Why does the 3B Scientific (Wuhan lab) Corp make synthetic adrenochrome?

why Zig Forums

ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pcsubstance/?term="3B Scientific (Wuhan) Corp"[SourceName] AND "Adrenochrome"


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Oh hey, it really does resemble a white rabbit

Yeah, it really does.
Like the Matrix, follow the white rabbit and then Neo wakes up into a new world to fight against Robots who have taken over the world.
Maybe like some theme of losing humanity and fighting off the herd?

The elite harvest young blood and fluids saturated with HGH. Adrenaline and psycho-active chemicals from the pineal and pituitary glands to transfuse in their own bodies. The steal organs as well. People like Soros and Rockefeller didn't simply use state of the art health care with their infinite wealth. The ultra rich want to live as long as possible as their primary goal. There are studies from young and old mice spliced together and it reverted the aging process of the old mouse. Its insane.

Its already being done legally with 16 year olds as well. Its not that hard to extrapolate to young targets on the black market, think John of God and his baby harvesting farm in Brazil.


Blood Libel and blood rituals have been around since the beginning of time unfortunately. You can also bathe in blood for healing properties too. The "folklore" of the Countess Liz Balthory.

There are two paths of Kaballah. Its taught in the highest eschelons of Freemasonry that if you treat your body as a temple of God you can activate and "baptise" your Sacred Seed naturally. The pineal gland, pituitary gland, and claustrum all work in tandem to secret oils which get transformed in your solar plexus and then returned to the claustrum for seemingly super human mental processing abilities and regeneration, anti-aging etc.

The Satanic elite stray from godliness and steal those from young children and follow the left-handed path. Its the faster method of course but getting them from other sources turns off your own natural production so its a double edge sword if your supply is cut off, and its evil of course.

I suspect that synthetic adrenochrome probably curbs withdrawal effects somewhat if they don't have access to the really "baby blood concoction" basically

They are probably running low too after Epstein, NVIXM, and John of God baby harvesting farm in Brazil was shut down. Remember when the Epipens shortage happened too?

Yikes. It’s hard to imagine typing all that

>COVID-19 effects elderly and pics
Are we wrong in thinking kids have the good stuff, and it's actually old people and POCs that make good adrenaline?
Do old people with dementia generate stuff that gets you freaky high?


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And? OP wanted answers I gave both background information and speculation as to why its manufactured

Also OP Wuhan is the Luciferian Cult HQ or one of their safe zones. China in general is incredibly compromised. Its why Fauci was sending money to the virology lab. China funds these people and the deepstate want to move their operations there.

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