What should be done with lesbians Zig Forums?
What should be done with lesbians Zig Forums?
there's no such thing as lesbians
all women are bi
some are just misandrist hags
Some lesbians are based. If they’re fat and feminist and have short hair I want nothing to do with them. But cool long hair Tom boy lesbians are cool. They’re not hurting anyone unlike gay men who are objectively gross
Tossed into the Lake of Fire.
My grandmother forced me to smoke crack and watch gay porno when I was a 9 year old girl. Lesbian porn.
I had to sit on my younger sister's face with no underwear on.
Tits or gtfo
based as usual, user.
Sounds hot.
Anyone who defends these sodomites is a coomer. They will be dealt with in the same way as the trannies an fags. However with strong men around, there will no longer be any.