Hey you Nazi fucks, with the impending communist state, I need a list of banned reading material to grab while I can.
I just got 1984 + Animal Farm, what else?
Hey you Nazi fucks, with the impending communist state, I need a list of banned reading material to grab while I can.
I just got 1984 + Animal Farm, what else?
Other urls found in this thread:
The Bell Curve: Intelligence and Class Structure in American
Gulag Archipelago
“Barren Metal” by E. Michael Jones.
All good stuff, will pick them up. I suggest anyone reading this does so as well. Scrub your social media of anti-establishment content too. This is fucked bros.
A butt plug too large by l ron hubbard
There is a great book on Jesuits from 16th century, titled "Secreta Monita" also known as "The Secret Instructions Of Jesuits"", written by a Jesuit who was expelled. He revealed a lot about Jesuits. This book was deemed so dangerous, that it was put on "Prohibitory Index", a list of banned books by the Catholic Church. This book created so much trouble for Jesuits and Catholic Church, that they later started calling it a "forgery", yet still kept it as banned.
Link to book: archive.org
Catholic Church has been controlled by different groups over time and they had different interests, that's why its teachings change so much, however the organization that managed to have the highest amount of influence over Vatican over centuries is the Society Of Jesus, and they are as I stated before a military order, although intellectual one, which as its main goal have a total world domination through creation of United One World Government, a New World Order and they have been trying to achieve that through many different methods, one of them being banking and the other one being subversion, that's why you can hear Jesuit leaders and even Pope say things that would be outrageous when stated a century ago by their predecessors. Jesuits are masters of political manipulation and they can shape-shift politically at will. If it will further their goals, then tomorrow they will say totally the opposite of what they say today. Jesuits are very well organized and they place their puppets everywhere, while making themselves look like totally irrelevant religious group that worships Jesus from the perspective of outsiders.
Jesuits truly deserve the credit for creation of modern, globally-connected world. They are the most powerful and the best organized group of all. They are the central hub to which other organizations (their proxies) are connected to and carry their orders.
The American Cuckservative: teaching your son to be a good twink
It's difficult to find somebody as powerful as Jesuits as far as organizations go. They were expelled out of 83 countries over and over again since their beginning. Even Rothschilds were banking for them. Jesuits are a military order and in their hierarchy, a top leader is literally titled "Superior General". Jesuits use other organizations as proxies. Their members come from all walks of life, For example Shimon Peres, a Jew of Poland who later became President Of Israel, back in Poland as a child went to private Jesuit school. They even were instrumental in creation of OSS, a predecessor of CIA. Their banking institutions dominate the world.
"In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way." - FDR
In 1720, Michael Angelo Tamburini, then Superior General of the Jesuits, said to the Duke of Brancas: “See, my lord, from this room, from this room I govern not only Paris, but China, not only China, but the whole world, without any one knowing how ‘tis managed."
Jesuits have their agents everywhere world-wide. For example Napoleon Bonaparte was one of them. They used him for what they wanted and later wanted to get rid of him, so he turned on them. There were many such cases. Another one was Adam Weishaupt, famous founder of the Bavarian Illuminati, he was a Jesuit.
Research Jesuits and your jaw will drop.
This actually sounds like a fun read, thanks for the suggestion user,