Repeal without replace

Republican politicians are repealing without replacing, leaving tens of millions on the curb

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He doesn't want to be president anymore.

get a job and quit buying outside of your means you fucking piece of shit!
people like you are why we can't have nice things.
there is no reason you can't afford healthcare if you want it.
it is 100% affordable.
quit living a luxurious life of having huge tvs, vidya, dining out, expensive coffee, new clothes every week... etc.
just stop wasting your money and learn to budget, it's not fucking hard.

there is no other explanation

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Tens of millions of niggers on the curb.

Sure it's affordable... with insurance. Obamacare is insurance, abolishing it without replacement is a problem for people

>people like you are why we can't have nice things

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Good. We need to save as much money as possible for the country instead of wasting it on trash.

He can resign.
He can just not run in a few months.
Burning the playground down because the other kids were mean to you isn't the way to do it.

My insurance would be 500 a month without the government subsidy. I could only afford that with 600/wk unenployment money.

Insurance isn’t necessary.
Insurance is a scam.

Make better choices in life. Perhaps seek less luxurious healthcare options.

there really is no argument against this map. Surely, if we had the best system in the world, other notable countries would want to emulate it. Makes you think, huh?

Healthcare is always a straw man to implement medical tyranny.
Perhaps we should de-regulate medicine entirely so it stops being so expensive.

*save as much money as possible for israel

The army is always a strawman to implement military tyranny.
Perhaps we should deregulate the military entirely so it stops being so expensive

>Perhaps we should de-regulate medicine entirely so it stops being so expensive.
>everyone else is doing better with system X lets do the opposite
lol utter retard or trolling

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Wow you expect a literal child to be fair and accommodating to the fact that he failed as a president? That fucker is going to take EVERYTHING down with him stock market, businesses, economy he’s going full Samson option

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Cool, I’ve always wanted to see what happens when a president fights Jews

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Get better. Its kinda meh.

I am exactly the type of person they said Obamacare was meant to help, and it has done nothing but fuck me over completely. Let it be done away with.

No prob to me either cause I want to get back in the market but he needs to crash it
It’s just going to solidify him as the next Herbert Hoover and his “legacy” will be a reminder to next presidents what NOT to do during a crisis even though it’s not his fault and I agree there he still hasn’t handled it well enough to get the people to rally behind him and that’s his arrogance that did that.
Oh well free money on the downside coming and then free money on the upside when the market crashes

You’re a baby boomer aren’t you

He wants to hurt the GOP for stabbing him in the back, and I don't blame him one bit. Eight years of a Biden moving the right even more radical will do much more than 4 years of lame-duck retardation

Obamacare is a scam. Only niggers and commies can get on it and everybody else's insurance costs have more than quadrupled because of it despite coverage being worse now.

So? its mostly third world immigrants on it anyways.

cut their support and hopefully they'll leave.

You have to bulldoze everything before you can rebuild. I trust my President.

based, the more mutts die the better

they also need to get rid of the 1986 EMTALA, which says hospitals must accept people at the emergency room and treat them regardless of ability to pay. repeal this and the country is fixed in 5 years tops. dont repeal it and dysgenics will continue to proliferate

>free healthcare
Who the fuck made this? To my understanding, all healthcare is privatized and there are insane tax penalties that are retroactive for not purchasing health insurance.


>Who the fuck made this?
>To my understanding
Fucking bipolar