VIRGINIA BEACH, Va.— Neighbors says hate speech is hitting too close to home in a Virginia Beach neighborhood.
A vandal repeatedly tagged a public street and destroyed signs in support of Black Lives Matter.
“I think people who say "all lives matter’ don’t get it,” says Victoria Hartell. “I think people who say ‘white lives matter,’ that’s kind of a supremacist statement in my opinion— it is inherently racist.”
Hartell lives in the Magic Hollow subdivision in Lynnhaven where "WLM" was spray painted, then covered up, at least three times different times— a back and forth battle in its second week.
“It’s really, really, really aggressive. It’s hateful, and I, for the sake of my neighbors, really wanted to ensure that something was going to be done about it."
White savior, I mean White neighbor drives around with a can of spray paint so that he can spray over white lives matter every time he sees it.
they should do "white victims matter" instead. i think it would work better.
Of course a nigger wrote this
Why do you feel the need to constantly prostrate yourself? Even something as simple as White Lives Matter is too extreme, and must be toned down.
winning hearts and minds friend.
The hearts and minds of who, exactly? The hearts and minds of the jews and shitskins you are trying to hard to appease? I'm sure they are very happy with your refusal to embrace your own people. Assuming, of course they are your own people.
Man, what a world we live in.
these names are retarded
JTRIG. Nuff said.
There's a million of these faggots. They play both sides. This one's trying to water down an already weak message.
False flag
>White Lives Matter
>It’s hateful
>by kofo lasaki
yes, true objective reporting right there
Black Lives Matter, Soros Marxist takeover of America and racial attack of whites is perfectly fine.
White Lives Matter, simply asserting our lives matter is disturbing and a thought crime.
Apex clown world.
>that’s kind of a supremacist statement in my opinion— it is inherently racist.”
Based. So many people still dont get it. Youll never win over the minorities.
>"All lives matter is ridiculously offensive and racist,unlike only black lives matter. That's a message of peace and unity"
Based. He must be drowning in teen black pussy
the white people in the middle retard.
you can characterize the message however you like. "white lives matter" in response to "black lives matter" feels oppositional and confrontational in a manner that will trigger too many peoples indoctrinated response and they will reject it. "white victims matter" doesn't come with the same level of disagreement, but highlights the fact that "black lives matter" is exclusionary in a racist way against white people while still injecting white identity into the conversation.
im trying to tell you idiots how to win. fuckheads like you are the kind that set us back years with retarded stunts like charlotesville. its being smart about the optics, that is still an element that is at play.
The Same jewish boomer single moms with "I Support Essential Workers!" signs on their front lawns have 'Defund the Police' signs on their front lawn. It's a hate crime to say my life matters, even though you have a sign on your lawn saying we should support essential workers.
Total hypocrisy. Fuck this gay earth.
and the people you are arguing with deal in the currency of victimhood, so explicitly making it about white victims is a good move. they will still reject it, but it hits the right note and kind of taps at their worldview a bit.
White lives don't matter.
Somebody snap this old twigs neck
I think it's time to make hate crimes real again.
Hey glowfriend
>Aussie flag
>is obviously real
Why, Lord!?
So If I paint BLM its brave and stunning, but If I paint WLM its racist?
Fucking peak clown world.
Looks like an aids ridden faggot
*tens of millions
In every city they paint BLM
In every capital there is a rainbow painted road
In every embassy that hosts a BLM or a rainbow flag.
Every school that discusses BLM or holds a BLM or tolerance workshop.
IOTBW/WLM must be flown, spoken, painted, acknowledged.
yes that is unfortunately the playing field we find ourselves on.
No, because half the point is to point out to fellow white people how angry nonwhites and white marxists get when you suggest that white lives matter. It triggers a chain reaction of redpills when they realize they just hate white people.
>“I think people who say "all lives matter’ don’t get it,” says Victoria Hartell. “I think people who say ‘white lives matter,’ that’s kind of a supremacist statement in my opinion— it is inherently racist.”
Wow real high IQ analysis. I’m so happy to share a nation with these intellectual giants
Why do kikes do this?
How the fuck can they even argue something so tame is racist. Fuck niggers. was in media, very good, and yes, some fucker played supernpc, but give shit, its in the news, white people will read it, and all this nonsense they say about it, will just redpill more and more people.
...bring it in the news. right now its the perfect time to spread it.
Why are white people like that? Also, why won't white people punish traitors? HUR DUR IF YOU DON'T PUNISH TRAITORS THEY WILL THINK THIS IS OKAY TO ACT
Isn't all lives matter pointing put that black kill so much more then any other race and to stop winging about minority of white on black violence.
Being a coward is now how you win, mocking and shaming and making people who oppose the message "white lives matter" afraid is how you win.
>I see a white spray paint can on the floor there too, care to explain what that's for?
Says White lives matter is supremacist but supports black lives matter and doesn't call it supremacist. That person needs to kts
thye need to BLACK LIVES MATTER on that street on buildings everywhere
waful racism!!!!
how do people like this exist
how is the jewish programming so successful that they see something saying their life matters, and they think it's racist hate speech
and not only that, they want to aggressively fight against that message and destroy the life of someone who writes it
i cant think of a single instance of such aggressive ethnomasochism in all of history
One of the most disgusting humans I've ever seen
Based WLM. This shit needs to be spread EVERYWHERE. It exposes the hypocrisy of BLM And the anti white sentiment thereof just as “IOTBW” did. Please do this!!