Where is the best place to be to prepare for the coming civil war/Balkanization?

Where is the best place to be to prepare for the coming civil war/Balkanization?

You don’t really want to be too far north or too far south if the power goes out. You want rain for agriculture and mild winters just for a big kill.

I think the option is something like Tennessee, Kentucky or NC on the east coast and pacific north west on the west coast.

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The mountains. As far from the cities as you can get.

*bug kill

You still need to make money in the cities to acquire resources to fund your homestead in the meantime.

Northern Arkansas / Southern MIssouri is comfy. Lots of natural springs, clear rivers and lakes, mostly white, and conservative, apart from a few small metros.

Work from home or leech from gibs.
Or both.

Try a small fishing towns in AK, It will be mostly out of the way, the locals are solid, salmon runs keep keep the money flowing, and coastal areas don't get that cold next to the gulf. The harsh winters inland will kill off all the retards with high time preference. FYI, the locals will "deal" with you if your're a piece of shit.

Here’s a map I made, but it doesn’t take into account the recent Oklahoma thing.. and also the existence of republican and Democrat states now which you will need to factor in

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So this map is crucial, too

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Southern States have had fewer riots than the Northern ones. Which is interesting. For example, while Atlanta had a big one, towns like Savannah and Athens GA did not.

Athens had little protests, I honestly thought they were going to pull down Athena and the confederate monument. All they really did was get mad at pretty sorority girls getting their graduation pics while the protests were going on.
t. Living in the people's republik of Athens

Didn't know Athens was so liberal. Very sorry to hear that!

But nice to hear there are pretty girls down there.



This. The thing Southern AK has going for it is low human population and high animal population. If society went completely to shit south AK would be a great place to be self sufficient. Plenty of wildlife to hunt / fish, plenty of fresh water, lots of natural building materials etc.

Why is Clarksville on that map? Man fuck this shit, we don’t want none of it
I’ll kill a commie if they come after my family but I haven’t seen a single one here

>thinking you need to be physically in cities to make money when most businesses are conducted online

Dude, Athens is a college town. We're like Atlanta with less niggers. It's browbeaten and brainwashed Whites left, right, and center. And if the college football players refuse to take the field for "racism" you can bet all the rapid fans will bend over backwards to get them back in the game.

Sometimes it feels like Little Norway. Sure it may be liberal as hell, but every now and then a modestly dressed blonde will talk to you with a Southern accent that will take your breath away.

Kentucky way more socialist leaning than tennessee. Nashville honestly doesn’t mean much, and all the natives are patriots through and through

>Kentucky way more socialist leaning than tennessee.
Explain this. I thought Kentucky was more libertarian than socialist.

You started the Northwest Front thread without me?
Also, read The Brigade

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The right needs to realize that natives are the most important demographic that exists in the country, Without having the natives on our side there is no way we will be succesful in our attempts to save the country.
It is time that we extend the arm of freindship and unite with natives and Respect their nations and tribal borders so that together we can remove the Communist Horde.

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Amerindians are 1% or so of the entire country. Most a drunk wastrels that live off government (read: White) handouts. The red man is a lost cause, aside from a few civilized tribes that will fall into place if the White nations ever get back into shape.

I don't understand your map, where is the key?

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Upstate NY is way off.

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this. there is this thing called real estate investing

Boston Mountains or deep Appalachia.

Anywhere west besides the desert would be fucked pretty quickly.

They may be a small % but they have alot of power. They are not all drunk wastes of life like the media wants you to believe but are a very proud people. I suggest you give Natives a second look and appreciate they are not just another bunch of dirty mexicans but in fact are survivors and fighters. They are invested in the land and will be an indispensable ally .

It's important to consider that moving away does not mean they won't chase you, eventually. The left will never leave us in peace.

LOL, Cascadia will stop dead east of the Cascades and you know it.

Ozarks boyo. Away from the cities tho


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fuckin retard. kentucky is one of the most conservative states in the union.

Gardening in the mountains is hard, living in the mountains during winter is hard also