Right leaning Centrist here

I really hate commies, but I think I hate this more. $13,000 for a shitty pair of shoes? That's brand new economy car money. Shit like this, is actually a very strong argument for why capitalism isn't perfect either. What say you user, is this ok with you?


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Other urls found in this thread:

bowmitsubishi.com/new-inventory/index.htm?search=&year=2020-2020&model=Mirage&sortBy=internetPrice asc&saveFacetState=true&lastFacetInteracted=inventory-listing1-facet-anchor-model-1&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI8Ia_r5Dw6gIVjcDACh3vygIBEAAYAiAAEgKmCPD_BwE

So don’t buy them faggot

0.1% of shoes are 13k. Apparently small amount of people are willing to pay for that

No shit. That's just a quarter of my yearly earnings.

Fpbp. At least in this system you can go for the 12k shoes if you want them. Under communism the only people getting those shoes will be the party leadership.

>some things have a high price tag therefore capitalism bad
what a pointlessly retarded thread
range ban canada

If its starting to not look okay, than the age is changing. I'd say don't worry about it user, let them roll their bags of fake fiat up their hills for their shapes of plastic and cotton user, it needn't be your game

Just go on taobao, reverse image search, then get a pair for

Shouldn't there be some kind of added value, besides the label on the side?

For that money I'd need these fucking things to make it possible to jump 20 feet vertically.

Or walk on fucking water.

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>he thinks the shoes have some quality logically predicating 13k and the entire point of owning them isn't that they're 13k
>he thinks there has ever been a single socialist arrangement where the unstated goal has not been to get its leaders those shoes
Stop larping and turn 30, communist

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Over 40. Hate commie ideology. Hate shit like this too.

Is there middle ground? Why the fuck not?

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a new compact sedan is 16 to 20k in the us, and a pair of shoes is 15 to 120 dollars. why are commies intellectually dishonest if they are not intellectually deficient?

>painting made of stains
>sells for millions
lots of value there commie

>fellow right wing capitaist here haha definitely not Ching Chong CCP agent haha

Who cares, Chang. Go back to China if you want communism. I can offer for sale anything I own for any amount of money and if someone is willing to pay the price we made a fair deal. No one is forcing you to buy 13.000 dollar shoes. Nobody is forcing you to do anything. if you don't like it here you are free to leave. Unlike your country, we don't shoot people who want to leave. Just leave. It's called freedom.

Attached: 3A3FFB6300000578-3925844-image-a-62_1478827082572.jpg (634x329, 34K)

bowmitsubishi.com/new-inventory/index.htm?search=&year=2020-2020&model=Mirage&sortBy=internetPrice asc&saveFacetState=true&lastFacetInteracted=inventory-listing1-facet-anchor-model-1&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI8Ia_r5Dw6gIVjcDACh3vygIBEAAYAiAAEgKmCPD_BwE

>center right
>mentions capitalism
Yeah ok sure pal. Let me guess mr "center right" you are gonna suggest the workers take the means of production next.

Yeah. His name was Adolf Hitler. Read picrel

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It's a status symbol people are willing to pay for.
Gay thread

God Audrey Plaza is hot. There’s never threads of her on /hr/

Unironically defending $13,000 Nike's.

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Those who actually spend $13000 deserve to be scammed, that's a beauty not a fallacy

People can choose how to spent their money, stupid people make stupid choices

OP is a man on the verge of embracing third position

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Yes, you can’t be even Center right if you so much as mention capitalism. The free market will hear you and crush you.

You think twitter and amazon literally ruling the world is capitalism?

Taking advantage of moronic rich people with "luxury" items is one of the best parts of capitalism. They are fucking retarded with money.


Poor fag

the whole thread saw right through your "center right" facade and now you're seething.
It's cuz he's not center right dipshit. he's here to slide. capitalism is a lefty term. we don't believe in it.

Problem is, those are the same people who make millions for doing essentially nothing.

Why do people make millions/billions for essentially doing nothing?

I guess you fucks will defend that too? Probably.

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>for George Floyd.

>13k for shoes
what, did one of the chink babies die making them?

>I guess you fucks will defend that too
Literally no one is defending anything, but leftypol 101 is to strawman everyone who doesn't immediately fit their worldview of the evil hypercapitalist. You wierdos are so easy to spot.
>oh um.. hey pol i'm just asking an innocent question. no motive
>Are you seriously denying the Marxist dialectic right now? Like holy shit you guys are dumb. fuckin racists. look at this mixed race girl.

Most of those brands have somewhat higher quality though. I mean, there is quite a big difference between a Volvo and a Ferrari or a Primark and a Ralph Lauren polo t-shirts.

If your fantasy is real why not just make millions yourself for doing nothing?

Literally you are.

I got to go fucks. A slaves work is never done. My boss needs $13,000 shoes.

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>Third Wayism doesn't get discovered every 5 years since 1970 and isn't a bunch of dupes and pawns advocating for people slightly to their right to fall under the control of smarter, more ruthless people to their left, just like every single other leftist
$13,000 Nikes exist and have existed in every society, from shiny rocks for the nigger rock kang to Castro's palaces. If more people could afford $13,000 Nikes they will have to make $32,000 Nikes. That's the whole point.

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You get the rope too commie faggot.