
Did the world conspire against Bosnia for being so far down south yet blue eyed?

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It’s hilarious because Bosnians tend to look like straight up Aryans, whereas Serbs are brown and swarthy looking.

They don't really, they look med and are muzzies.

Can confirm, lots of Bosnians have blue eyes and light hair. Guy in the pic - Bosnian.

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I didn't know changing your religion changes your genetics
Also they don't look like meds they have blue eyes and are the tallest people in the world

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bosnians are subhuman muslim faggots. Blue eyes doesnt mean shit. If you ever went to africa like 10 % people have blue eyes doesnt make them aryan or pure.

damn how black have you be to fuck these girls

"Bosnian", fucking retard.

I swear you people on Zig Forums are the biggest retards I have laid my eyes on when it comes to Bosnia. Saying "bosnian" is the dumbest way to get your point across when we all know damn well that there is a huge disparity between croats, serbs and bosniaks when it comes to being white and blue eyed.

t. bosnian.
maybe you overlook most bosnians look like turkic shitskins. same as serbs or albanians you faggot

Attached: average bosnians.jpg (800x545, 91.89K)

they changed their religion because they got so hardly assraped by turks ame as albanians. even their surnames are clearly turkish names changed into surnames - for example AHMETašević, MEHMETbegović etc..
now serbians have turkish admixture too they just didnt swap religions

Bosnian are not subhuman, calm down Croatbro. From my experience, Bosnians are one of easiest people to get along with.

This is an average Bosnian muslim

Attached: ROqv4Um.jpg (1365x2048, 638.97K)

no there isnt. bosniaks and serbs and serbs living in bosnia have almost same genetic mixture of turks/slavs/dinarids. ones just have muslim adopted religion and surnames others dont. croatians are abit lighter and less turkish admixture, but for some of them especialy in dalmatia its quite noticable that they have swarthier looks

What are you talking about? If Africa was 10% blue eyed you're damn sure that they would be more aryan

It isn't bosnians who changed their religion, it is the bosniaks who were either croats or serbs before the bent over to take it up the ass. So use the word "they" lightly, you slovene faggot.

t. bosnian or ljubljana filozofska peder.
get the fuck out of the country retard. defending people who are leeching and consequently destroying our nation, while they all shit on your language and culture.

i know exactly who is what you achmet dick licking faggot. look at my other post

Yes there is, very huge disparities. Croats are easily the whitest, followed by bosniaks and then serbs. Take a walk in Zagreb and then Belgrade and tell me there isn't a vast difference. You are delusional or maybe a serb living in Slovenia.


yeah okay then. send me 15 instagram links of bosnian muslim whores lookingl ike that. 15 shouldnt be hard to find if thats how average looks. hell it shouldnt be hard to find few hundred in few mins right ?

I mean that's literally a statistical fact

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Found the serb or bosniak faggot living in Slovenia.

the women here are beautiful...
but they're fucking stupid

why do i have green eyes?
am i mutt?

There are already 5 in this thread I can keep going

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yeah, what did i say in my post ? i said croatians have the least of turkish admixture, altho towards south of croatia (dalmatia) they are also much swarthier than northern croatians.

i know exactly serebs have alot of turkish admixture im not serb. but i also corectly stated bosniaks/serbs have almost same genetic makeup.

why ? i criticzed all of them to be shtiskins. anyways check your mental heatlh look at this:
this is what you replied before you retard
i also critizsed slovenian fagot defending bosnians. go lick some achmet dick you illiterate swede or fuckkface diaspora

But neither Dalmatians Serbs or Bosniaks have Turkish admixture
Slovenes are closer to Turks genetically than aforementioned
Which is why slovenes are short but Dinarics are the tallest people in the world

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slovenes are short because they decided to be raped by the g*rmans for 800 years

links to insta rettard. how can you prove those are bosniak wahmen not some irish redheads you are posting you retard.

if average bosniak wahman is redhead as you posted before then it shouldnt be hard to find 15 instagrams of bosniaks whores being redheaded witth freckles to post here as proof.

you cant even find 5, yet if average bitch looked like that you would easily find 1000s

shame that an ubermensch like yourself still speaks english like a fucking retard

kek. keep coping you turk subhuman. we have none turkish admixture you have some, others have many. just look at any genetic makeup stats.

but you wont, becuase you justr post instagram picture whores and spew lies like the hrček you are.

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meh had a bosnian chick in my class one, brown eyes. And muslim ffs.


tallest people in the world? I beg your pardon?

we werent raped. we lived in their country as state ,and kept oour culture and language. unlike you peoople which after 600 year of being raped by turks are now called AHMETašević or MEHMETbegovič. lamo turk faggot.

t. swarthy turk.

anyways im out of this thread i wont argue with subhumans retards. its pointless. just one look at iq map is enough to tell one how things go.

all čefurs and šiptars are same sewage shit subhuman chainsmoking retards.

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