Which one of you did this?

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Other urls found in this thread:


it's little shit like this that makes clown world bearable.
Gamers rise up.

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apex kek

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lol what is the game

Glad I haven't bought anything from them in over a decade. Steam CEO is one of our future slaves (1/6,000,000)


It should be:
George George
Floyd of the jungle
Strong but he cant breathe
Watch out for that knee

its not even a game, its just a black screen with a count down. Then I think the game closes itself after it reaches 0.

Valve are fucking cowards just seeping money while doing whatever globohomo wants. They also banned users before for 'review bombing' SJW bullshit.

i think that steam game Black Lives Matter.

What game?

Wait, people actually use the Steam Community forums?


Almost everyone found that post helpful and funny. He got blue ribbon.

I think it’s a literal scam. If it’s the one I’m thinking of, you pay $2 for a black screen. Not sure if it’s a minute of silence or muh 8:46.
Just some dude trying to make a quick buck.

Nigger Simulator
Sit around. Do nothing. Stare at a black screen. Reward yourself with dopamine and pity.


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>muh pc is based
get rekt pc fags

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Fucking Steam jannies deleted this beautiful thread

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Steam moderation has been going completely apeshit for the last 3 years or so. It's entirely pozzed now. Dunno if valve got secretly sued or if the jew mentality took over but it's been bullshit for a good while.

fuck gaben piece of fucking shit.
>ohhh youo don't support my racist opinions im going to harm you
fuck these companies harming customers because of their muh opinioni running cult asses

The reviews on that game are an absolute goldmine

Serious doubt its a steam wide community ban. Anti steam shills are retarded. Game right owners can moderate their own community forums and dish out bans.

It's a fucking scam that Steam needs to be sued over, actually.

Too bad fat Gaben didn’t die of the aids flu

Kek, I knew I should have archived it when I saw it

dude. i posted in the steam community off-topic in 2017 with a HAPPY 4th OF JULY!
on 4th of july.
and put a pro trump meme in there from youtube.

got banned.

steam is some big kike shit.
i wont be supporting them anymore because of that.

>198 people found this review funny
icing on the fucking cake right there

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And people don't see that as jewy at all?
this really is clown world

How do you evade bans on Steam? Gonna start shitposting myself, fuck jannies.

i really want a steam vr, and alyx..
half like and cs series was my shit..

nope. not doing it.
steam censoring me cost them an easy $1,000 loss.

and the more they do it, the more it will wrack up..
you'll see.

i will pirate games and deal with bitcorn miners and spyware before i give steam a $20.00

Now I can't breathe.

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It literally propagates anti white sentiment and hastens your Whitoid race inevitable demise.. Roflmao

You guys seen the racist ValiDate game yet?
On their actual Kickstarter:
>If we raise $38,000, we'll include a white person (sadface)
No, really there's a sadface

Attached: SwedishGirl.gif (350x545, 1.98M)

And a fucking Jew probably made it, lol.

As far I know it's hard to get banned from Steam as a whole. I think most of the "bans" are only for a specific game's community

People pay to virtue signal.

the reviews for this game are gold

Attached: blm-game-reviews.png (1197x461, 61.02K)

Absolute fucking genius.

kek, I guess watch out for that knee is acceptable here instead of “watch out for that fentanyl”. i will suspend disbelief for the sake of rhymes

It's called the silent majority

I didn't do that one but I got banned for posting George Floyd's autopsy. I was debating this faggot about the cause of death. Linked the amount of fucking drugs in his system and got banned for 2 weeks for "hate speech". Instantly uninstalled all steam games and the client.


and we'll go out with a sense of humour leaving only the most bitter of people on earth. fine by me, fren


Ultra based 4k hdr10 pilled.

If you get banned from several communities then you receive a community wide ban (no commenting, no leaving reviews, no editing your profile, no using the market, etc)

Who the fuck wants to play a romance VN where everyone looks like a disfigured ape? It's not even just that they're nigger, they all fucking ugly on top of that.
Why is there a market for this?

Fuck VR anyway man, it's a gimmick


facts be racist and shit ya heard

966 backers

mods and support and shit

>Mess with bread and circus
Someone made a lethal mistake.

I bought the index and returned it after 7 days

Its a gimmick and hurts your eyes

They ban for the whole community and lock your profile. I had it happen to me. It's cancer.
You agree to it in the ToS. You have no legal footing. They technically own all of "your" games. I tried to sue Blizzard for banning me a while ago and my lawyer explained it to me.

kekd out loud hahahah

Is this steam or is it just the pissy dev banning reviews?

This just makes me want to gift it to some friends so its a stain in their library for ever

lmao I actually wanted to make a new Steam account soon because mine is like 10 years old I think I see how I want to suicide this account

George Floyd
George of the jungle
Says that he can't breeve
George Floyd
George of the jungle
Watch out for that knee

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Exactly, their ToS is basically them holding your library at gunpoint.
I've started buying everything on Itch and GoG when available instead, that way I actually own the games I pay for

>received product for free
Holy fuck

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>yiddle me this goyman

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