So fellow boog boys when do we deploy for portland?

So fellow boog boys when do we deploy for portland?

>inb4 all the nazi retards say we are already present

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Soon as the blacks stop being black and thugish

These guys owe me $200. Prank call em...7348297247

Go back to Asia, stupid leaf flag

I’m ready

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Why are there always peeps from Michigan in here

why are glowniggers so easy to discover

shut up serb cuck

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If you have to ask you're not in the group.

uh oh the larpers are loose again. Who should i call?

for what exactly? your larp session?

We should let it burn and save energy for the defense of an area that is worth a damn.

I don't get it, USA used to be the greatest country on Earth. Still is, only you can be arrested / blacklisted for saying it is? USA is in a weird place right now but God how I wish I lived in there. The entire world is just jealous of them, that's why they QQ so much.

nigga what the fuck is this

mhm... sorry, didnt mean to disturb your operat- i meant invasion

for puppy play?

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The /k/osher gay boog bois, LARPing nigger loving faggots

get a safariland, poorfag

Yes!!! OWO

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can your skinny fat ass even hold that up for longer than 30 seconds

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>calls user a skinny fat for wearing a loose fitting workout shirt.

Show body. Dick included please

why would glow op boogieboys go to Portland

Boog Boys were invented by the CSIS and Vice Canada and everybody already knows it.

KKK Vs Antifi anybody??

I agree, 86. America is great. But it is also corrupt and full of evil people. Not to mention, America is known for some of the biggest coverups and in the history of mankind.

You won't find any commie revolutionaries here. Maybe reddit would be more to your liking.

skyking already left the operation was a failure

the kyles are waiting for us in vegas, they know the riots arent going to be enough we have to go to area 51 now for plan b just have your alien costume ready for the next phase

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Nice try fed

they removed the fence
they got more feds this time right?

If Sleepy Joe wins, Zig Forums will revolutionize.

And fight against and for whom? Liberals, their pet illegals and niggers? Antifa Kids who want a hardcore, Stalinist government? The police who arrest right wing types, but will let legions of BLM and Antifa faggots disassemble a city. No they are all guilty, should fight each other we as White gun owners don't need to play Captain Savaho. If we are fighting to overturn ZOG and the entire Jew government, and hold all cucks, niggers and democrats accountable, then I am in for the DOTR. The sooner life gets hard for sports and video game addicted Joey Sixpack, the better it will be for us, then they may turn out and kill some niggers.

not schizo enough to fall for that glowie.


Not a schizo here.
The FBI is confirmed to post here. Other agencies probably follow.
Nobody here talked about the "boogaloo" movement before the riots. It's a phenomenon from Facebook, and promoting it here is just enabling an excuse to attack the users.¨
This has been your PSA for the night, I have to sleep now.

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Why aren't you using live ammo yet feds?

Why doesn't the right ever fight back??? Its always turn thy cheek nahhh bs imma turn my elbow into these Satanist libtards.

>boogaloo boys are not just glowniggers but furries

What the fuck is this timeline

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No go, Glow.

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Gay and fag pilled.

Freikorps will return, but not right now, and... not like that.

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FBI can suck lick my balls. on a different note, Zig Forums should allow people to use prxy and vpns.. I blame the niggers.

fuck off glowie


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this, just wait and laugh
inb4 live ammo in portland

>satanic furries

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>Trump administration includes a shit ton of Obama appointees in three letter agencies Trump doesn't even know exist.