Obesity rate in America has passed 40%

Obesity rate in America has passed 40%

"The age-adjusted prevalence of obesity among U.S. adults was 42.4% in 2017–2018. The prevalence was 40.0% among younger adults aged 20–39, 44.8% among middle-aged adults aged 40–59, and 42.8% among older adults aged 60 and over. There were no significant differences in prevalence by age group (Figure 1)."

What the fuck bros

Attached: obesity 2020 update.png (963x1718, 1.38M)

It's all the fucking illegals and niggers. Yeah there's white hamplanets out there but for every one of them there's 15 beanbags and their 7 landwhale anchors, and every other Shaquanda and Tyrone has their own gravitational pull too. Nobody's ever going to admit that, but it's true

I blame non-whites.
When I see an obese nigger or spic, it’s just another Tuesday. When I see an obese white, I take a second glance, simply because it’s so uncommon.

Healthy food is too expensive.
Blacks really have no choice desu.

I watched a sheboon on a brand new iPhone pull up 3 shopping carts worth of organic, all natural, name brand food totalling over $400, whip out 2 cards that brought the total to less than $50, and pull out a wad of $100 bills from under her left tit to pay with. Niggers get everything handed to them by our government while I'm having to buy ramen noodles to pay my electric bill

>healthy foods are too expensive
I don't understand what people mean by this. Two meals at Mackers is 15 Euros. With that much money I can get loads of fruits and veggies for healthy meals.

Muricans are just retarded, admit it.

it's really not.
you can buy a five pound bag of potatoes for $5, instead of spending that amount on one fast food meal.

Attached: mcdonalds-big-mac-salad.jpg (780x439, 88.78K)

American food is subhuman, and their lack of cuisine further exasperates it, they are double whammied

I’m a vegetarian so no meat obviously, but I buy produce, beans, and eggs for relatively cheap (and I live in the second most expensive state in America).
I think hood niggers are just eat too much, and expect only name brand food.

Attached: 66C416A3-5FFF-4AAA-9EF3-9929BD506164.jpg (4032x3024, 2.27M)

Healthy food is not expensive. Organic shit is expensive. You can get unfrozen chicken breasts for like $3.20 a pound at Aldi's.

>730 calorie salad
I don’t understand how that’s even possible. Must be the meat and dressing.

damn that low fat diet.

how's the nigger slave trade going?

good for Corona chan

Potatoes will make you fat, friend. Potatoes aren't healthy food.

yeah the pic says it literally has fried chicken in it?

a baked potato is only like 200 calories or something
putting all sorts of shit on it or eating fried potatoes is bad.

Simply not true.

>What the fuck bros
Mestizos and black Americans.

Thank fuck.

Attached: 793.jpg (750x1000, 183.28K)

we're not far behind.

Attached: 1586095147752.jpg (603x460, 316.12K)

Hmmm I wonder what happened to our food to cause this epidemic

Your country is 80% white, you literally have no excuse.

McDonalds has us trapped in a death grip. Fast food has ruined the British people. Absolute units like this can be found roaming the land.

Attached: SuperCarNigel.webm (480x480, 2.9M)

That's probably it. I remember seeing a plate of chicken pasta with cream sauce having something like 2000 kcal or so.

Depends on how much you eat really. You still gain weight if you eat something like 4000kcal of clean food a day.

Shouldn’t you be kissing a niggers feet?

Somehow healthy food being expensive prevents people from exercising. Also water is free and yet they guzzle soda.

Healthy lol

I buy unfrozen, boneless chicken thighs at my local market in Indiana for $1.50 a pound