Are we insane or are normies retarded?

Is anyone else depressed at how surreal it all this?

There's 1 group of people - whites - whose countries aren't actual dogshit. Every non-white country (besides a couple east asian ones) are, for the most part, shitholes. Where whites go, civilization prospers, and where browns and blacks go, civilization takes a shit. Whites are also the most beautiful race - fair skin, fair eyes, fair hair, diverse phenotypes while everyone else is a legit black eyed, black haired, dark skinned mongrel.

We built amazing countries like no other. Wherever we went, we prospered - Europe, America, Canada, Australia. We have actual clean, safe nations, while everyone else has just a brown and black smelly dirty shithole.

And we are a preciously small minority in the world - we have low birthrates, and make up a tiny percentage of the worlds population compared to all the other "humans" out there.

Those are just some of the things that make us stand out. And yet...we are IMPORTING BY THE MILLIONS all these disgusting bantu third world orcs into our countries. Canada, for example, has 25 million white people - meanwhile the entire fucking population of asia and the middle east, 3 billion people, all want to move there. Why the fuck would we EVER let them in? And yet, we are...How the FUCK does nobody care?


Am I going insane? Am I just some angry loser racist? How do normies think this is fucking OK?

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>Is anyone else depressed at how surreal it all this?
it's not depressing nor surreal, op.
why are you weak?

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10 bucks you're a spic.

yes, I too love to see the destruction of my land and the rape of my women, its great

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It’s just like the lion king! Fuck hyenas. Those black dogs ruined the land by coming here and depleting it’s resources. HAIL MUFASA. HAIL MUFASA. KILL ALL SCARS.

The societal brainwashing is complete.

the only people who disagree with you are butthurt nonwhites and their jew-controlled brainwashed white handlers. you're sane bro.

btw OP it makes more sense when you add NPCs to the equation. There aren't enough souls to go around with so many people on this earth, some "people" are simply biological masses with no soul. They follow their programming with no ability to break free, they have no inner voice, no consciousness like you and I have. They simply do not possess the agency to even comprehend the consequences of jewish social planning. Its my belief that theres a certain large segment of the population that are brainwashed beyond salvation; with no soul or inner monologue they are never going to wake up.

Turn to GOD And you'll find all the answers you seek,
Kikes are doomed, the world is as it needs to be use your pain to benefit the fight against these soul sucking nigger parasites

And pray that Jesus will give you strength and eyes to see.

People aren't retarded.
They just don't teach this in school.
Political Correctness originating from China's Mao (and the Jews who put him in power) is great for looking at things from a philosophical point of view, but is highly impractical in day-to-day-life. IRL, you don't have time to think about parallel universes and alternate histories in a dog-eat-dog world.

intelligence is a scam

It is a bit sad, I agree.
Not much we can do about it at the moment. We just have to wait till the time is right, when people have had enough. Then we can take care of those who want to destroy our nations.
That will only last so long till others want to destroy once more.
Its a cycle, a mecer ending fight for our existence, for our home lands.

Many of us care, user. This may glow a bit but it’s worth putting out there steps are being taken to address it whether you are aware of and apart of it or not. That much I can assure you. A silent war is beginning to take shape in response.

Normies are obviously more fit and adapted to the modern world than you are. While you descend into madness and contemplate suicide, normies are living it up. They consoom, watch netflix, date non-white people, watch marvel movies and are happy af with being goyim.

You're obsolete.

I feel you bro. I just wish that our people would've seen the writing on the wall back then when we had a chance. Even now we have just a sliver, one shot that we cannot miss, one shot to fix everything. but its a hell of along shot.
I hope we make it, throw the loonies in the bin, we need to prosper again.

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Just remember you all matter, each one of you are on a mission to cleanse evil unbeknownst to many;
You are doing Gods work, and even if you are a believer or not, you will share in the bounty of overflowing grace and glory from the Lord

For every lost sheep you find in Jesus name he will not ignore you.

Keep spreading the Truth boys
You matter!

Yeah. At this point, we're past the point of no return. It's over already IMO. Just so so fucking tragic. That's the only way to describe it. Fucking tragic.

There's always hope. But we have to do something about it besides just being sad online, and no I don't mean "do something about it" in the violent glowing fed way, I mean peaceful and legal activism that will win hearts and minds to our side. The entire purpose of censorship is to stop us from doing this, so we need to learn ways around censorship. Poster campaigns in real life is one way, so is making endless new accounts to post redpills and evade bans. Groyping a cuckservative Q and A session to use their big platform is another way. We have to do something though

your time is up whitey. crackers are going down

you're just a normie man like most people here and you're getting brainwashed as we speak, again, like most people on here. Pills, red blue black etc are all a lie, everything's a lie. You're already gone, far gone.

It can be both. It also depends how you define insane. Increasingly, holding any view that isn't the consensus is considered insane.

>While you descend into madness and contemplate suicide, normies are living it up. They consoom, watch netflix, date non-white people, watch marvel movies and are happy af with being goyim.
i think about this a lot. starting to sympathize with the jews a little bit on their views on the goyim, not gonna lie. i see the average normie and theyre just hopelessly retarded

pareto distribution of talent.
and most people are of average intelligence.

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>Where browns and blacks go, civilization takes a shit

How exactly do you explain Indians being the highest earning ethnicity in USA and UK?

They don’t believe in racial differences.

They think that races are just a melanin adjustment in the skin. That it is literally skin deep.

Under that paradigm racism doesnt make any sense.

probability and distribution.
a lower IQ group with sufficient numbers can produce a sizable number of highly intelligent individuals.

ok, but OP said that where ever blacks and browns go, society collapses. So what you're admitting user, is that it doesn't necessarily matter what COLOUR, the people you let in are, it matters on the INDIVIDUAL.

Make white babies, and a lot of them you retard. Life is war. I get some annoyed with the "I fought so my sons didn't have to". Every single generation must fight, it's how life works. Those that don't die and doom their children to be slaves.

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On the other hand, America is collapsing.

You're not a loser. There is great evil and passiveness, but there is hope.
Whites are not the only ones who stand to lose a lot from culture and civilization being eroded, from morals devolving into Darwinian circuses, from technological progress being halted.
So long as you reject evil and ignorance, and help anyone who seeks the truth, we all still have a chance.
Narrow is the gate.

thats not what im saying at all.
this group or individual is a false dichotomy, its not a case of either or its a case of both where the group as a whole is shit but the outliers grow with group size. its important to note that group size affects number of outliers. and to note that indians that come to america are just that outliers in their talent and capability.

they're brainwashed. they have no idea what they're trying to throw away.

How do you explain the Mediterranean? Those people aren't WASPs and their culture is superior to whites.

>we trained monkeys to use outdated software, but still can't train them to shit in a toilet.

This is true, but japan mogs pretty much every white country except for maybe Switzerland. In terms of both urban and rural life.

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Don’t take the black pill user. Buy firearms and lift. Now is no time to be weak.

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that depends what you mean by culture, you're a beaner so to you culture means clothing and music, but WASPs have achieved more scientific progress than any other group of people in history.

does no one recognize this as the half life 2 zombie model without its headcrab?

I can’t tell if this is a photo or just really good concept art because the composition is almost perfect. Also the watermark from the creator on the bottom right throws me off

I do

>society is a big bubble
>importing people and foisting debt on them keeps the bubble from popping
>keeping the native born citizens on a knife edge of poverty keeps them down
>those in charge secure luxury for themselves and their descendants
>if the bubble bursts it will make things worse for everyone so lots of people accept the bubble maintenance routine

>America is collapsing

Could you please provide a causal link between 'the collapse of America', and the existence of black and brown people in the united states, and specifically, Indians, as that is what I was talking about? Also, I'd appreciate it if you could explain how the US is collapsing, but how about one issue at a time.

Even if they are outliers, shouldn't you be happy that you are getting India's brightest and most educated people?

normies are tarded son. roll with it.