Be terrorized and drugged up by government

>be terrorized and drugged up by government
>develop mental disordere
>become terrorists
Why is this life?

Attached: 1595886525841.jpg (400x400, 72.07K)

Other urls found in this thread:


The size of that schnoz!

Whats going on in this thread?

Attached: wacko.jpg (589x334, 13.94K)


Boot that heb into the stargate, let the goauld deal with them

that has to be shopped, right?


Attached: StargateTealc-PLATE-750x750.jpg (750x750, 104.43K)

>Reverse image search
Oh god. Katie Grant, it is real.

what are you mk ultra triggers? mine are gold stars with hearts in the middle

Look at the schnozz on that Yid.

It's like her entire face is constructed around the giant nose. Everything flows into the nose.

Wipe off the lipstick stick one of those vampire stars around a it’s neck and throw a cape on it and you have Dracula.

>what are your mk ultra triggers
black people

Please fucking kill me

Attached: dna.jpg (1032x1640, 138.31K)

fuck me that has to be the jewest jew that ever jewed

Attached: 466831FD-17C6-41E1-903A-58350F5970C0.jpg (714x1119, 65.2K)

reverse image throws up some creepy shit

Attached: 2020-07-28 13.53.08 51afb757b1bb.png (2435x1841, 699.05K)

Jews get out.

Attached: Capture.png (147x128, 4.8K)

That nose ain't right.

Attached: 1573474258871.png (321x257, 80.47K)

Attached: 2F7A68DB-0567-4959-98A8-02872097CE76.png (310x395, 215.1K)

this is my wife. shes so beautiful.

You do realize the owners of that site admitted to fudging with peoples supposed low percentages like yours

And freemasons, satanists, luciferians, new agers, order of eastern star, jesuits, ... the whole megakike-ignorant complex:

Because war is the natural state of all things in this universe.

Oy vayyy lmao

That doesn't actually make sense

God she's sexy.

It’s the organ with which she sniffs out the shekels in the pockets of gentiles.

Attached: D08D2535-C556-4C5C-B98D-DDF0DB82D1B1.jpg (256x256, 33.96K)

This post doesn't help much unless you tell us which way the numbers were manipulated.

Basically the owners admitted to giving white people a very small percentage of Sub-Saharan DNA so they could 'mess with racists'

Go look it up