I've lately had the urge to marry and have children and while I'm dating here and there and most are roasties. Seems all the good wives married young and now young girls of legal age are commie trash dumpsters.
Thought about going on a trip to Czechia and the area and see if I can find a wife. Most on Tinder are from Prague which feels pretty lefty as well. Are girls from Prague like girls from liberal shitholes in the US or are they more conservative? How are girls from outside Prage?
Are Czech girls trad wives?
You are very delusional and out of touch with reality if you think easten europe is trad
Girls are better in countries without USA influence.
I've heard many good things about Ukrainians, have I been misled? Care to elaborate?
czechav says;
The lad will get so tunell-visioned he'll be fucked over financially and mentally just look at the anglo boomers that "SEA Max"
ukraine is widely regarded as the best place to find trad women to wife up
It is. Also, outside big cities in Norway and Denmark. Stay the fuck out of Sweden tho.
the wife for sale websites beg to differ my american friend
you will be very disappointed. The good ones are taken, whats left is toxic gold diggers or hysterical attention whores... just like any other place