My girlfriend cheated on me with a moroccan

Not a larp, I was away for a week, came back home a night earlier than I was supposed to hearing moans and I found her being pumped by this brown subhuman. I want to kill myself.
She lives in my apartment and refused to fuck off. What legal protection does Dutch law give in this case? Can I just call the police to make her fuck off? I don't want to deal with (((lawyers)))
Ignore flag, I'm in Amsterdam

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Beat her with soap in a sock.

hate to break it to you, but this is the absolute state of modern women. don't kill yourself bro, just thank the heavens she's just a stupid girlfriend and not a hoe wife with shared children

If the apartment is in your name and she isn't mentioned in the agreement, you can get the police to evict her. Or just wait for her to go out and change the locks.

I don't want her to mount a case against me. Any Dutch user knows what the law says in this case?
I blame christcuckery. It made us weak and poisoned us with semitic mentality

That's what I hope for, but I need someone to confirm that's how it works in Dutch law as well. The last thing I want is this dumb whore bringing me in front of a judge and take my money claiming I locked her out and stole her shit

Here I fixed it for you

Heroing is for the weak. Also since she isn't your wife she can't do shit. If the apartment is in your name just threaten to call the cops and she'll gtfo right away.

Yea, no shit. I'm still in shock, this was yesterday night

Are you italian?

I already did, and she claims she won't fuck off because we share the expenses of rent. I just need to fucking know if I can kick her out or not based on Dutch law, I don't think it's the same as the US

lion > jaguar > leopard >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> tiger
prove me wrong

No you dumb subhuman I said I'm dutch and from Amsterdam. FFS does anyone even read the OP?

All big cats are based. Stop D&C

>I already did, and she claims she won't fuck off because we share the expenses of rent.
If you signed any form of contract then you might be fucked. Otherwise it really doesn't matter. Don't do anything stupid like physically throwing her out, godspeed OP.

So that's your problem, you can't fuck her properly

did you beat the shit out of him?

People on Zig Forums use VPN's

t. tigerfag

That's fucked up dude. Don't kill yourself, stay calm and figure out how to kick her out. Then make sure everyone knows what a cheating, coal-burning whore she is.
>inb4 some dickhead calls this guy a cuck

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>She lives in my apartment and refused to fuck off
Man up, and physically put that bitch out the door

>living in the r*ndstad

you deserved it :)

Shill out money for some hoes and make a fucking session in front of her. If she leaves disgusted just throw her shit out and change the locks.


The only thing you can do is move on and find a way to get her out of your apartment.

Just know that one day people like her will get punishment. It's inevitable.

Rent contract is on me, but we both chip in.
Your problem is that you look like a Moroccan, Luigi
No. I have enough trouble as it is. No need to add legal trouble

Call the cops and say "I broke up with my girlfriend but she won't leave my apartment. I have paperwork proving the apartment is in my name. I feel threatened by her and I want her to move out. How can I start an eviction process?"

See what they say.

throw her shit out physically.

like women do to men.

this tbqh

You were asking for it OP.

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And don't worry OP she will pay the toll

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How long has the red pill sub been around? Eight years now? Women are whores when they allowed and encouraged to “be themselves.” Ergo western women are whores. You’re either the bull or the cuck nowadays, there’s no in between.

Yes you can kick her out, if its in ur name just do it pussy

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>Rent contract is on me, but we both chip in.
Then you're good. Call the cops she can't do anything.

at least his girlfriend doesn't fuck Moroccans you cuck loser

t. rural subhuman on welfare

Christianity? Try again.
How about liberal media and movie/music propaganda? Divorce and debauchery rates have skyrocketed as media and society becomes more liberal and less conservative/religious...

Damn man. Don't kill yourself take somw time hanging out qith friends if they arent assholes. Im not sure of what to do in that situation but take it easy and one step at a time. Dont get yourself sent to jail.

>Rent contract is on me, but we both chip in.
As long as you haven't claimed anything as a "common-law couple" for taxes/etc, if her name isn't on the paperwork and she's always "chipped in" via cash, she has no paper trail.
Wait for her to leave, dump her shit on the curb, change the locks.

yes you can stop being such a fucking beta pussy lmfao

just call the cops, Styx!

Bars of soap don’t leave marks nor bruises. Can’t prove assault with no physical evidence.

Just be careful she doesnt make fake allegations against you. Film any interactions in anticipation of such a thing. Be the one to call the cops first if need be. The domestic assault card is a favorite for women these days.

>these cool species are getting exterminated so spearchuckers can sell their nutsacks to chinamen but we better gibs more dat to sub-saharans because muh slavery
I want off Mr. Bones' wild ride, OP.

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You're going to KYS anyhow.
Just do her first.

Just set all of her things out on the front picnic table and call the sheriff. That's what I did this weekend.

Beat her to death

>worrying about "the law" after some sandnegro boned your girl in your own apartment
this is why you were cheated on in the first place.

it's terrible what climate change has done to the majestic big cats
let's see what happened to the big cat species that lives where white people live

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where is your spine. Just gently pick her up. Place her outside the door. Take her key. And close it.

Who gives a shit if you get sued. If she tries just lie and freak out in court. Tell them she hit you, stole from you, etc. Watch drama television for ideas to accuse her. Just go all out and destroy her reputation.

If she wants some stuff. Firstly deny it's hers. Then after a lot of begging return it to her broken.

Youd be best finding that out yourself. You arent married? You have sole tenancy? Youll likely be fine. Move her stuff outside, tell her to go, film the interaction for safety. If she refuses phone the police. If she makes a fuss about anything you co bought, tell her to take half or youll reimburse her later.
Its a fucking break up Arnold.

There is no such thing as a girlfriend. You either have a wife or a whore

Do what these guys say and just kick her out. Business is slow nowadays my firm could use even a lowly actio possessoria case

Move out, leave her to pay the bills.

>Rent contract is on me
good. kick her out.

als het op jouw naam staat of op jou naam wordt gehuurd heeft ze verdomt weinig te zeggen

You’re retarded go check your lease office. Has nothing to do with law. It’s the contract you signed.

Also you should be exceptionally thankful this happened. Now you can move on.

Just tell her to fuck off, throw her shit out and be done with her. Don't give more of a shit about her than you have to. I've been in a similar situation, and she was a 3yr gf I was going to propose to, but at least I've dodged that bullet. Never, ever respond to the cunt no matter what she does.

Go pray to your magical jewish rabbi in the sky, christcuck
She appears in no paperwork, but sometimes she was the one paying with a cheque and I'd give her cash. Sometimes the opposite

More demoralizing threads... Jesus. Too obvious

good point.

>Posts racemixing blogpost to Zig Forums
>Ignore flag, I'm in the Netherlands....honest.
>Not a larp
All fields guys.

welcome to /nupol/
the fact that you want to anhero instead of killing her tells us that you are a betafag.

Call the cops to remove her out of your house. If they're being faggots, some good old mental abuse will do the trick.

Just make it intolerable for her to stay there. Stay up late, wake up early. Make a lot of noise when you are awake. Ignore her. Really ignore her. Do not engage when she confronts you. Dig in because she may last a few weeks to a month. But she will eventually up and leave.
If you don't want to go that route, fuck a prostitute in your bed and make sure she witnesses the degeneracy.

Mail her animal shit. There's a website that sells elephant shit so you can mail it to people. Be sure to never stop annoying her

Le Newfag,you can't post with a vpn on Zig Forums because it get detected

WHAT IS WITH THESE THREADS? Since this fucking corana epidemic, many anons posts about how their wives are fucking other non whites. Holy shit, I guess white women are whores

put nair in her shampoo

What was her excuse for cheating?

>There is no such thing as a girlfriend. You either have a wife or a whore

>Git fuked wyte boi
No seriously though, beat that nigger then break up with that hoe, simple as.

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What would your ancestors have done in your place?

this is you

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And who begged for the moroccans to come to your country in the first place OP, there's a few hundred thousand of them there now and from the dutch I've spoken to they demand open borders while the police do nothing.

The grooming gangs are already there. Get some bros and kick these assholes out, morocco isn't at war so they are not refugees.

You'd protest the tape of your women by putting on skirts.


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You're Dutch and living in the Netherlands but you're too fucking retarded to change your flag to cover up your larp Luigi, or is it Achmed? Get the fuck out of here faggot.

if you're not married or registered as living together, you're good.
just kick her on the curb.
and/or change the locks when shes not at your place.
police won't do shit unless someone is actually getting hurt

all of life is predation - nature is not cruel or just - it just is.

fucking kek leafbro

Pick one
Op, what do you expect? Facts are one thing but statistics are all...

Bedankt user

Just Google it or wait until another Dutch user comes by who is somewhat knowledgeable about Dutch civil law. I have no clue. Honestly I would just google the topic

Why don't you call the police first and ask them if they can make her leave?

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post GF

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just a regular white woman, dont worry about it buddy. Soon we'll have artificial wombs and sex bots. Sounds weird but we gotta embrace this cyberpunk type of bullshit

>Your problem is that you look like a Moroccan, Luigi

Lol just called a random user the race of the bull that banged your gf. Ffs the Dutch are so insufferable

>She appears in no paperwork, but sometimes she was the one paying with a cheque and I'd give her cash. Sometimes the opposite
she might be able to argue that you had "shared property" if this was a frequent enough occurrence but something tells me she can't afford a lawyer anyways, still going with "kick her ass out"
checked and based. film the interactions, maybe even inform the landlord and police first to head off any bullshit she tries
>hey i came home early and caught my girl fucking another guy, apartment is in my name, i've asked her to leave, please change locks and i will put her stuff somewhere for pickup

Why the fuck are you asking Zig Forums about intricacies on dutch eviction law you fucking retard

Her having helped you pay rent means nothing if she isn't in the contract. It basically amounts to her giving you money for no real reason. She has no legal right to the apartment.

You can kick her out.

In this world you are either the cuck or the cucker.

you think pol can do this for you?

Look up your local laws for a bit, it might not be that hard to figure out if you can remove her.

When regarding this situation, I personally would start voice recording every interaction with her. Also, confirm that you two are broken up and talk to her. Implications don't stand well in court if it comes down to that.

Be sure to arm yourself. Go to a corner alley, find some shady looking fellow and fingerbang him to see if he's selling. It's going to be a rough ride going forward OP, but you know what you need to do.

You're Italian, what's the difference?

Why are so many Moroccans in Morocco into cucking eachother? I heard actual cuckholdry is popular there.

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Occasionally I’d find one based leaf poster, so well done

Its called tranny leftist shilling their degenerate coom fantasies

Watch and learn, OP:

Technically she was raped. She commited beastiality with an animal. You should go full Old Testament on her ass. Deus vult.

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Forcefully throw her out, take her key and tell her to go back to her sandnigger
She'll realize her mistake when she's being beheaded

Kill her and the subhuman and then kill yourself for making me post in your fake and gay little thread, faggot.

fuckyour gf's dad to establish dominance. It's the only way...


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Might be worth looking up common-law marriage for the Netherlands.

Put me in the screencap

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Take all of her things put them in boxes, put the boxes outside, change the locks.

Demonstrate that actions have consequences that cannot be easily bypassed with emotions or entitlement.


Sonyou brought your nuanced legal question to a Peruvian alpaca husbandry discord channel?

Pretty much this tbqh

Half of the country is nothing but hashish addicts, the other half are niggers.

9/10 never the issue. Woman are just whores who go through more fetishes in one week than teenage boys do in 4 years. The moment they get an opportunity to fuck something new and can get away with it, they do.

Idk dutch law OP but I'd say throw her shit outside physically. Lock the doors, and as she is flipping the fuck out and making a huge scene, call the cops. When they get there she will be emotionally unstable and incoherent. You explain your side of the story and they will do their part. Stay rational when talking to them, she will self destruct.

>Adultry is easier to handle in other countries, webm related

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Nice fucking digits dude

Why are you asking a basket weaving forum and spending some money to talk to a lawyer?

you're stupid
no wonder she was cheating on you and just using you for money and place to stay
stop acting like a retard and call the cops to see what they say

If you're going to kill yourself, you may as well kill him and her first. In minecraft.

Just cause hes in amsterdam doesnt mean that hij nederlands spreekt.

Be unpleasant as often as possible, should break her ez