

Attached: Screenshot_2020-07-28 After COVID-19, Africans Should Consider Career Advancement in Japan and South Korea The African Expo[...].png (711x629, 390.65K)

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Says the Chink

After Covid-19, Japanese should consider remilitarizing and kick out all foreigners.

bettert than europe

>china arguing the benefits of diversity
meanwhile china has like 99% han population, and openly despise niggers and mudslimes which the chinese government actively suppress
>diversity for thee, but not for me

Someone post the jews bowling the "BLACKS" ball into the "Respectful, functioning society" pins

Yes. Japanese need black's strong DNA to change their short legs and wicked teeth.

>suggesting niggers to go to openly racist countries
is this based?

Exactly. It is literally a plot by China to undermine Japan and South Korea, who they've been subtly working on undermining for 20 years.

>nobody post the state mandated race mixing pool, pls

nah they doing it to themselves for having a great ally who dabbles in SJW PC culture the USA.


based. They should just transform their shitholes into wakanda and stop immigrating everywhere.

Wtf happened to Abe? I thought he wasn't fond of immigration, what made him change of mind? Last time I did my research, they were accepting more low skilled immigrants, but only keeping them there temporarly.

Africans are like the fat kid in the neighbourhood that nobody wants in their team

the only people they're encouraging to go to china are the ones they're harvesting organs off of.
did you ever wonder why they're harvesting MUSLIM organs?

why do they undermine everyone wtf
they could have done rid the continent from the abrahamic menace if they allied with us. sad!

world wide negrofication

Attached: 1544552884055.jpg (2560x1707, 511.91K)

>Xiaochen Su
Doesn't sound very Japanese to me

>Africans should shit up Japan and South Korea
>By Xiaochen Su
Seems legit Wang

Based. The world needs more blasians - the ultimate hybrid with superior intellect and superior athleticism than any other race.

Whew lads, and these people think whites are racist. Wait until a nigger steps foot in Japan

They should prove themselves first by making afrinime first.

Attached: 427625.jpg (800x450, 192.7K)

That's the goal, the Euro-Asian-Negroid hybrid race of the future.


Attached: Chad-Kalergi.jpg (572x758, 296.91K)

Based, Japan needs more diversities just like South Korea.


Do these retards even read the nonsense they write?

There's already a black owned anime studio and they doing work. They need to make some BLACKED hentai on the side honestly. Wayyy too little black representation in hentai.

>Japanese and Korean hate black men
Lol this will be fun.

there is no more han anymore

good idea to change narrative to "china needs immigration form Africa since they are helping them so much already"

Ignore him, he's probably some african-american hagwon teacher.

Stop sending financial aid to africa.
Stop accepting migrants from africa.
Earth is overpopulated and a continent where they can't feed themselves is the one who increases in population the most. The've been starving since the 60's when they where 250 million. Now they're closing on 1.4 billion.


Based Changs keeping neighbour relations on Balkan tier kek

>Send niggers to Japan and Korea, goy
haha wouldn't it be funny if China was behind these posts
>Realizes it's literally written by chink journo
Wow at least try to be subtle.

Just do it! Your masters want cheap labor but you can always try to be a sycophant. Do it!

Will mutts ever stop ruining things?