And watch the shills seethe as their tactics are sliced like butter by THREE SIMPLE WORDS:

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>Oh boy, voting is easier than doing anything

>When you vote, it's like you're in control

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I'm just posting because you seemed lonely

You fucking tards really think this is a positive meme don't you?

Jfc. It kinda hurts my positivity towards Donald that he doesn't fucking fire you idiots and then imprison you for any and all possible charges after issuing an executive order outlawing incompetent faggotry.

>still voting Trump!
>anybody who disagrees with me is a shill!
>I'll never specify what sort of shill or who they work for but BUZZWORDS!
Internet Trumpists are NPCs.

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Why are you still voting Trump? Hard mode: "because he's not Biden" and "he makes libz mad" aren't valid answers.

> Nigger riots everywhere
> Right wingers persecuted everywhere
> social media banned everywhere
> trump has achieved literally zero for the right and whites Other than Overton shift

Yes we get it you’re still voting trump congrats mutts

do it do it do it.

destroy your country

do it do it do it.

vote for trump.

because faggotry has corrupted literally everything

Still voting Drumpf

Certainly not voting for Biden!

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I'm voting for Trump because the worst that happens is we destroy this country and I'm okay with that

Ok cool, got anything else to say?

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Trump wins (unlikely scenario): America keeps on getting worse, only this time the riots never end and the country turns into some kind of second world shithole. This is the best scenario imo.

Biden wins: mass /ptg/ suicide, America becomes a pozzed second world shithole where white people are actively discriminated against like South Africa. This is also a funny scenario.

I don’t care who wins, I just know it’s going to be kino. Thank God I’m not American.

It's ok OP we know that:

I'm rooting for Biden just too see Trumpniggers on /ptg/ lose their shit, I think the US is doomed either way

You seem surprised that things are worse now for whites under Zion Don..

Non-voters here don't do anything but bitch online. 100% useless.

>voting doesn't matter
>I'm mad about who youre voting for

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please vote for trump so all you faggots can realize voting for whatever jew sponsored goyim wont save you or bring about any change

Please don't abuse Nagisa for shitty Trump memes, thank you

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This is a really good argument and I can't refute it. You've completely changed my mind well done.
I'm still voting for trump

Yes. Let's all vote for trump because voting doesn't matter anyways.

>Non voters don't do anything but bitch
luls - really enjoyed this 'I know you are but what am I?' cope

the irony is short circuiting their NPC brains and it's really apparent in these 2 user's replies

>Bleep bloop
>Do nothing, except vote
>Refuse to set up parallel institutions
>Follow, never lead
>Someone else will do it all
>Just follow the leader, it's easier if we say we're the good guys and therefore no additional action is required aside from voting for my Pokiejew Red
>No YOU'RE the one not doing anything!
>Bleep Bloop

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but why are you voting for him?

Still voting Trump.
Still amazed people are so fucking brainwashed after watching every fucking “bombshell” turn out to be nothing.
Right wing long march when?

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Cool story. I'll vote trump and you stay home.

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Will shills leave this place after a crushing 2020 defeat or does it just never end now?

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Don't care still voting Trump, nigger!!!

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I can answer that.
I’m an anti-globalist. Shipping jobs out of the country does not strengthen America.
>inb4 muh jingoism
But it is okay to strengthen other countries? Nope. Remember how everyone stopped and paused when they realized important medical items were manufactured in China?

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He's only got a few months left to keep his promises on the 2nd amendment.

How much is Kushner paying you, moshe?

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What’s the standard rate, Ari?

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this but unironically

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In 2016 I voted for trump. I voted to secure the chaos needed to bring about the best change possible for the future of my child. Right now we are experiencing the death throws of the deranged lunatics who are about to be btfo. No this isnt some Q tier conspiracy idea. No this isnt a "trump will save the whites" idea. This is good ole fashioned historical perspective based on the stories of past societies. First you must flush out the degenerates so they are fully exposed to sun light. Then you let them march about making demands. Then you let them shoot themselves in the foot as many times as it takes to make everybody hate them back into obscurity.
Trans, blacks, whores, gays, democrat orgs, republican orgs, will all be btfo. Things must undoubtedly get worse before they get better. Better is on the horizon.

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lmao now i'm going to vote trump too.

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3 shekels a post. MIGA!

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Wise take.

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Radicals will get him reelected.

Nice pic, saved.

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Weak left wing attempt at a meme. LoL

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Still voting Trump, you trans fag

Me and this other guy in this pic are voting Biden!

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HAHA. Thanks for this. All I have to say is "Flush the turd November 3rd" and leftists will definitely accept me as one of their own. I love leftie LARPing.

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