Oh no no no

>Oh no no no

What did they mean by this?

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You don't get it shill, when the right wing does things like this it's ironic. It ia literally impossible for right wingers to be gay

>American jewjewflag
Every time

of course no one took propaganda photos in the 1930s and 40s
but is this meant to shame lgbt people?

Reminder that jews do this to black men in hollywood. The nazis were jewish owned. Why do you think commies are repeating their exact playbook from 1920s Germany? Their masters WANT a Hitler in power.

It's just young men goofing off. Men dressing up as women used to be considered the funniest gag ever. Just take a look at British 'comedy' in the 1950's-1970's.

Nowadays they'd be court-martialed for mocking trannys.

This. Both world wars increased Jewish power.

This is just the Nazi version of "It ain't half hot mum"

why are there so many British trannies?

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Good question.

no really what's up with brits, even in WW2

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>this jew spent years finding every single instance of crossdressing during the previous degenerate period that hitler saved us from for another 100 years

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Look at the context and each time you'll find it was a comedic play where a guy dressed up in make up with apples in his shirt was the peak of comedy for drunk guys.

It is nearly impossible to differentiate Irish men from women so trannies are superfluous.

No shit, what little kid hasn't put balloons under their shirt for a laugh.

people at that time mocked women, faggots and trannies. It was the blackface, it was for comedy between men.

Oh my god, are those kikes serious? They all were mocking the transfags.

So wait, trannies are Nazis?

The demoralization Americans are being subjected to right now is the very same progressive shift Europeans were bragging about for the latter half of the last century. Niggers and fags taking over Europe was a preview of what (((they))) want for us in America. Our lefties always want us to emulate Europe.

Gay jews and freemasons, as always.

Peer bonding. And is an interesting mental exercise whilst in the misery of war. Coping with madness. A good jolly laugh with a camera for after the war around a pint.

Trans rights are Nazi rights

It took me 2 seconds to figure out the big fuckin mystery...

In 1940s global warfare, tnis was the height of comedy to get a quick laff from your m8s between getting blown apart.

Nice cope. Who gives a fuck, I fuck traps on the reg and am still a nazi

Amazing that they're just finding all these now, all at the same time, the same time as the they're pushing the same thing about AH, amazing, unlikely, unbelievable, obvious propaganda, obvious kikery.

SO you're telling me... Trannies are Nazis?

Are they saying that cross-dressing or being gay is bad? Kinda bigoted

Looks jewish. More jewish propaganda. Jews are the kings of propaganda.

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These pictures are real but it's not how it looks. There was was no recorded media except records ofcourse so billetted soldiers or especially prisoners of war put together and performed plays for the entertainment of the battalian/camp etc.

Since there was either no women or fraternising with the female support staff was severely penalised and also just because it was fucking funny and a theatre meme as old as time. Male soldiers played the female roles. Germans obviously are weird people with a wierd sense of humour and played this up for the cameras as much as any other Euro nation (America was much more uptight in those days).

The further we get from WW2 the more we will see this out of context shit. People forget the world was utterly different in those days. I'm not 100% sure they even had paperback books let alone DVDs and blu rays. I envy them with their choirs and theater groups.

>why are there so many British trannies?
most 'British trannies' aren't actually Trannies, they are from 50's-80's comedy sketches
British lost their sense of humor somehow

I mean, they don't use perspective. They like to analyze old shit with modern values and mentality.

It's like saying ancient Romans were cruel and barbaric and you don't understand the context that the world around them was way worse than they were.

Dude, I will look for the link but there is an article about ancient Greece, that showed that they weren't so open to homosexuality as most "scholars" make us think. Even better, the ancient Greek Nations punished the open practice of homosexuality. Fucking people in the ass was something done in private and in hiding because of social humiliation.

I will look for the link.

Little britian had an ongoing joke where they dressed as woman and made fun about how absurd it is for a grown man with beard to pretend to be a woman. When they did a corona special a month or 2 ago they hat to cut the segment bc they knew trannys will flip their dicks and go after them.

So are all these Hitler/Nazis were faggots/trannies stories suggesting that being faggots and trannies is wrong then? that it's peverse/degenerate/sick? - suggest we use this against the peaople pushing it - i.e. faggots and trannies more likely to be evil Nazi's etc.

Looks like alt right anime avatar transbians have existed far longer than we thought


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Why the fuck do you think the Nazi's rose up in the first place? This shit you're seeing today isn't new.

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lmoa you are subhuman retard iq

Trans people are nazis?

>This shit you're seeing today isn't new.
None of it.

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Kikes attempting to demoralize you.

we got too cocky nazibros...

>trannies r dah reel nazis

>Trans rights are nazi rights
>Black trans nazi lives matter

based and JQpilled. this is now a JQ thread

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> but people are born that way

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That their Weimar generation couldn’t be fully fixed but future ones would have

Not enough cocky?

Are you retarded? Most of it comes directly from America

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Crossdressing is fine. Making it a sexual gender by law is kikery.

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G*rms are degenerates, nothing new

Can you really be unaware of the fact that the SA was basically one big circle jerk with Ernst Rohm as the pivot man? That’s one of the big reasons the Night of the Long Knives happened.

This. Also men dressed up as women in theaters during Shakespeare's time. Also nobody knows what the context of the pic is too.

This has less to do with Nazism and more to do with German people. Hitler estimated that around 10% of Germany was homosexual.

They didn't even last two minutes.

you mean that all LGBT people are secretly nazis? the left better start cleaning their own fucking ranks before talking shit again

>Their masters WANT a Hitler in power.
Which is why they launched a global war to get rid of him.
Which means jews were the problem, not rejecting jews you worthless kike.

Thank you, Peruvian user. And happy independence day