Love is a bourgeoise construct

Love is a bourgeoise construct.

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Stop larping as an intellectual, LongDrink, and go to bed

>ywn have this feel

I seriously don't understand it. How are teenagers regularly getting boyfriends and girlfriends? I'm 32 years old and I've NEVER been on a date, had sex, kissed, or been hugged. I legitimately don't understand how it works. I had severe anxiety and hid in my moms basement til 30 and don't know what to do now that I've been so socially retarded and underdeveloped for 3 decades. I've never had a girl approach me or tell me they like me even.

“Love” is the most leftist concept in existence. It’s an emotion that makes you act in someone else’s interest rather than your own. Leftists believe that love should dictate all of your behavior, while rational people know it should be tempered with logic.

lift weights faggot

I seriously don't understand it. How are teenagers regularly getting boyfriends and girlfriends? I'm 32 years old and I've NEVER been on a date, had sex, kissed, or been hugged. I legitimately don't understand how it works. I had severe anxiety and hid in my moms basement til 30 and don't know what to do now that I've been so socially retarded and underdeveloped for 3 decades. I've never had a girl approach me or tell me they like me even.

bourgeoise is the feminine of bourgeois tho you should have used bourgeoisie

I already did that and fell for the Zig Forums meme. It does nothing if you can't approach people and don't have such a handsome face you get approached. Working on social anxiety from a lifetime of stunted growth is a million times harder than pumping iron nigger.

>I seriously don't understand it. How are teenagers regularly getting boyfriends and girlfriends? I'm 32 years old and I've NEVER been on a date, had sex, kissed, or been hugged. I legitimately don't understand how it works. I had severe anxiety and hid in my moms basement til 30 and don't know what to do now that I've been so socially retarded and underdeveloped for 3 decades. I've never had a girl approach me or tell me they like me even.