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Give me a quick rundown, who are /ourguys/ which races like what party?




Well put. Openly defying the changing times is valiant but will only doom you to irrelevance and misery.

>your vote is secret
Is this guy afraind of singaporian blackshirts or what?

baik ah

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PAP (middle) is right wing authoritarian civnat.

The rest are liberals and leftists.

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At least communists don't do job offshoring and replacement migration.

thank you bro

He's a literal kike.

This is going to be a long, boring night lads. The exciting ones will only come at the end.

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>inb4 they start doing that too because that would be a daring new synthesis

Ah one of the only times /singapol/ is relevant.

PAP forever.
If their policy like race % in housing, public healthcare and punishing drug dealers were said in the US it would be a racist/fascist/communist/socialist/whatever party of hate.

I guess I'm rooting for the BUF guys

I'm pretty sure they embrace globalism, how does this bode with civnat?

>right wing
being too generous there buddy its centre right at best

Doesn't the People's ACtion PArty always win/?

the fucking walk out strut man is fucking done and wants to sleep

wait is there a communist Audi party?

Singapore is like 95% Pajeets now

My brother is an Ang Mo living in SG.

Should he be worried?

I vote for Audi

Yup, /ourguy/ alright. A fucking joke

he'll never have to worry as long as he stays here. asia will be the last stronghold of white privilege.

>Ang Mo
mate theres this almost inherent reverence for ang mohs here maybe its that genetic make up in us to lick the boots of the colonizers LMFAO

You don't understand user! Anything below 60-70% is a FAILURE OF THE PARTY.

Torches and pitchforks coming soon. Run.

Nothing will happen.

For all would be right wing reactionaries who want to make change, i have posted this in the previous thread. Pls read so as not fall into a spectacular trap that would change nothing:

The way forward is to understand this as a historical cultural progress that the world is going through at the moment, the spirit of this age so to speak. The crux is not to be a reactionary, but to provide a parallel political theology/ontology to make the change u want to see. Embrace history for better or worse, there is no going back.


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still waiting for me 22000, only received $900

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>Embrace history for better or worse, there is no going back.
You said it user.
We can resist it only to a point. Then it's up to the next generation to steer our destiny.

Whats the point of holding on to any values at all if all you do is prostrate yourself to whoever or whatever movement is powerful at the current moment? The whites did so in rhodesia and south africa and europe and look where that got them.

You can choose to keel over and die when they tell you to do so or choose to fight against them. The forces stacked against the old world is mighty, that much is certain. I dont see any political alternatives against the prevailing social devolution taking place in our nation, but when there is you'll be damn sure I'll be there to fight. You all the silent majority can choose to stay silent.

Shhhh they can be civnat and globalist at the same time.

It's not about being silent. It's about choosing your battles.




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why do girls who date them get called spg then

SPGs are girls who like to chase money and sleep with exotic wh*te men and then sue them for rape or outrage of modesty for even more money. They're our version of bimbos/trophy wife

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The most monumental political project of our time is to build a political theology/ontology that would rival those of the liberal hegemonic west while satiating the needs of our people and theiir history. We need step outside the shadow of the west if we were to go anywhere.

During those days, Malays were still very conservative, friend. I'm not as young as you think.

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PAP will obviously win majority but why do ya'll hate the oppo so much? I think some of them should be voted in just for the drama and memes.

Le "TAX THE RICH" narrative is tiresome.

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>The most monumental political project of our time is to build a political theology/ontology that would rival those of the liberal hegemonic west while satiating the needs of our people and theiir history.
Pray tell, what kind of ideology are you pushing?

u can be right wing and hate capitalism at the same time