This humongous faggot is literally streaming himself doing black face on omegle, targeting black people and screaming the n word and them while rapping about killing white people and stealing cars.
I mean yeah, it's fucking hilarious but in this climate how is he getting away with it? He says he lives in America, hard to believe that no one knows where he lives.
For one thing. Oddly enough when you just double down completely and don't give a fuck they often lose interest. If you apologise and show weakness they seem to smell blood. The people who do this kind of thing are like any other bully.
Justin Russell
hes an aussie you fucking retard
Gavin Allen
How does he sustain himself?
Robert Green
This isn't about e-celebs you faggot, it's about how someone can get away with doing some shit like this when "BLM" is literally being painted in giant yellow letters on major streets in every US city
Lucas Nelson
Why do you want him doxxed? Why don't you just shut up about it?
Hunter Collins
I know that you nigger but he says that he lives in America
Wyatt Thompson
He got crypto rich and now he lives in Arizona. His stream is finally blowing up.
Benjamin Hall
I don't, I'm just wondering how the fuck it hasn't happened yet
Adrian Mitchell
LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL I got the video. Mother fuckers keep reporting it though!
I have over 10 years experience in ITSEC. There is nothing you can do without a warrant from a judge to find out someone's personal information just from their IP unless you breach their machine, committing multiple felonies in the process, to find PID.
Cameron Murphy
i hate you :(
Jackson King
Imagine being a nigger and not even knowing what an airplane is
Jeremiah Ramirez
Oh, this legend? I hope he posts more, comedians are a dying breed, why else do you think JR accepted millions from Spotify? Still voting Trump, faggots.
Jace Nelson
Evan Cooper
He moved to Arizona recently. I have been following his stream. Mostly it gets 20-30 concurrent viwers but since the blackface stream he's been getting 600-700 concurrent viewers. He used to have a wild discord but that got shut down and now he avoids censorship by having a voice-only discord channel where he posts the l;ocation of his next stream. He is constantly banned on youtube so what he does is he just creates a fresh youtube channel and then sends a notification on his discord to the new channel.
Who the fuck do you think you are? Not your personal army, filthy homosexual
Isaac Gray
you leafs have some serious issues.
Owen Baker
The dude is picking up free money easy comedy because society is retarded. He's got more balls than me, Aussie bastard. Respect
Isaac King
What platform is he streaming on? He's no longer on youtube.
Carter Moore
He is blessed with the fact that he has no shame and doesn't feel embarrassment. He should work on his comedic chops a little more and he has the potential to become really big.
Brody Campbell
I assume he doesn't have a lot of acquaintance level friends being those are the ones that end up rat'ing people out for stuff. You also need way more notoriety to really get the gen pop after a person. if you're cancel proof money wise it doesn't even mater if they do. Like what is going to happen to the lawyer couple who ran out with guns on their own front porch? Nothing, they run their own law firm.
Lincoln King
Thank you my good sir
Jayden Morgan
>mutt got disturbed by the thought of a white man impregnating a blonde white woman and continuing to have hot sex during the pregnancy
sorry for offending you Tyrone Rodriguez, I know it's your culture to take the BBC and then run away from fatherhood
Colton Brown
Yes he is on youtube. He has more than 6 channels. He has CatboyKami 1 2 3 4 5 6. You can only know how to find him by getting the discord notification. He gets 1 week bans constantly from Youtube.
he redpilled some femanon the other day, doing good job, whats your problem ?
Luke Edwards
Because like most of us, he probably has no real-life friends and hardly anyone even knows him in real life. If nobody knows you, nobody can dox you.
Jaxson Long
He has fuck you money.
So he can say fuck you even if you doxx him he will only use it to make more fun money.
If you won the lottery you would give a shit about cancel culture either.
Fuck off doxxer
Aaron Mitchell
Love this guy. He can't be doxxed because he doesn't need to wageslave (made some money with crypto earlier, just like St. Tarrant). That's the key, faggots, be as much independent as possible.
Kayden Smith
I don't think he's even trying to hide his identity.
Ayden Hill
Board of peace. We do not dox. All are entitled to their opinions.
Brandon Carter
He could already be big on tiktok if he wanted to. One of his videos got on the 4u and go 50k likes and 300k views. I'm glad he just does the weird shit for the boys though. It would probably be hard for him to flip normal at this point, but he could probably get away with it for a while.
Gabriel Carter
why not just take a Twitter twat and falsify a few words of text and dox them over it anonymously, you don’t need to convince Twitter mobs just their boss or whoever. Doesn’t need to be a very convincing fake.