>deaths are decreasing
Deaths are decreasing
Nobody dies from the fake virus. People get hit by a bus and declared a corona death if they coughed.
Fucking Trump rally’s.
Andro think the orange retard is headed to Florida right now, how fuckin stupid can he be. Florida will slide blue by 20+%
Imagine being this fucktarded
Actually the death toll from the coronavirus is underreported because of the lack of tests at the start. The seasonally adjusted death toll is 20% higher than the average of the past few years
Imagine being this much of an msm worshipping sheep
Sure it is just like gunshot wounds are technically the virus too.
but why are TX and AZ setting all time records for deaths this week?
>Actually the death toll from the coronavirus is underreported
You can't die from the meme virus. It has a fatality rate of 0.
Go back to r*ddit faggot. You can't die from the meme virus. People only die from other causes.
This pandemic shit should have been dealt with in May already. Why are you so slow.
people suddenly just started dying in greater numbers?
>people suddenly started dying
No retard. Every cause of death is being counted as a death of a virus with a 0 fatality rate.
Fake numbers so Fed can print more money.
I’m sure you can find a few examples of errors when you’re dealing with a dataset in the literal hundreds of thousands. If you do more research than a Facebook boomer meme you’d see the deaths are actually significantly underreported overall.
>droning on msm taking points
reminds me of another historic instance of hoaxed “mass-death”
It's over-reported. There are 0 deaths from this non-existent virus.
Sure thing lackey. There’s absolutely no way any of this could be hoaxed.
It's almost like deaths lag cases by 2 weeks like anyone with a brain already knew
Deaths lag new cases by around 4 to 6 weeks. 4-6 weeks where US retards could yell "BUT DEATHS ARE DECLINING!".
Now the death curve is catching up, but I'm sure my US friends will come with another cope argument now.
Florida too.
>states reopen in May
>numbers remain steady
>thousands of people riot every day for all of June
>cases start spiking in metro areas that saw large riots
But yeah, the protests had nothing to do with it like the MSM says
Now explain why anyone should care? Besides the blatant appeal to emotions and authority.
Looking forward to dying from corona to own the libs
>Deaths lag
What deaths? There aren't any. Heart disease is one of the leading causes of death in the US. It's miraculously killing significantly fewer people this year.
>Florida posts record numbers in new infections and deaths every day for over a week now
>Hey let's open Disney World
What are you people seriously thinking?
Back to /ptg/ migatards
Just don't be a weak subhuman shitskin and you won't die.
They're counting deaths like related to problems like heart-disease as this non-existent virus.
Maybe because every other car I see when I leave the house has a California plate. Phoenix is a six hour drive from LA and they've been pouring in for weeks
Too many scams to be had and this is an election year.
A disease which does not require a positive test to be reported as a new case cannot be underreported. If you continue with your own logic then every disease known to man is underreported and all are worthy of lockdowns because since they’re underreported their deathrates are undeterminable.
Too bad that's over half your population
I know nursing home workers and can confirm this to be true... every old person who was already about to die is now having their death labeled as covid