What if God were a woman?

What if God were a woman?

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The world would never have been created.

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Im gonna coom bros

She would've aborted us

Looking at how fucked up everything is i bet she is.

The world would be a disas... HOLY SHIT GOD IS A WOMAN

the she proved her ability to create something better than herself.

Thank you, I no longer find Taylor swift sexually attractive whatever that body type is, it's the closest to sexless NPC I can think of for a woman that isn't overly disgusting.

it would explain why everything is so fucked up.


>anthropomorphizing God
lol we're still doing that?

What if God doesn't have genitals?

I'd coom

Her beauty would probably enhance my dick infinitely

All the more reason to recognize abrahamic religions as hysterical self destructive nonsense. Also explains why the old testament is so jealous, spiteful and malevolent.


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Don't deal in whatifs. Shit is a waste of time.

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What if God was one of us?

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It makes sense. Look how empty and hollow life is for all creatures on this planet. Only a sick perverted mind could create all this and demand worship.

nice fake Zig Forums

it wouldn't need to be created, she'd just give birth to it after being fucked by a 13 dimensional kike

Then life would have gone extinct long ago.

fuck you and your autistic cult

Yeah that would explain a few things.

God: "Oh yes Satan you bad boy, penetrate my reality real deep. Oh the blue planet too! That's so far in! My savior just fixed that. Ohh. Ohhh. Ohhhh! Fuck it up good with jews! Oh no, wait! If you spread my Africa you'll get brown everywhere! Oh you are, how dare you! Oh that's so sick. Oh, ohhh, ohhhh who's your dirty bad girl..."

Seriously though, the concept of god having been raped by another god would also explain a few things. Hence all the themes of rape in our reality as well as entities like Kek (the cloaked god self concealed in untraceable coincidences in a struggle to fight back?) Or simply the reason our reality is so fucked up is because gods exist in the void and to not get tricked by other gods they have to know all the dark things other entities are capable of hence the simulation of our reality.

I think the later is more likely, our reality is a reflection of an active struggle. Either a struggle in a godself or a struggle between gods.

Hahaha ggggaaaaaaayyyyyy!

kek. There would be no existence. Women produce children but men are the necessary ingredient. Men are creators and guardians while women are anti-existence and agents of entropy

Poor shoop

Yes he is

If that's God, then God is built for black cock

You can tell by the camel toe pics that shes an innie

>What if God were a woman?
That would explain why humanity jumps from one dumpster fire into another.

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That would explain a lot.

decent fake
i wish we had real Tay Tay nudes
i would coom so hard

Why would god have a gender retard?
Does god have sex?
Does god bear children?

What a fucking moron

The thought of niggas thinking lawd things about Tay Tay make me uncomfortable. Shes mine

looks like a tranny. I'd make that bitch famous still

lemme just get this thread deleted by posting this image
triggers the fuck out of the roastie jannies kek

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The power of will and creation is masculine. The power of restraint and rejection is feminine.
If God was a woman humanity wouldn't exist... unless there was another masculine God that basically did all the work.

Made for BBC

Bad fake, no feminine penis

based takeshi

>implying god exists
Imagine being a simp for the single digit IQ christfags of the world.