Do you feel like you've faced discrimination for being white?

Do you feel like you've faced discrimination for being white?

If yes, please tell us about your expirence(s).

Attached: white genocide isn't real.jpg (1536x2048, 354.72K)

who is 'us' ?


Went to a state university. If I was a POC I would have been accepted into the Ivy League. Affirmative Action is bullshit.

You can't know what you don't know. If someone has discriminated against me, then it hasn't stopped or deterred me. In every line of work you will meet people who like you and help further your career, or those who don't like you and try to hinder it. I'm not going to waste my time trying to figure out if Darnell doesn't like me and is backstabbing me because he wants my job or because he hates whitey. Maybe it's neither, maybe it's both, it won't change what I do to further my own interests. This is the attitude most negroes in particular are unwilling or unable to adopt, and it's why they're held back wasting time trying to kill ideas they think MIGHT be in people's heads (an impossible battle to win, you cannot stomp out racism) rather than focusing on themselves and their own betterment. They want someone else to make them succeed, to make them better. It's a laziness and responsibility issue.

I feel like PC people don't know what a sense of humor is. And I don't know how PC people have multiplied so damn quick.

Dont reply to these glow niggers this is either a cia or faggot thread.Fuck you faggot!

Well look at current college scholarships. Almost all are oriented at women or POC or LGBQT. Straight white males out of luck.

Fuck you nigger, if you want my opinions you can pay me.

Admissions were harder for me, I didn't get the opportunity to try to get minority scholarships and grants (of which there were many IIRC), and the hiring process was a bit tougher as a white man in infotech, if I'd been a minority I'd be a unicorn and insta-hired. This all counts as institutional discrimination as they don't bother hiding the practice, but apparently I deserve it because some people somewhere had slaves once.

>Do you feel like you've faced discrimination for being white?
It's rampant. It's everywhere.

Can't say "white lives matter" on social media. No special scholarships just for me.

Welfare offices won't give me money if I have white skin. I pay for welfare with taxes, but get nothing in return.

Racism against whites is systemic.

Attached: whitetaxslaves.png (756x768, 130.83K)

Yes at Popeyes. I have to bring my one negro friend with me

“Oh No, it’s Sluggo!”

I want reparations for being white.

In the graduate labs the chinese andnarab students constantly talk shit about whites and imply that chinese and arab professors deny white students places in their labs. They speak about this openly.

employer told me they don't want employees like me because we take jobs away from female minorities. at least I know that the treatment I received wasn't due to any personal hatred. racism that's clearly defined and admitted is so much less hurtful than racism that's denied. trying to pretend there's no racism is just gaslighting everybody but rich white females.

yeah, we face actual systemic racism. It looks like affirmative action for everyone but us that we still have to pay for.

Thanks God, I am not American, so no, but I still have to pay high taxes and I don't see the money coming back because it's spent on millions of third worlders who say they are not French and hate France, but still live off our generous welfare.

Attached: university.png (885x728, 489.17K)

A lot of brown/black people I've encountered in my ultra multicultural province have chips on their shoulders and assume based on my race that I think I'm better than them which in turn causes them to treat me badly.
I've tried everything to treat these people as if they were the same as me and never less than but they don't offer me that courtesy and often the fact that the media shits on white people emboldens some of them.
They take pride in being a 'victim of white people/white society' despite enjoying all the prosperity that comes with it.

An indian girl I worked with was telling a crowd of our co-workers how she would be way more ahead in life if she was white while she sat on her ass and the rest of us were actually working.

Not answering your stupid fuckin question. Keep guessing.

Walking to my car one night
3 niggers follow
Start cackling and laughing
Turn around
Hey bud what’s going on
Krakka this honkey honkey that etc
I don’t like they way you’re looking at me
They cross the road
More monkey speak with drips and drabs of “beat yo honkey ass”
Reach in my coat
Threaten to kill them
Ay you a bitch
They run off
Worry about getting scooped by feds and spanked by a liberal judge
Remember they’re niggers
Police never came

And then everyone clapped

Female Black manager constantly
>postponed or denied my advancements for as long as possible
>required that I alone submit vacation requests a full month in advance
>constantly had the pay office confused about my fucking zip code and address (still had direct deposit, but this seriously fucked with my W-2).
All of this despite ZERO disciplinary issues, always being on time, always being polite to everyone, hardly ever taking sick or vacation days.
Meanwhile the two black employees (1 male and 1 female)
>were chummy with the manager
>could go on leave within a day's notice
>never had any paperwork issues to complain about (among the thousands of things they'd complain about)
>always got to go on company trips, trainings, meetings with other companies
>and got their reassignments/advancements
I wasn't even the most fucked over. One other white guy on my team got randomly over paid by the pay office (run by blacks), who then debted him for their mistake. There were lawsuit threats flying all over the play

Also, at Uni, in my history 301 class, I was, as a white male, required to be the last to speak on a class discussion "if time permitted", which due to the comments from all the shitskin women, never came

i had to pay for college and actually put effort in to pass

If those happened in the USA, why are you not suing them?

Yeah, that time when

Would I lie on the internet user

>feel like
I objectively do face it whenever I apply to a college or job as said discrimination is codified into law.
I don't even have to delve into the Jew media slant.

to what fucking end?

I believe you user. The only part I don't believe is that you named those chimps. It's harder to kill an animal with a name user. :/

Lol I applied to a certain STEM subject at a certain Oxbridge uni and got rejected. When I compared my results on the entrance exam to the distribution, I was in the 95th percentile (bearing in mind this is a top 2 uni in the UK). A muslim that I knew went to a private school and wasnt even 75th percentile and got in. Affirmative action is a joke