it as a resort island.
The reason you’re free from shitskins is that New England is where all the Jews are hiding. Don’t get me wrong, it’s also fucking idyllic. I went to an all white (lots of Jews though) public high school in an extremely wealthy small New England town. The standards were through the roof: for my freshman honors English class I had to read 20 novels. Pretty sure the schools theatre renovation cost $70 million, paid for by donation.
Ever gone outside of NYC, Boston, or any other major northern city?
It's not much different from the South. Lots of rednecks. Lots of Confederate flags. If people from the South moved north, but not into a major city, not much would change.
Right. History is written by the winners and the American Empire ultimately has no hope of keeping the union intact
Please take New York with you. Thanks.
Jews will be driven out.
Are you that ignorant
No thanks.
I've never once seen a Confederate flag anywhere in rural New England. You're right about rednecks though, the good people of New Hampshire will shoot you dead if you trespass on their property. God bless them.
Ew no