"This morning the Supreme Court handed down very different decisions in cases regarding President Trump's financial records. As with many of the Court's recent decisions, both cases are best viewed as the ongoing machinations of Chief Justice John Roberts to preserve the Court's waning legitimacy and to steer clear of the looming threat of court-packing under a Biden presidency, while still preserving the option of returning to full complicity in the increasingly unlikely event that President Trump is elected to a second term. In other words, it was another predictably dark day for American democracy."
No wonder they ruled against Trump, they know Joe Biden is going to be president in 2021 and President Elect this fall.
why the fuck do they want to see his tax returns so bad?! I can already tell you he pays an obscenely small percentage in tax relative to his overall income. All billionaires do. So do many members of congress and the senate. So how about instead of trying to shame Trump for not paying enough in taxes, they actually work to close the loopholes that allow the uber wealthy to pay so little. They won't though, because congress enjoys those same loopholes. He'll, they wrote them into law for themselves. Our nation is being run by outright crooks, and they use this type of bullshit to distract from that fact.
This was a shill who's been pretending to be black forgetting to out on his meme flag. He probably got fired for it.
Charles Johnson
They literally have Biden on tape admitting to quid pro quo regarding Ukraine, and they're still going after Trump.
Joseph Thompson
>ginsburg is dead Except she isn't. You schizos have been retardedly wrong for years. Decrepit? You bet. Mentally impaired? Of course Dead? Nope.
Jackson Gomez
because his tax returns offers them new avenues of attack. Its really quite simple: there is information in the tax returns that the left doesn't have, and the left uses any info available to attack.
Jackson Phillips
The case the article is about deadly with the Manhattan District Attorney’s subpoena. That NYC DA is conducting a criminal probe of Trump.
SCOTUS denied the Democrat’s request for Trump’s records.
Josiah Gutierrez
>SC Justice on Lolita Express >Head Injury June 2020 >GM arrested >Enter this guy's bullshit >Media hypetrain running full steam on propaganda for this guy.
I'm sure the head injury in June was completely unrelated to him being compromised and threatened to step out openly anti trump. It's like a line of fighters and the media claims they are all trump slayers but they all get BTFO eventually. Literally the 2016 Republican primary but its Trump versus whatever powerful person they have blackmailed and it seems they are running low.
As an accelerationist I expect a Biden victory, the longer the L vs. R game is played the weaker the red blooded patriots become through age, demographics, wealth transfer, indoctrination. In some ways, if Biden wins It's a sign that (((they))) are rushing this process and are behind schedule.
Jacob Sanders
>ongoing machinations of Chief Justice John Roberts to preserve the Court's waning legitimacy that sscumbag hasn't made a decision yet he didn't personally profit from, he needs to be removed from the bench, he holds a title from a foreign monarch and is thus prohibited from legally holding that office
Jace Cox
>It's a sign that (((they))) are rushing this process and are behind schedule. basically HRC went against orders and pushed out Pappy Bush, if Pappy had his 2 terms we would now be in Obama's 2nd term and everything would have went off flawlessly if only HRC could have waited for her turn like she was supposed to