Why you still like him?

>no culture, only a painter with little talent
>unable to wrote a proper book without repetitions, redundance, linear style,etc...
>vegan, ready to get rid of the culinary tradition of its country
>loved animals like a pussy boy
>unable to understand geopolitics,he didn't want to start the war, he thought he could gradually annex the world with inconsistent claims
>surronded himself by retarded generals that made him lose the war
>his ideology was a mere mix of the ones of Lenin and Mussolini
>respected all human races, integrated them in SS army
>was against White Supremacy, since only Germans were masterace.
>liked a lot Islam
>his religion was Scandinavian high fantasy with occult stuff brought by various religions but he hadn't the courage to admit it, so he still worshipped a Jew on a stick
>believed in horoscope,divination,etc...
>he had contacts with Engish Freemasonry in 1939, he higly supported world leaders of his time
>Jesuit, used as a puppet by Freemasonry
>Economicaly financiated by Rothschild family, he was (even if he probably didn't kenw it) a bastard of that family
>"imprisoned" Jews in camps that looked like Disneyland, in order to protect them from the war
>found excuses for create the State of Israel
>not traditionalist
>militarism,uniform, amry reforms, dictatorial state,etc... all the cool stuff of Nazism are all Left concepts
>supported by owners of heavy industries (oligarchs, a pain both for proletarians and true capitalists that support free market)
>caused a war that brought Europe in chaos permitting the expasion of Communism and American Jewish Capitalism in Europe
>Germans didn't like him, they stopped fight and prefered to join Americans or submitting to USSR when Third Reich was in the liberating process.
>most of people, at the present, support left wing parties because of him
>scared of his enemies, but also scared of fight until the end, he preferred to kill himself/flee away

Attached: Hitler.jpg (151x112, 3.39K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>so he still worshipped a Jew on a stick
And you've just revealed your true identity. Better luck next time

that man ruined the world completely

Burn in an oven, jew.

Attached: 1595890469635.jpg (679x516, 28.88K)

>I wrote Hitler supported a jew -> it's a critique because I don't liek jews
: "you're a jew"
and you're a moron

Shame you wasted all that time typing op. Hitler was the greatest leader of our time, alot of work went into destroying his legacy. He never wanted to exterminate anyone but communist. Communist just so happened to be mostly Jewish. Hitler offered peace many times before any of this "Holocaust" nonsense. Hitler could have destroyed the allies when they were stuck with their backs to the beach. He let them go home to their families instead of killing them. He was repayed for this by having bombs dropped on german civilians. You nigger are pathetic for believing the lies the jews and communist.

I'm sorry if your dear Jesus lived among Jews, in the native land of Jews, followed the Jewish culture, believed in a Jewish god (and he also said he was part of that god) and proclaimed himself "king of the Jews". How should I call him?

Come on, rabbi, that's an old trick, you have to come up with new stuff. I thought you guys claimed to be creative?

>it's a critique because I don't liek jews
You literally are a crazy jew who calls people up in their house to not get on Zig Forums . You're fucking nuts . And it appears you're not the only jew who's a bonafide clown.

>He never wanted to exterminate anyone but communist.
I never wrote he wanted to sterminate anyone, are you brainlets able to read? Damn, I'm not a native speaker but you must be moron if you don't understand what I wrote.
I wrote that Hitler helped the jews instead of killing them, you didn't read nothing but you still are here to defend that idiot.

And not killing the jews isn't something to be proud about.

>Hitler could have destroyed the allies when they were stuck with their backs to the beach
he was pathetic as war strategist, and always ready to seek peace with the Jewish Freemasonry that controlled UK and US and he knew the existance of that Freemasonry.

Before larping again read all I wrote under Hitler photo, you fucking moron.

are yo useriusy brainlet? I wrote that Hitler supported jews instead of killing them as he should had done and that's the proof I'm a jew? I bet you neither read what I wrote.
Or maybe you're part of those brainlets that think that holocaust truly happened?


>when exposed, the jew changes his shell and plays different tunes
like a demon, I guess.

Greatest man ever.

Attached: 524d1b82f7c236fa0234a2cef0c300c4.png (451x195, 7.97K)

And a shalom to you too, my chosen friend

learn english then post here brainlet med

That's probably the most retarded shit ever lmao

Come back to us dear Uncle. We need you more than ever.

was holocaust real? I bet the net would say "obviusly yes, it was". Fuck you and your mainstream"proofs". We have historical proofs (not written in school books) that Hitler tried to make deals with UK in order to let Jews live in Israel. He failed. Then he asked UK to move Jews in Madagascar and he failed again. We have proofs that he tried to convince Jews to move both in Israel and Madagascar, look picture.

Attached: nazi zionist money.jpg (529x316, 33.13K)

show your flag, I bet the you're the jew, pathetic larper

So? Are you going to genocide all the niggers your country has imported? Good luck with that mutt lmao

You're clearly a jew, Italy is full of jews

*sniff* is that a .......OH GOD IT IS

>I wrote: Hitler supported Jews
>that's an accuse/critique to Hitler
>I hate Jews

idiot on pol: "OP is a Jew".

That explain why whites will never be able to get rid of jews. You don't truly care about jews, that's the true. Because when you have the OBJECTIVE PROOFS that someone protected the Jews you still support that person.

>Are you going to genocide all the niggers your country has imported?

Now you explain me why, if I'm a Jew, I'm accusing someone to protect the Jews?

Are you all larpers or morons?

>You wrote: Hitler supported Jews
>Everyone is a Zionist, including the only guy who actually did something about them and turned millions of people against them causing a massive world effort to bring him down.
>Established a debt-free currency in Germany
>Winston Churchillberg declares war on him and not on Stalinberg lmao
And that's why you're retarded and probably a kike.

Attached: 5951judeawar.07feb05a.jpg (460x259, 37.5K)

Lmao, ok internet warrior. Good luck convincing your cucked and kiked compatriots to actually do that without being hanged on public street (you hanged Benito for much less rofl)

Fuck of you all. That's a wasting of time.

>You don't truly care about jews, that's the true. Because when you have the OBJECTIVE PROOFS that someone protected the Jews you still support that person.

>ME: Hitler supported Jews
>ME:that's an accuse/critique to Hitler
>ME:I hate Jews
>people continue to defend him saying that I'm the Jew
>ME:"Now you explain me why, if I'm a Jew, I'm accusing someone to protect the Jews? "
>idiot on pol: avoiding the answer
>idiot on pol:Are you going to genocide all the niggers your country has imported?
>idiot on chat:"same for Jews"
>idiot on chat:"you're the jew!"

I'm tired to talk with you, I bet you're the true jews. If someoen has some sort of brain READ ALL I WROTE IN MY FIRST POST and then discuss about it. Bye.

>Now you explain me why, if I'm a Jew, I'm accusing someone to protect the Jews?
It's simple, you're trying to turn people away from the only person who did something about world jewry.
So yes, you're a jew and people around here won't be fooled by your tricks, believe me.

>Fuck of you all. That's a wasting of time.
Yes. Fuck off to Kikeland faggot

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