Realistically, what percent of the US population understands that white privilege and institutional racism are conspiracy theories used to explain away the reality of pic related?
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lol are you dumbasses still trying to push your autistic racial pseudoscience? you can't even tell me whose whos white and whos not.
the concept of race has no place in science. any geneticist will tell you it's a social construct
>any geneticist will tell you it's a social construct
Except the ones in the OP pic
>race is a social construct
>race identifiable by bone structure
>races existed before society
>>being this retarded
>>meme flag
i cannot fucking wait to kill communists
Commies deny science. Many such cases. Sad!
Its not even that. Even low IQ people can function normally in jobs requiring basic repetitive work and become productive and earn a good living.
The black population is the victim not of racism, but of special political privileges that make them unattractive on the market.
Civil rights movement increases the legal risk of hiring blacks, leading to lower employment.
Minimum wage laws removes a first step for low skilled and low income persons to enter the workforce and start to earn a living. This affects mostly black.
Social/welfare programs established by local government aimed to help blacks usually result in higher local taxes, driving away local business. Capital flight leads to lower number of employers, lowering the chance for blacks to get employed and also decrease wages due to lowered supply of employment.
Lack of income drives blacks into alternate economy to fund a living, namely drugs and drug trades and gangs.
War on drugs incentivizes gang drug wars through driving profits for drug trades while at the same time incarcerates blacks resulting in broken families and eventually dis-incentivize even having a family, especially factor into the countless other welfare programs and favors single parents of color.
This leads to what we have here today. Blacks are in shitholes because of all the "unforeseen" consequences of public policy. "" because all of those policies that hurts blacks are pushed by Democrats, the party that favored segregation, jim crow, etc, to a point where you think its probably by design.
OP, can I get a link, I wanna read this whole thing.
Look at the bottom