
Why doesn't he communicate anymore?

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Would you believe anyone who said he was?

Everyone down

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Aizen killed him.

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Read this nigger

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it's hard nowadays with all this mind control. some consciousnesses can be compromised, psychic attacks and stuff.

Everytime he opens his mouth some retard uses what he says to manipulate and murder shit tons of people. Things only just calmed down. Read the book, and be thankful that no one claiming to be God is currently megaphoning down to earth.

>Phone is ringing
>You don't pick
Wtf why isn't he calling me???

Forgot to pay his phone bill. He hasn't been the same since his son died. I'm not even sure he cares if the water runs or not anymore.

This is when you realize it was all a simulacra. The models of the past have been replaced by models of modernity.