All White woman hate threads are posted by kikes

All White woman hate threads are posted by kikes.
Hating your own women is the most jewish of plots.

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user, I look down upon 99,99% of all women.

I don't hate them, I just find them tiresome.
Tried marrying two or three over my life, its just not worth it, they're perpetual children with no personal sense of responsibility to anyone but themselves...who then somehow get angry at you if you ever appear to be "selfish".
Its just not worth it. I wish it was.

you got jewed krautanon

denazification is complete in your case. Sad!

But thats usual for muslims

Cool larp

you must know some shitty women.

post tits


Fuck off, we don't care!

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Pathetic roasties

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Looking down upon a woman is much different than hating them.

I've known a good sized handful of shitty women. This isn't to say that I'm perfect either, but my last LTR literally would sit in front of her computer and get angry that she was hungry if I didn't cook. She couldn't do laundry, her computer desk was a constant pile of beer cans and snack was appalling and don't get me started on her personal hygiene, she'd go 3 or 4 days at a time without a shower. It was like living with everything women think men are, except....not.

You wanted tits
Here you go

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the problem with a lot of guys is that they can't get single. I'm not suggesting MGTOW, but make it so they have to get on your level for you to even consider dating them. You value as a man is not based on women at all.

Time for you to start to work out, bro.

Eh I'm single now. I have been for about 3 years since the last LTR. I don't really put myself in situations where women can take an interest now...and when one does I tend to get pretty nervous and start avoiding her.

But everyone knows every nice Jewish boy loves his mother

Why is there so much overlap with incels and neo-nazis?

I don't consider women who fuck niggers or sandniggers "our" women, and am always happy when they get beaten to death by them.

>tfw I actually do

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>why is there such an overlap with incels and loxist zionist shitbags?

Zionists fuck though

White women are unironically causing more problems in western civilization than any other group.

No shit its pretty obvious.

Actually i think i get it. It's the same type of entitelment. Wanting "Lesser" people to give you what you want from them just because, and being surprised and angry when they don't, along with saying the problem is anything but what people say it is and refusing to do mental self improvment

You need to work on your routine.

this is Zig Forums fellow leaf
we don't do obvious here

>be jewbag
>look white
>not really white
>denounce white people all the time

wHy Do ThEy TrEaT uS sO?

>be leaf
>act black
>not really black
>denounce black gentleman all the time

WhY arE YOu FuCkiNG MY wIFe

>Muh soggy knee
One note, one pony, one trick. one dimension.

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women are the trojan horses that the jew rats use to destroy their host societies.