Jewish women are using YOUR foreskin as facial creme!

I you are a circumcized American, you should know that your jewish doctor sold your foreskin to a cosmetics company that put it in a blender to make facial creme for rich jewish women!
I am not kidding:

Attached: penis facial.jpg (760x524, 40.67K)

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They make that with aborted babies too.

Amazing, I know I saw the project veritas tapes where they admit it.
No wonder the jews are so bold, look at what we tolerate.

Article says korean babies, I think im old enough were my foreskin was tossed in the trash.

>Good, at least some part of my dick touched a woman.

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>dont worry goyim were not taking your foreskin, just the ones from...uh...Korea
Korea doesnt have a dickcutting fetish, I guarantee you 99% of the foreskins are harvested in the land of the (foreskin-)free and the home of the mutilated babies

Am i missing something? This isn't new

Give us the scoop. What products do they make with foreskins from jewish babies?

clothes, hand moisturisers, perfume, religious offerings some soups, some soaps, tinder...maybe some other leather-y stuff if there's a shortage? I'm not an expert

Does the rabbi sucking the blood from the foreskin help in the refinement process?
How much does a foreskin cost?

before they did but now they don't. They might do a sloppy job or give a sloppy job which fucks up the process. The process itself is a bit of a trade secret, so i won't say it
>How much does a foreskin cost?
Depends on the type, there's a bit too much supply for demand right now so it's fluctuating, but at my local store its 4$ a raw piece assuming it's white, if it's black it's a bit more exotic and lenghy so it costs approx 13$

We don't want to be called antisemites mind you

that actually makes you less of a loser than most of us

When my son was born we had to tell them probably 5 or 6 times that we did not want a circumcision. They even scheduled it after we had turned it down and we had to tell them again that we didn't want it. It's disgusting how eager american doctors are to mutilate baby penises.

>Foreskin get cut by rabbi doctor
>Foreskin gets made into a creme for women
>Woman applies said creme on her face and lips
>Basically got a blowjob

See ya later virgins . (not me btw since I am not a mutilated amerimutt)

Attached: cool pepe.jpg (630x630, 46.03K)


Fake and gay. Fake because you’re using USD in an Israeli store. Gay because you’re buying dicks.

these people are SICK!

Haha damn you had a facial done on a hag, my man!

This has been around for a long time. That stuff sells for huge money...probably one reason they push circumcision so hard...$$$

dont forget about the delicious incredible meat

What happened to my foreskin if I got circumcised at 11?

I want specific product names/series, shlomi

user, I just checked my pants and I’ve still got mine, it’s not on a jews face at all.

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My favorite part of the day is telling Jewish people that I’m Jewish by blood (My grandmother) but I still have my foreskin. Seeing these lizards seethe and try to convince me I can’t be fully religious unless I get my dick cut. Although I’d never seek religious validation , simply seeing the look on their face of pure hate is the greatest thing ever.

Every day you do this?
Who is listening to you talk about your foreskin on such a regular basis?

jewish women use my whole nigger dick on their faces actually lmao


So these kids are giving their first facial at birth? Not bad..

No they're not.
I still have mine.

Most recently at a friend’s party where a bunch of JEWS were invited and did their drunk/ritualistic dance shit when they all got drunk. I did this Jewish program for school where they paid me 300 USD for doing some jew shit on the weekends. Told them I quit the program cause it felt like a secret club where if you were Jewish you got a job automatically once you fully completed a year of the program. I didt feel right since I don’t want to be black mailed in the future or cut foreskin just cause I’m not “Jewish enough”

Audible kek

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