What's the normiefag explanation for why jews were kicked out of so many countries ?

What's the normiefag explanation for why jews were kicked out of so many countries ?

Is it all just down to banking shenanigans ?

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Terrible persecution for no reason.


Antisemitism is the only reason they need.

it is never discussed because its antisemetic to bring it up

Normies don't know anything but the holocaust.

Jealously and schizophrenia.

4 braindead retarded replies in under a minute
j i d f . o r g / p o l /

No. the narrative is that people are all racist and don't like foreigners.
That's why we need to breed ourselves out of existence with multiculturalism to prove how non racist we are

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Everyone just hates jews for no reason. That's literally what they think. Also The Simpsons is a bunch of Jewish garbage.

Fuck off kike

Scapegoat is often cited too.


Fuck off JIDF

Literally religious persecution, countries often would arbitrarily only allow Christians to do most jobs. Most pagans converted or died, Jews refused.

On rediit the common explanation is that Jews were a minority in all of these countries and were and easy scapegoat, there is nothing inherently wrong with Jews. Also by googling this question, the first sites that pop up are the ADL.

this. to normies, jews can do no wrong

the normie narrative is that they were persecuted and scapegoats because they were a minority everywhere they went and they usually handled finance and in some cases took their usury too far, but a majority especially the later ones, were due to antisemitism

What is actually wrong with Americans?

They're ethnonationalists. Even when in another country they maintain their own society, culture, and sense of ethnic purity. Naturally, when you don't assimilate, people view you as the "other", and you may become the target of suspicion when an issue comes up.

Jews try to cheat the locals and start civil unrest in any community stupid enough to let them. Eventually locals kick them out.

I've heard this but never really believed it.

Biblical myth of them killing Jesus.

shut up, bot

What's the polfag explanation of then being banned from so many websites

Excuse them Vlad, they’re autistic from the good goyim chemical castration

Some one was stupid enough to let in one Jew rat in to honest book keeping office, Jews one after each other start steel money with excuse of paper trade turned into Bank and print money out of nothing .

Humans of all race ans nations work like a bees for money so that Jews could harvest honey , like it is written in the Jew Book.

Do you even have a book? what is your question?

Americans are having their cities burned and see glowniggers everywhere, and also fear the take-over of the new century by the Chinese Empire, which will replace the American Empire.
Or in other words, they're just being Americans, like usual.

Oy vey! We are only abducting your children and drinking their blood. We only corner the market on necessary goods then Jack up the price. Oy vey, why am I persecuted?!

Interesting, nowdays seems like the roles have switched. Majority is being scapegoated.

History books are candid about the amount of control Jews have exerted over the banking, mercantile, and real estate industries in the countries they migrate to and how it has led to conflicts with the locals. But if you bring it up in a political sense you are the next Hitler.

BJC taking all the women

Take your meds schizo

This is an answer from (((Goldstein))) on quora.

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>Zig Forums answer
Jews gonna Jew. Eat babies, etc.
>Fairer answer
Jews existed in most European countries as a distinct social group that was property of a noble. E.g., the Jews in Flanders would have a head of village who would pay taxes, enforce laws, and talk directly with the ruler. So, whenever the balance of power shifted, it became a real question of what to do with the Jews. If you were a Jew in Flanders under the Catholic ruler, and the territory now went to a Protestant ruler, that new ruler had to decide if the Jews were worth keeping. Are they more loyal to your predecessor? Are there any debts owed? How does the local population view them? Do the religious views of my family align with having Jews remotely close to me?

This is also why Jews in Muslim countries generally did a lot better - they were relatively protected, and there wasn't much of a gain in expelling them.

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This. Jews are so wonderful and gentiles are jealous

>Is it all just down to banking shenanigans?
Inversion, subversion, perversion.
Over and over and over and over again.
Do they know what they are doing or is it in their blood, and which is worse.

Jews literally did kill Jesus and they also have a proven history of "opening the gates"/conspiring with invaders.

Stop posting

they are the adopted children of Satan. they do it because they enjoy spreading evil for their own benefit.