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Reminder that gaming is only for leftist homosexuals
Jacob Wright
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Charles Campbell
The rightist homosexuals go on Zig Forums.
Nathan Howard
Not true at all. Video games are a great way to have fun until you are like 12-14. But you have to grow up eventually.
Evan Howard
vidya exists for one purpose.
to babysit.
Angel Perry
I played wow for 10 years
Samuel Murphy
I still play counter-strike. Haven't become leftist but I'm raging homo when I'm drunk
Austin Thomas
Have a beer.
Adrian Myers
Are you fucking retarded? I am 26 and still game regulary every day
Jackson Anderson
There's not much else to do if your life is utter shit and you're too weak/stupid to fix it.
Cameron Howard
People need a motivation to escape escapism in order to leave the gaming and porn brainfuck behind.
Aaron Baker
I got banned on gaymergate subbreddit for saying " Gaming has been always targeted towards liberals and most games have progressive themes, if you don't like stick to chruch or any other conservative focused hobby"
They got so salty, I must've struck a nerve hahahaaa
Jaxon Evans
>be me
>be muscular chad (inb4 disbelief)
>relatively normal guy
>play FFXIV
>the game itself is quite polished and fun
>try to become part of community
>every person i meet has a mental illness
>almost everyone is trans, gay, furry, or just a straight up autistic basement coomer
>some girls play the game too
>all of them are damaged goods autists
>insane amounts of simping towards them
>never meet a normal person that i can be friends with
>feel like the odd man out for being a normal guy
Its a weird feeling. Being a regular person puts you in the minority in these spaces
Bentley Jones
>Are you fucking retarded? I am 26 and still game regulary every day
Christopher Edwards
>Hey look at me, I am so much better than those autists!
Parker James
Fuck off Pablo, gaming is now worth more than fucking movie industry.
Dylan Gonzalez
Gay chat, absolutely no gaming, anime, computer nerd stuff..
Sports, cooking and general chatting.
Ethan Perez
I’ve heard FFXIV is exceptionally bad in that regard, when i played WoW pretty much everyone in my guild was relatively normal.
Joseph Green
Im better than all poles as well
Andrew Powell
>Fuck off Pablo, gaming is now worth more than fucking movie industry.
Lucas Roberts
What do your wife and kids think about that?
Leo King
I like games but saying that matierial worth is a good measure of a things merit or quality is fucking stupid
William Davis
chads and stacys are gonna inherit this world and gas the neckbeard numales. its inevitable
Bentley Davis
No, you are not. You are literally a fat fuck, who is less educated than average Pole.
I said fuck off you nigger.
Wyatt Wilson
Jeremiah Martinez
>feels the need to compete and socialize with anons in virtual reality for fun and approvement
choose one.
Ayden Taylor
Nolan Jones
Don't have them yet
Fuck off.
William Richardson
How is it possible for them to all coorindate the same look? What is it based on? Did they just have a big faggot meeting and decide this was the way forward?
Jaxon Murphy
Paul Joseph Watson had a theory that its because of S O Y
Thomas Foster
fucking pathetic subhuman
video game enthusiasts prove to me the modern white race TRULY deserves to suffer immensely
Gavin Campbell
Shut the fuck up, you retarded Abbo/Chang
Grayson Butler
i dont think a massive homosexual twink like paul joseph gayson should be making snide remarks about anyone
Thomas Wright
Post your biceps to prove youre fit you weak polish faggot
Ethan Sanchez
Gamergate demonstrated to a ton of kids the reality of subversive leftist activism.
You could say it woke them.
Justin Rogers
>26 years old
>watches literal homosexual cuckolds like PJW
>plays video games
you're the exact reason poles, and modern white men, deserve to be raped to death by niggers. tranny fucking faggot
Matthew Young
Then what about male streamers and esport player, are they also fags
Jayden Turner
How about you post yours, you fat burger mutt
You are the reason why Chinese deserve to buy out your fucking penel colony. Poles are based, and so is gaming and watching PJW
Levi Ross
You'll still waste your time on other retarded shit, not much of a difference. There are plenty of good games especially old ones.
Julian Mitchell
ok boomer
Thomas Nguyen
Get over yourself.
Nolan Jackson
Maybe he has a right to be this carefree, Poland is safe white country after all.
Elijah Fisher
Reminder that games were made by straight men for other straight men
Owen Parker
Real men play cards.
What’s everyone’s favorite card game?
Nolan Thompson
It hurts doesn't it
Charles Lee
Brody King
shut up faggot
Wyatt Watson
yes, you ginormous fucking retarded faggot
imagine sitting around all day gestating like a woman as your body builds up prolactin and estrogen from your body's inert inactivity and calling yourself a man
absolute fucking consumerist city rat dwelling subhuman sewer rodent
Matthew Diaz
Makao ofc
Jackson Morris
Reminder that film is only for leftist homosexuals.
Jason Garcia
What... the fuck... is a DILATION STATION?
Sebastian Fisher
Playing crib with mom
Mason Brown
Speaking of gaming, did anyone hear about WoW's first tranny toon? I was going to buy Shadowlands. Now I'm not. Fucking the pandering.
Dylan Bell
A good place to get an infection
Zachary Sanders
I can understand people still playing games but I kinda agree, I cant play a game for more than an hour and I get too bored to even start playing a games these days. Im playing gachashit lately but thats because I have nothing to do since this gay ass city still has lockdown going on
Leo Kelly
I moved from the Midwest to DC, so playing games is really all I got. I hangout with my one other buddy that's from the Midwest here but that's about it. If you think I'm going to hangout with a bunch of niggers and faggots (literally all DC is, see for yourself).. then you're a retard. I much rather sit in my apartment playing games. I still socialize and workout every day. But not nearly as much as I did when I was in the Midwest. I'll save hanging out with people and going out every day for when I'm back home.
Luke Brown
Henry Barnes
Gaming and Sportsball fandom is proof of Low T
Nicholas Mitchell
Same. Mythic Raider. Now I play FFXIV. Savage Raider. I was going to buy Shadowlands, but now that they've started pandering to the trannies with their first tranny toon, I'm going to pass on this game. Yes, FFXIV has tranny fairies but they don't use this extremely minor toon to attention whore and sell their product. Fuck Blizz.
Jace Hughes
We both know that Warcraft ended with WC3:The Frozen Throne
Gavin Davis
Noah Gonzalez
Solitaire with a deck of 51.
David James
Imagine the smell
Of dilation stations
Jack Sullivan
> tranny toon
Angel Campbell
Remember the good old days of early 2000's?
Ryder Davis
Motivation for gamers: spoil race traitors life. You can:
1) Spam LGBTQ forums
2) Earn money like CatBoyKami (make niggas angry)
3) Deploy your own web servers (you can install it on your home PC) as the rest of internet is a shit and unite with your friends (maybe you can earn here something)
4) Anything else
Just stop being a faggot.
Anthony Anderson
Sounds like turbo-cope.
Justin Reed
Zachary Green
>What do your wife and kids think about that?
>Raising a family in THIS timeline
Are you a fool?
Nathan Nelson
I'm a regular gril and I play FFXIV. Quite WoW a couple years ago to focus on Savage Raiding in FFXIV. The game is heavily moderated. Landed myself in GM Jail twice. Now I don't really speak in public unless it's necessary. But yeah, it's a completely different playerbase than WoW was although WoW has gotten Woke so ... there's that. Lots of WoW refugees in FFXIV now. It's true that this game attracts the weirdos, but you can spot them pretty earily on. All you have to do is say something positive about Trump lol.
Christopher Smith
>bbbbbut I play big boy shooters, rpgs and nigball games
Fuck you. It is all a screen. Workout and read a book.
Camden Jackson
Fucking Poolish and Slav(e)ic animals always ruin my game in CS:GO. Hitler should've gassed all of you.
Mason Gray
Stfu, there are bad people in every group.
Julian Myers
I have never met a single person that doesn't waste time with some stupid gay shit.
Aiden Moore
Jace Johnson
the amount of boomers projecting in here just shows how this site is kill
Landon Peterson
>>Fuck off Pablo, gaming is now worth more than fucking movie industry.
>According to the latest figures, the video game business is now larger than both the movie and music industries combined, making it a major industry in entertainment. ... By comparison, the global box office industry was worth US$41.7 billion while global music revenues reached US$19.1 billion in 2018.
Implying it isn't?
Camden Hill
As for the Russians:
>I worked with a large number of immigrants from Eastern Europe during the 90s. The only person that had anything positive to say about the Russians was someone who was well connected and lived in Belarus. Everyone else, even people from Yugoslavia that were never directly controlled by them, had a very low opinion of Russians. The general consensus was that they are a very temperamental people that liked to snitch. They also had / have a reputation for incompetent leadership; never was Russia assuming control of anything presented as a positive to me. Yugos hated them because they considered the economic relationship between their countries unequal and generally viewed Russians as "big shots" that will screw you over and then go back to Russia where nothing can be done about it. They are also renowned for bringing an element of criminality to basically everything they do and even those that are not criminals are so accustomed to dealing with them that it taints their interactions.
>Anecdotally my encounters with Russians online have been almost universally hostile. They are unpleasant teammates in most games and are equally vitriolic in victory and defeat. If they communicate at all in a language appropriate for the server region you are guaranteed to see racial epithets and questioning people's sexual orientation. They will be directed at your own team if you are losing or loudly directed at the opposing team if you win by even a slim margin. The described tendency to be both belligerent and a snitch has proven accurate. A typical example is "fuck your nigger president bitch i will report you feeder" or statements substantially similar to that. Or an exchange of "fuck you" "no fuck you" "reported".
>Other times where I have incidentally encountered them on forums or chat services they are much as I've had them described to me. They are generally conversational and can be superficially friendly but also extremely belligerent.