Why is the right losing the culture war so overwhelmingly on all fronts? What are they doing wrong?

Why is the right losing the culture war so overwhelmingly on all fronts? What are they doing wrong?

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the greatest generation, tired from the war, let scores of leftists colonize and subvert academia and the media in the 50's. we're still dealing with the consequences.

didn't shlomo subvertstein their way into every form of media

no nukes, no fiat

>What are they doing wrong?
They're pozzed from Zig Forums.

not having a new dynamic POSITIVE message ! They are trying so hard to revive the past but it's nearly impossible.

Dude, you forgot to update the image for this one. We're using the asian girl now as it got more clicks. You need to use the updated OP too. Remember to add "I can't believe we're losing so bad bros. What are we gonna do?" Remember to change the first to sentences to "we" as well. Analytics confirmed that identifying as the target audience had increased impact. You're gonna get fired if you don't read the email updates dude.

College brainwashing
Media brainwashing

Being a jewish slave without any rewards doesn’t appeal to anyone under the age of 30.

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Give me a example of this culture thats being lost. I don't get it.

It’s all conservatives fault

Conservative politicians are pozzed, they conserve nothing

>Why is the right losing the culture war so overwhelmingly on all fronts?

EASY ANSWER: For there to be a war, there needs to be 2 sides, there are NOT 2 sides in the so-called Culture War.

Right-Wing Republicans use Amazon, use Apple products, use Netflix, watch NBA & NFL games... if you walk into a Republican house - it is almost a carbon copy of a Democrat's house... a giant-screen TV hung on the wall, stack of DVDs in the corner, empty Amazon boxes in the garage sitting next to the leased SUV, and their kids upstairs in the bedroom hooked on the iphone and ipad. Republicans fully support Left-Wing businesses and refuse to boycott them.

about 60-Million people voted for Trump... if they all picked up their phone tomorrow and cancelled Cable TV on the spot... you would see the beginning of a real "Culture War".. if they then cancelled their Amazon Prime membership on the spot... there would be an earthquake in society

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They are fighting a losing battle, and fighting it by the enemy’s rules, not so much from cowardice as from a lack of understanding as to what the fight is all about.

There are a great many conservatives who are not only afraid to tell the world what they are fighting for, but who are afraid to tell themselves. There are a great many conservatives who are ashamed that they don’t want Blacks running their country, and who are ashamed they don’t want their children dating Blacks.

If you know many conservatives--or if you have passed through a conservative phase yourself--then you know that is true. And that’s very interesting, because it reveals the dangerous similarity between conservatism and liberalism. The liberal is driven by guilt and shame too.

The difference between the liberal and the conservative is in the way they react to this inner conflict. The liberal surrenders to his guilt and tries to compensate for it. The conservative keeps fighting it, tries to keep it suppressed.

But the source of the inner conflict--the source of the shame--is the same for both. It is the tacit acceptance of an artificial, unnatural, alien set of values. It is much worse than agreeing to fight by the enemy’s rules: it is accepting the enemy’s point of view--or, rather, the point of view the enemy has designed especially for his opponents.

And therein lies the irredeemably fatal flaw in conservatism: it is a position with no grounding in a natural world view, no consistent ideological basis of its own, no underlying set of values rooted in the souls of its adherents.

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We have this very bizarre political culture in America in which we have to vote for these corporate whore Republicans to maintain any illusion of social conservatism.

One party cuts my unemployment benefits after the government quarantine destroyed my employer's business, and the other wants to put Harriet Tubman on the twenty-dollar bill. All I want is an economically center or left, socially conservative party to vote for.

>Christian morality
>Pride in being white
>Pride in being Western
>Pride in being American
>Normalization of non-whites in advertisement and academia
>Degeneracy being normalized
>Nuclear Family is being demonized
>Media is 100% against us

Boomers + propaganda.

*Christian morality is being lost


>losing the culture war
where outside of twitter and liberal shitholes do you see this delusion at and why does it touch your butthole in such a gay faggot fashion?

You’re retarded

That which you hope to preserve is long dead. Instead of building for the future, traditionalists intend to reanimate a corpse.

Also, being a great artist requires both empathy and a well-rounded spirit, two things conservatives lack. You are kidding yourself if you believe right-wing nationalist mouth breathing idiots will ever start seriously studying poetry, art, world languages, etc.

Liberals have been dominating the culture war because they are for the most part more intelligent than their mouth breathing counterparts, thereby making their work exponentially better and universally appealing.

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This. Second step was to conquer the media and social media outlets.

I know a woman who in her 70s, is white, conservative, who is offended when " Two and a Half Men" reruns comes on TV, and she goes to church almost daily...

... and she ONLY votes for Democrats

her daughter married a firefighter, the firefighter is in the local Firefighters Union, and thus this lady wants her daughter and grandchildren to have good benefits in case anything happens to the firefighter, so she votes Democrat across the board... she could care less if 50-Million illegals invaded the country tomorrow - as long as her grandchildren get some free gibs with daddy firefighter

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>posting in a bait thread

>this much entitlement and cope
90% of historical art is made by right wingers.

(((your opinion)))

>Why is the right losing the culture war so overwhelmingly on all fronts?

This has been foretold. This degenerate dystopia is God's punishment for rejecting Him. It will only get worse before Jesus returns.

2 Timothy 3:1-4 This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come.
For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy,
Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good,
Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God.

Isaiah 48:5 I have even from the beginning declared it to thee; before it came to pass I shewed it thee: lest thou shouldest say, Mine idol hath done them, and my graven image, and my molten image, hath commanded them.

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you're probably right

>coming from the country that spends more on churches than hospitals

Not being Leftist Jew Golems

What I can’t believe is that you actually said that dumb shit on Zig Forums knowing good goddamn well that the vast majority of the population has just about had enough of your leftist psycho shit.

You must go back



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And yet you still blame boomers who were but children when all this shit happened. My parents are boomers. They hate and revile The Left just as much as I do. They don’t hate niggers as much as I do but they are definitely fatigued. So it won’t be long now ...


It is the fault of conservatives, conservatives are the party of traitors. They exist to pacify whites and serve isreal.

This! Unfortunately it will never happen which makes Pepe sad

>posting in a bait thread

It’s not what the right is doing wrong, it’s that the left is doing everything right by usurping the media, entertainment and education.

So are you

They're all bait threads.

>Unfortunately it will never happen which makes Pepe sad

It will never happen because our so-called Republican leaders (Hannity, Rush, Savage, Ben Shapiro, Laura Ingraham, the e-thots...) they all make their money and career in the Media... so they will NEVER urge us Conservatives to boycott the media and to cancel Cable TV and Netflix/Hulu.

The TV is the first step in combating the Joo, the Jooish assault on society and decent normals and values didn't take up speed until the TV was in every living room in America, starting around the 1960s/1970s.

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