An internal monologue or a conscience is a trait unique only to white men...

An internal monologue or a conscience is a trait unique only to white men. We need to push for the domination of all people who do not have one. (niggers, women, chinks). That which cannot think is unworthy of life.

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I only have internal monologue when I take stimulants. When I'm sober it feels too cumbersome to verbalize my thoughts. What does that mean?

Blacks don’t have an inner monologue that’s why they commit crime. They don’t think through the consequences.

You are a dumb fucking asshole, hear that in your head!

I only heard some hands rubbing together

ho lee fuck you are an idiot if you really believe that!

>white thinks
>if I punch him I go to jail
>black thinks
>black goes to jail

Internal monologue is nice, but the real humans also see full 3D models of objects when they think of a word, then can place that model in multiple settings.

>my inner monologue fantasizes about jews

Very based.

>fun fact, some people can only [insert thing everyone does to some extent, but some deny it in order to feel specialer] while others can only [insert other thing everyone does to some extent, but some deny it in order to feel specialer]

>he doesn’t visualize internal concepts in 7 dimensional manifolds
I shiggy diggy

this could be why "hearing voices" is considered a symptom for schizophrenia and other mental disorders. blew my mind when i found out that most people dont have an inner monologue because I always wondered why hearing voices was considered a mental illness if everyone has auditory thoughts

I like jews in all forms: solid, liquid, gas.

Why do I have one then

Every day I am impressed at how stupid you people are.

If you do have an internal monologue, you are clearly not listening to it before posting.

There is a difference between talking to yourself in your head and hearing speech you are unable to control.

I agree
Also one thing most people don't think about discussing this kinda topic, only ~20% of those that DO have an internal monologue, simulate conversations with others in their heads too. With that being taken into account, I'm assuming only roughly 10% of people or so have any kind of self awareness at all of how they come off to others/the big picture. Most people are just an id. Reptiles
I agree

Hearing voices is different from an inner monologue. An inner monologue is your own voice, hearing voices are other people’s voices.

Correct. My words are unfiltered divine inspiration -- no analyzing needed.

What about the plasma Jew?

Sorry chang you aren't gonna make it

TIL I'm a huwhite man
Now let me into the First World

What if I don't need to think and filter to form thoughts? What if I can stream them out just like you (I'm doing it right now), but can also take the time to draft, proofread, and audit all my output before anyone else sees it, all in my head, if I need to? Isn't that better? Isn't that the definition of "Think before you speak?"

Hahahahaha! THIS!

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Every group has their own instinctual psychic intranet going on except white men who were never forced to develop one. Now that we are being targeted and singled out, we are developing one. Every minority group has one with each other and women have it which people call "women's intuition". It has nothing to do with inner monologue though. This is why other groups might not have that developed as much, they have a psychic "we" link and communicate with one another and keep whites, especially white men, in the dark about this. If you concentrate and entrain your own field into their's, you can basically hack into it and you will see the reaction from these other groups like "oh shit, he knows." or "you aren't supposed to be in here or able to do this!" Remember, inner monologue is replaced with abstract hive minds if you shut down that sense of self awareness and internal autistic focus.

me too, niggerbro

You're just jealous, you subhuman nigger.

I think that's why porn real popular. Like people can't even stimulate themselves with their own brain and have to watch it. Me, I can jerk off just of visualizing me fucking someone.

>unique only to white men
Not true

Your inner monologue isn’t yours then you monkey nigger, rendering it completely useless. You might as well have a string coming out of your back that makes you talk when pulled.

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>Zig Forums
you think?

I don't know if it's better, but I relate 100%. Why verbalize a thought when the seed of the thought already contains the full meaning of what the verbalization would point towards? It is a form of intuitive thinking, I suspect. A mode where each thought is comprehended in a flash

So being schizo and talking to yourself is the ultimate sign of whiteness

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too long didnt read. also you're a nigger

this is nonwhite cope

Wait what if you do a weird combo of both?

I have an internal monologue but I'm a spic. People who think in words seem interesting though. I wonder if different forms of thinking are better for different tasks. Someone who thinks in words for example might be more conducive to being a great writer, maybe? The other form of thinking I'm having trouble imagining. How do you think without hearing yourself? What are these abstract thoughts like in their head? Anyone have some insight?

>you dont use internal monologue
>your internal monologue is not yours
choose one, and only one Jeff.

I don't hear my thoughts, they're not sounds, they're just there.

lol npc can't handle abstract concepts like long sentences

>An internal monologue or a conscience is a trait unique only to white men.
says who
>We need to push for the domination of all people who do not have one
For what purpose.

Is there any evidence to indicate one thinking type is more capable of intelligent thought than the other? My money is on "no".

Think of an apple. Which one most accurately describes what you experience? Mine is 1.

Ye I was explaining to this dude that I don't watch porn when I jerk and he was like hWhAT hoW tF u do that and I'm just like use your imagination dickhead.

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My internal monologue and thinking and has increased a lot lately.
I also see things more clearly in my imagination.
No idea what's going on.

>think in logical abstractions which look like shapes
>morally superior to literally everyone encountered in life
>worked for years to suppress internal monologue because it felt primitive
>have near-200 IQ
>expert in every STEM field
>Zig Forums claims internal monologues are inferior
Cool story bruh.

Can you listen to a song you remember in your mind and somewhat "hear" the sounds?

That's called a hangover, Pekka.

what if it's still me because i made up voices cause im so fucking boring?

Sounds like your health may have been increasing.

With practice, you can test this out and find out the right internal formula or pattern that each group is using. You will know when you've "hacked" into it because you will get that vibe from people that you are appropriating them or doing something that you aren't supposed to be doing even though you won't be saying a word or doing a thing. Every race and culture has a certain pattern in their brain of where they emphasize and focus their awareness and energy. If you can match it up, you will basically change your energy signature to match their own and you will be able to pick up on what is going on in their own little group hive mind energy transfer dynamic and you can manipulate it by flooding your own focused energy or thoughts into this. White men, at least in our current world, never developed this because until recently we were discouraged from thinking as a group or having a cohesive identity of "we" or "us" since this was considered racist and not politically correct. Everyone else developed these little psychic hive minds for survival, but they had to exchange true non-NPC inner monologue and reasoning which only happens with someone being a true independent cell of awareness.

Being a schizo is having a voice in your head you can't control. Like someone talking in your ear.
An inner monologue is just non-verbally talking to yourself. You're basically admitting you can't think by saying you don't have an inner monologue.

I've had this problem for a long time, the voice in my head tells me to do some things. I often try to please it but sometimes when I refuse it punishes me, I don't know what to do honestly. I just try to make it as happy as I can but I'd like to know how to stop it. Thanks.

This shit blows me away. They dont think to themselves! They are NOT fucking human


Do you consciously feed into the dialogue of these made up voices or do these voices have their own timings and dialogues?

Lol, jesus — other people really don't have this?? Yeah, they don't deserve rights then. Basically animals

Take-a your meds, Mario.

(You) don’t deserve this but here ya go, I take pity on thee for being the equivalent of a child’s doll.

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