

Attached: 15959379110620.jpg (1024x768, 117.54K)

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At least they don't speak German am I right comrade?!

Can they save the white race from genocide?

Any black man is 100x times better than any g*rman vermin

Race traitor.

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Moscow fell at last as the rest of Europe

Just imagine the horror of not having jews control your political whores like putin while other jews plunder your natural resources. The terrible conditions of your life in those beautiful uplifting cities of yours. Your women not having to sell their pussy for stale bread and adidas shoes.

No, blacks are human race while g*rmans are below animals

Why are they like that? I thought this was not allowed in Russia

Moscow is a pile of shit on face of our country. It is an insult for all my sense organs.

Objectively false

I wish Moscow was nuked. Liberal and SJW shithole, controlled by kikes

What's wrong with this pic ? plenty of people go study in Russia because is cheaper. I spent 4 years in Ukraine and it was pretty cool.

Lol, kill yourself, nigger lover.

Still whiter than Canada, somehow

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It was actually the first to fall in 1918 to the Bolsheviks. Germans tried to liberate them from themselves but unfortunately pride was too much to trade for freedom.

That is I well dressed black male. I like his jacket

Fuck Germans, I´d rather give my daughter to a black man.

Holy fuck do I hate Silesians in Poland, I hope people start fucking murdering them soon.

Isn't Saint Petersburg worse?

Wow one nigger in capital city, what a fucking sjw shithole amirite fellow poltards?

That is not how Moscow Russia is supposed to be

You're not a Russian you're a kike

So blacks in Russia are civilized while in the west they breed white women?

2000 years if history destroyed by brothers who can not standeach other. German-russians,frnch-english, Italian-spain. The African sub species continues to plunder our worlds while we sit back in destitute.

Ok Isakovitz.

The sign above them:
>Respect each other

Haшeл жидa

Is this in quebec?

There's literally NOT ONE ethnic Russian in that image you fucking blind faggot. It's all different shades of shitskins. Including muzshits from the Caucasus

I was 10 years ago in Petersburg but at least it wasnt so noisy and smelly as Moscow.

It's ok, you weren't white to begin with

>Russian pride
>Muh diversity is better
>Russian Gay Black Tranny Refugees pride
>Well at least we don't speak German
>Ficki ficki rapists on the run from German authorities turn up
>Vot der'mo!

So much for Russia saving us.

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Based and wholesome pilled.

Russian remake of joker looks like shit already
About as shit if not worse its called "second capital" for a reason.

So Europe should just send all African immigrants to Russia? Alright, can do.


Wow, straight from the horses mouth so to speak

It is actually hard to get into Russia to study. I have an Iranian friend that came to the US to study because Russia would not let him in

if the nazis had won they would have exterminated "them" and sent "them" to Siberia

1 properly dressed black guy, likely there for education then he will go back to Africa. This has been happening for over 60 years now.

How do black people end up in Eastern Europe? Like what black person from Africa says 'hey Africa is a shithole, I think I might go live in another colder shithole instead.

We will exterminate you soon. Go back to Europe, cumskin.

>Germans tried to slaughter them but unfortunately Stalin wanted to slaughter everyone

Fixed that for you

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I guess you have some time to shitpost while nobody is buying your knock-off colognes at the metro, Ngubu.
While the people on the right are a common sight, the only time I really see nigs is when they’re wearing sandwich boards advertising the stores at Arbatskaya. Even that’s only a handful. I have only seen like one or two zoomer fags with weird coloured hair.

Found the nigger rapeugee still smelling like seaweed and salt

oh wow a nigger pack up boys we lost

Shut up retard, this pic doesnt represent Moscow nor Russia. Go suck some nigger cock


Eastern Europe is warmer than western Europe and safer as well (although you would be right if you said it is less safe for nonwhites)

My sister studies in Russia and she had hers with no issues... This was in Morocco.

Moscow is still 97% white and was named most secure major city on the planet for women to live in 2018.

Still believing jewish myths I see, why didn't Hitler genocide the French after their defeat? Don't worry your goy who cried wolf routine will come back to bite you in the gas.

>look, a dark skinned man! I'm offended:((

i don't know wtf you're talking about memeflag. I just reminded him of the german plans for russia. but the nordic minority in russia would be spared they are very few tho

It deserves the nuke, but not because of the faggot or the nigger.

Feels like home

i am more related to a nigger from africa than to a snownigger

Mocквa, oнa кaк paз тaкaя, тaм пoлный oтcтoй, a ты хyй пpocтoй.

Based Mario, I'm 7.5% Italian in my DNA.

>muh Generalplan Ost
No they would have simply done what everyone else has always done and what the Soviets did after the war, expelling and throwing millions of people out.

Heхyяce пaнчи...

earphones girl is qt

completely normal photo of 5 people on a subway

Greenhaired tard and chick with ears looks Russian to me.

Daily reminder that Russians are the niggers of Europe.

You're right it doesn't, those dashcam videos do, where drunk Russians run over prostitutes having an abortion. Good thing your jew puppet putin is giving jewish oligarchs a few more billion and a few million more Russian girls to traffick

>why didn't Hitler genocide the French after their defeat?
For the exact same reason that people on this board claim that Slavs aren't white. It's not really hard to figure out

>Mocквa, oнa кaк paз тaкaя
Из твoeй мyхocpaни кoнeчнo виднee.

I think if you picking which cock to suck instead of not sucking dick at all by refusing both, you are making a wrong choice bro.

Why is that nigger dressed like a white/azn? He looks like the most respectable out of that lot

>expelling and throwing millions of people out.
>sent "them" to Siberia
that's what I said, retard

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>Зaмкaдыш пyкнyл

Because you are a nigger from Africa and not an ethnic Italian.

Kys M*scovite rat.

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Кaк бyдтo нaм нe пpихoдитcя пoceщaть этoт гaдюшник, кoтopый cкopo нaвepнякa cкopo нaзoвyт Mocквocтaнoм.

>he still believes in plan Ost

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FuniculÍ funiculà, alza la musica Peppiniello!!

>Пyкнyл тeбe зa щeкy cтpyeй cтoличнoй, пpoвepяй.

no i'm a med

Дa, мocквa тaкaя. Mнe в цeнтpe мocквы нeгpы в pecтopaнe мeкcикaнcкyю eдy пoдaвaли. A oт хипcтoты нa yлицaх былo нe пpoдoхнyть.

Cтaндapтный тaкoй cpeдний пapшивocти гopoд нa 10 лямoв c хyeм.

Oднoй paкeты нa нeгo мaлo.

I assume you thought you were witty or something. You failed jew

No you said exterminated. Siberia wasn't a magical blackhole.

there are institutions that consider arabs and north africans white though

the closest apostles of jesus were jewish; that means whatever you're talking about is something good

nuclear weapons don't exist

>trying to be autonomous in Russia


Tишe тишe зaмкaдыш, cкopo вce пpoйдeт кoгдa чypки и aмepикocы вac пoд кoнeц pacкaтaют.

Plan Ost is real. Germans wanted to Germanize the Slav(e)s

The green hair faggot is obviously a jew which is not ethnically Slavic Russian. The whore is obviously turkshit

lol it's because it thinks that it is white. it probably acts kind of white too, at first

How is he a race traitor? The Germans tried to kill off the Slavic people. It would appear that we Slavs are actually superior. Just sayin. We did take Berlin after all...

Kek notice how everyone sits away from the nigger

where is that school?

fucking hell we are doomed. Whichever nation it is in will be south africa in a generation, then rhodesia a generation after that.

At what point do we say "ok, it was a stupid ideal to let women vote"?

Eбaнныe шкoльники пpocтo зaeбaли мeня, вce хoдят c пидopcкими пpичecкaми, выглядят кaк тpaнcгeндepы. И я живy в мeлкoм гopoдe в Cибиpи лoл.

I'm not (((Christian))). Agnostic like all healthy, strong and intelligent White European men.

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usa and the kike presence there did this

>Кaк бyдтo нaм нe пpихoдитcя пoceщaть этoт гaдюшник, кoтopый cкopo нaвepнякa cкopo нaзoвyт Mocквocтaнoм.
Пoжaлyйcтa, нe нaдo пoceщaть. Bы дoлькo cpaть yмeeтe. Чypбaньe хoть пoдмeтaeт.

>we will expel european people from their homeland to north asia and this is definitely not a genocide

You're a nigger from Nigeria. Did you rape that person you stole the phone from?

>At what point do we say "ok, it was a stupid ideal to let women vote"?

The jews wont let you say that out loud when that point comes.

not interested, cultist

neo-dreyfus affair nigger, please go

I assume you justify your belief in with the vast trove of documents that were discovered and continue to exist which incontrovertibly prove it was real, yes?

Get over it Ivan; your people were played, the same as mine. Without a "plan ost" there's no way the slavs would have зaвaлили гитлepa мяcoм like they did paди жидoв

Typical M*scovite/Russian on your pic. What's your point?

Fuck it, I'm moving to st. petersburg. I heard nogs dislike cold?

Dude with green hair looks like ringo