Bezmenov the Fraud Pt. 2: Real Demoralization Hours

Was Bezmenov a fraud?

Previous Thread

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>Those who want to understand the dysfunction and breakup of American and Western society need not look for foreign boogeymen and spies as it's culprits.

>Instead, look hard at the very system of liberalism itself, the "cornerstone" of the modern West to understand it's crumbling

>Every group that seeks to undermine our present system (Soros and his ilk) don't do so in the name of communism but with the intent to push modern liberalism to (what they see as) it's logical conclusions.

>This modern "liberalism" is a pillar of the wider neoliberal agenda.

>It's desires to create a society of atomized hyper individuals who have no identity beyond being consumers of cheaply produced goods and services.

>Whatever you think of communism, that's not it.

>In order to fight your true enemy, you first must know who they really are.
whether you believe all of that twitter thread or not this is probably the best thing to take away from it

>Richard Spencer

>muh damage control
fuck off

Attached: Chabad Putin 2.jpg (1126x700, 150.98K)

>When the "cultural Marxism isn't real" threads don't work so you brainstorm a new slide

It doesn't matter if he was a KGB spy defector or a chef at mcdonalds he was right and that's what matters

whatever the case is about the background of yuri and how spooky it is watching how it unfolds today.

you should still not loose focus on the ball on what is going on today. Who is funding this shit? Why are they talking about these things behind closed doors in davos? What the hell does the world economic forum have to do with all of this? Why on earth would the 1k largest companies in this world along with all it's billinaires care about trannies, dindues, x,y,z,w?

well obviously they don't give a fucking shit, notice how it's all an attack on the working people... common man...

it's ofc to d&c the these same common people and have them bickering at each other with meaningless crap while they install global or rather western mega corporate dictatorship.... say good buy to all your rights while you bicker about who called someone a naughty word or not, because this is happening right fucking now

>The protocols of the learned elders of zion are a fraud

Lol, no.
Look how he died. Look at how USSR 'handled' people they didn't like, or knew too much.
USSR (Russia) told China which went to Canada (Friends) and killed him ez.

China is thinking long term boi

also god damnit these self proclaimed leftist in the us are so fucking dumb occupied with this completely meaningless crap, instead of actually reading what these god damn sick billionaire fucks are actually doing

a lot of it is quite in the open and avaliable on wefs site

I’m literally watching demoralized and subverted people riot in the streets because they want to dismantle the country for the noble cause of equality and social justice and you’re telling me that Yuri is wrong?

almost everything bez said came true (marx spawned from collages, collages got overtaken by marx who enforced their thought policing on even professors) and this tweet seems to be e-celeb shit so i'm going to fuck off.

Should've been /thread but some butthurt shills pushed this to 2

bold lies become true

he's not saying he's wrong, he's saying he's a fraud and the things that are coming true are not because of ussr propaganda but because of manipulative globalist kikes in the us government

>These so called "leftists"
>They support all wars
>They love riots that destroyes lives and cities
>They hate the yellow wests who fights for worker's rights
>They don't react to trafficing of children
>Supports China with concentration camps and torture
>This is a bit sick!

pretty random börk from twitter and the general take of it here. this is aimed at this american """left"""

found it random right now

Attached: Den såkalte «venstresiden». -De støtter alle k_ - (579x495, 29.34K)

you little shit
liberalism is not about beign a mindless consumer

problem is that 68-er generation that would be those subverted useless hippies. I guess back then the 90ies and so you still had the greatest gen being in charge and being god damn adults

then these fucks got all the power and nothing held them back. partly that is the explanation at least. but fuck I've watched so much yuri, it's just astonishing he so well explained this shit almost 40 years ago...

not these cancerous fucks are in charge of all academia, infested the state etc

globalists are using liberalism as a vehicle to create strife between groups of people so they can push their agenda in the shadows

Same tactics, different enemy

>Searching for posts with the image hash ‘yLCRDgiG67A1tJMEna66Rw==’. 37 results found.
>Searching for posts with the filename ‘Chabad Putin 2.jpg’. 37 results found.

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I dont think he is a fraud, just wrong, its capitalism doing the damage not communism, the elites would never allow the proletariat to take power with their money in their own power base

What are u using

well if federal agent richard spencer thinks hes a fraud he must be legit

who owns the corporations?

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Fuck the shills. Watch the vid. Decide for yourself. And stop feeding these cocksuckers without saging their dogshit.

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you can access it fast with 4chanx

its not only globalist
all groups are using anything they can to demoralize
also the globalist agenda IS global gomunism

>Searching for legitimate counter argument or proof to debunk Putin is a bitch of Chabad
>Still searching

Attached: Chabad Putin 1.jpg (1254x516, 90.58K)

The neo liberal elites

Fucking twatter faggot commie and his thread is proof Bez was right 100%.

>Dont trust what you see and hear
> Trust me because i said so

Yes and so was Solzhenitsin. Both are American grown propagandists.

Liberalism IS about people having their full freedom and rights without fear of institutional repression.
This includes freedom from authoritarian oppression, the right to protest, the right to vote, and the right to be as openly queer as one wishes to be.

Bullshit right-wing strawman that has practically no truth to it.

Meanwhile Solzhenitsyn nailed it with his speeches in "A Warning to the West"

But Yuri called that out too?
He talked about how demoralisation was a success beyond the dreams of the USSR because it was self propagating without the need for soviet resources to keep bolstering it.
He talked about how the high ranking people from later generations would already be subverted from their youth.

norway doesn't even really have a right wing like in the us, center at best

so no. no idea what this guys leanings even are, this is just a rather common observation from people here

And then he got a (((nobel prize))) a lot of shekels and moved back to (((Moscow))).

Just own up to your actions already. Commies are such disingenuous pussies.