The Affirmative Action meme

Hey motherfuckers, I've applied to over a thousand jobs since graduating college a year ago and I still don't have one. I haven't had an interview in almost a year. So where's the Affirmative Action? I keep getting passed over for white women(what AA was created for) so ya'll are full of shit.

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why are you only applying to air conditioned building white collar jobs then

any pics of his cock?

Have you ever considered that you're just not that good, or you're not utilizing the connections and tools the University provided you to help find a job.

You DID form connections and use their tools, right?

I haven't had a job since graduating in 2012 exclusively because I'm white. Literally fuck every brown person; the only ones of you in white collar careers are there because of affirmative action.

Because I want a career with upward mobility and have no desire to do blue collar anymore. It's not what I went to school for and I shouldn't be pigeon holed into such positions because of my skin color.

My university is a racist shithole that wouldn't even hire me. They interviewed me just for shits and giggles and when I met the team consisting of only white women, I knew I was wasting my time. It is one of the most diverse campuses in the South and they only ever manage to hire white women.

get used to being denied then faggot, those jobs are filled with feminists and sjws

You're a whiny bitch in a pandemic. The economy has just tanked. Stop pretending the world is taking advantage of you just because life sucks and is hard. Go help your community and stop shitting up this board.

black slavery wasn't even that bad

why do blacks whine about it?

Attached: asuka beer.webm (1920x1080, 2.73M)

Your grades and test scores must've been complete dog shit you dumb nigger