Why do so many males drop out of society in 2020?

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you know why op.
don't be gay

If I had a week I would tell you all the reasons why but for now just take a look around, it should become obvious shortly.

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>Why do so many males drop out of Globohomo clown world in 2020?

Gee, I dunno...

I dunno, guess they have good bullshit detectors


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I will make my own society

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Cognitive dissonance. Jews cause them to be shut-ins who make their primary resident their bedrooms, said shut-ins think it's their own self-will driving them to this decision when in fact it's controlled opposition.

Your pic related says it all, lounging around in the house all day is peak comfort.
We are sick of working like donkeys to make greedy jews rich while they take vacations, I may never go back OP.

Fuck yeah, count me in

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Apparently faggotry is contagious.

What fucking society?


I’m just not going to contribute any more to gibs, no fault divorce, military and prison industrial complexes, and the brainwashing that is “education”. It’s all so fucked, I’m just opting out.

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maybe theres a once and a century pandemic going on?

I've been neet since early 2017 so its w.e

The only question here is why they didn’t do it sooner

with hookers... and blackjack.

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It's the great mystery of our time.

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80/20 rule with dominant authoritarian feminism meaning there's very little chance to find a mate.

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Whoah, her rooms looking pretty clean desu

I’m trying to get into society with my newfound knowledge of how things are. I plan on manipulating my way to the top just as the Jews have

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Come on man, don’t be like that. Fuck these people, they want a world run by women so we’ll give it to them

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>Waking up before 3PM

A combination of video games, cooming, one or more shitty parental figure, drugs, alcohol, and general high dopamine tolerance.

Don’t forget a society that doesn’t want them anymore, they’ll be joining us in no time

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I'd say nihilism is the main culprit, with the societal shift against men nudging them over the edge.