Cultural Revolution

this is what the left has in store for us, does anybody else see the similarities?

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This is so clearly happening in the USA as we speak. The educational and media iconoclasm has been going on for decades as in the rest of the west but we're now seeing actual physical destruction of cultural relics and symbology. Of course many Americans feel inclined, probably due to inculcation, to deny that anything is wrong, but they will have to explain ti their children why there are statues of Kobe Bryant and Ja Rule where most other countries would have statues of historic politicians.

Did you see the new COVID laws? Vaccination, by any means necessary!

Comrades, reject the madness of the cultural 'revolution' and join the Cult of the Mango.

Attached: mango.jpg (800x662, 254.57K)

Talked to some boomer chinese lady and she said it's pretty much the same shit except they only disappear you from the internet instead of from existence.

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What are they going to do about multiculturalism? Will that be part of the cultural revolution? The wiping out of multiculturalism? Because you can't have a cultural revolution with multiculturalism as the end result. One way or the other, the end product of a cultural revolution is a monoculture. What monoculture does the left envision to the end result of this revolution and what do they plan to do with all of those allies who don't fit nicely into their new monoculture?

Hail the Mango. Bow to the Mango. Bask in the glory of the Mango.

Attached: mango2.jpg (720x539, 185.41K)

If the internet existed back then they probably would have started with that as well.

My chink mom said the same today when she saw the news about Britain abolishing words like master/slave

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