Go ahead and defend this, bootlickers

Go ahead and defend this, bootlickers.

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Wow. Just wow.

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enjoy your new forehead fuckhole, cunt. Try not to spawn any more commies out of it.

No one cares. Everyone knows you're just running these people out for the optics and photo ops.
Literally, the entire nation knows exactly what you're doing and no one cares.

defend? Im fapping to it.

play stupid games something something

Funny, no mothers were shot in the face here, but my state doesn't allow socialist mobs to do whatever they want.


The feds did nothing wrong.
>inb4 called a boot-licker
I was joking with that previous statement. Feddos hurt a mom only doing her thing. She wasn't violent, she wasn't causing a problem. Just peacefully protesting. Feds are committing a Waco 2.0.

>Wow. Just wow.

>block police from intervening in ongoing riots
>get non-lethaled the fuck out
>whine because you're a mom
>demand gender equality
America is funny.

LMao stupid white bitch

>facing off
This had to be intentional.

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You’re not protesting faggot you’re rioting. Mee-maw should’ve stayed the fuck home. Dumb stupid cunt.

How long until they bind their newborn to their riot shields and are wondering why they got hurt?

that's an anus you fucking homo, get a grip.

imagine cumming on her forehole

At least she understands her privilege.

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Hahahaha, niggerfeet licker

That's the taxpayer's boot. Enjoy.

Shouldve kept her helmet on I guess.

>we been on the front line
I am not a native speaker, but this doesnt seem to be correct grammar.
Just open fire from automatic weapons allready.

Dog moms

No one told her to go protest. She knew shat she was getting into.

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Should have been a 308.

YOU are the bootlicker.


If you're going to go to war against federal agents, you need to bring a gun and and you need to shoot them before they shoot you.

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She looks drugged and retarded

Why is bellingcat publishing cracked articles now? They're still not funny, still full of cia press releases. Why are they so lazy hiding it? Why can't we discuss this?

>I gave birth that means I dont have to face consequences

She should have been at home taking care of her kid.

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I'm amused. Sadly this niggerloving commie still lives

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hahaha based


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Race traitors deserve worse

What a fucking retard. This is a woman's brain on feminism. The cops gave her a reality check. I hope she learns but I highly doubt it.

No one cares about karen

kek that would be peak entertainment

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Communists aren't people. I wish they had shot her with real bullets.

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you fucking nazis asked for identity politics why are you asking them to stop at their whiteness. moms , dad,grandmother veterans

You crypto nazi fucks are the ones who chose hide your power level now you are a faceless group of storm troopers

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>Go ahead and defend this
play stupid games...

>attend violent riots
>get violated

i love tammy!


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This should happen soon enough. I dont have it saved on this pc, but there is footage of some mudblood woman using her kid to hit someone else.

Was she shot at home? So what was she looking for there, free candy?

>Waco 2.0
Except now the feds are on defense.

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>as a mother of 3 young children
u w0t
u fuckin w0t m8
What the fuck is wrong with these “people”? REEEEEEEEE You’d think with 3 young children you’d have your hands full and different priorities. Like being a mother to your 3 kids and not going out to get shot by bullets, rubber or otherwise. Those poor kids don’t stand a chance, do they?

Single mothers are cancer

she let herself get hurt for optics

Yep now im convinced there's some sort of ''raid'' going on right now because there's been alot of threads like these in the past couple days

>I think all the people that hate us and want to say shit to us are too big of pussies to stop and actually do anything about it

How do they know they were federal agents? Thought they didn't wear any identifying information. And that use of the word she. Can you please stick to a narrative

don't participate in fucking riots and you won't get shot retard

She is the real bootlicker, she risked her children's future for stupid niggers and antifa to essentially be a meat shield for them. She got what she fucking deserved.

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

You're correct, it should be "we have been on the front line". Instead it reads like jogger-speak where they leave out words and sound retarded.

>you fucking nazis

You lick capitalist banker jew boots

>shot in the face
>didn't die

They should've aimed better.

Okay. Based feds.

Hello again, shlomo
Can you afford that new menorah yet?

99% of these "moms" aren't even mothers or even women in the first place, a majority of them are just single feminist she-ogres. Shill harder

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Play stupid games win stupid prizes

>go to protest where you expect and are aware of violence
>cry injustice when violence happens

It's almost like your actions have consequences

A perfect fit for my dick.

She should be shot again. What mother does this shit? She looks like a dyke anyway and her kid would be better off being taken from her.

>Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

the kids are taken care of by Mrs. Silverstein since they are 2 years of age.
That strong independent woman obviously doesnt have time for them as its her duty to sit in an office for 10 hours a day, make facebook and twitter posts about how great niggers are and getting shot with rubber bullets.
I am also convinced that those 3 kids have at least 2 different fathers.

Guess she's just facing off now

>We been on the front line

What is the final solution to the Portland question?

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What is there to defend? The only shame is that they didn't use a regular bullet.

Too bad it wasn't a real bullet.

She was the mother of all of Portland? What the fuck does adding ‘mom’ in the title add? Is it to instill empathy in normies?

White women truly are the worst pieces of shit in modern era
I'd love to just beat the shit out of every single white woman in America

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Fuck off faggot, she needed to eat a bullet


I can’t get over how stupid this bitch is. Leaving her 3 kids to go out at night to simp for niggers. The feds should’ve shot her dead and her kids would be better off.

What a fucking laughing stock.
I would like to restate my claim that I want to see automatic fire unleashed in their direction.
Or any kind of violence or mayhem really.

I prefer to laugh as my enemies attack each other.

Sympathetic characters. It's an antifa tactic for propaganda.

They’re not moms, they’re the same rioters and trannies who have been out there every day.

Eradication of white women
Remove white women and BLM is done

She should’ve been home raising her kid.


Silly woman wants to feel important
puts her own pride ahead of her childrens safety
gets shot in the face for taking part in riots
some faggot comes to pol expecting us to have anything but contempt for a silly woman and her silly decisions.
KYS faggot.

You just know they’d happily sacrifice their kid and use to to destroy Trump and his “stormtroopers”

the cops should just carry around paintball guns. they hurt enough that you dont really wanna stand and keep getting shot by them and literally no chance of causing permanent damage to someone.