Black roasties are mad because Epstein didn't want them.

Women don't really care that Epstein raped underaged "white trash" girls, they're just upset that he didn't include them. They can't live vicariously through 12 year old Savannah.

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Black women really think highly of themselves.

whores don't care about anything other than attention.
quit conflating women with whores, there is a wide divide.
end of discussion.

Even Epstein wouldn't stoop to bestiality.


I guess someone has to.

Maybe they should sue Epstein's estate and Jizzlane for discrimination.

On a scale from one to ten; How still alive is Epstein?

>Epstein telling his 11 year old white side hoes to not recruit black girls

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Please someone nuke North America.

And just like that, a whole new generation of niggers are replaced and once again we must listen to their cries. Decade, after decade, after decade, after dec

Why would he like black girls when:
>big bodies
>puffy faces
>shitty attitude

There are virtually zero white on black rapes in the US. It just doesn't happen.

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>EEOC reaffirms commitment to protecting undocumented workers from discrimination
Did Epstein and Jizzlane recruit wetbacks?

Some of them are convinced there are just these huge masses of black girls victimized who just aren't saying anything. Because it's just not possible that maybe there are people who aren't into black chicks.
>Epstein didn't prey on black girls
>Black people are mad about this
What the fuck kind of thinking is this?

You forgot:
>smell like shit
>unironically look like literal shit

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One thing you can say about Epstein is that he was a man of exquisite taste.

He uses them for a better adrenochrome supply.

lmao imagine ghislaine walking into a hood trying to recruit black girls

Epstein seeming more and more based everything I read about him

shanayquay aint got no time for no island. she want da whole continent

That could all be fixed with a virus tailored to target that homo erectus DNA. I have faith that someone will figure it out before too much longer. God, I fucking love science.

Imagine being angry because you got rejected by an evil jewish pedophile.

Bestiality is for goyim.

Black girls and thai girls are for middlemanagement pedos, actually rich pedos can afford white slaves.

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Stop the racism in your country, what the hell.

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How can one man be so based?

Black “women” are ugly, inside and out.
Simple as

he fucked 14 year olds+ and had model scouts bring him the best of the best because he funded the scouts studios.

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He didn't want em not because of any racism but because of the low quality

I was going to write something showing the retardation of this situation, but i can't even put my mind into words properly. I am legitimately upset. They're more offended by epstein & friends not raping black girls, than they are (if they are at all) about epstein raping white girls.

Epstein had his preferences
but it's widely known that they farm children of all races

jimmycomet on Instagram is an associate of his

you reckon jeffrey epstein creampied and made ghislane maxwell swallow his load?