Jewish Marvel executive Jeph Loeb ordered an asian character's storyline to be cut from marvel netflix show 'Iron Fist'...

Jewish Marvel executive Jeph Loeb ordered an asian character's storyline to be cut from marvel netflix show 'Iron Fist' and said 'nobody cares about asian people'

What are the chances there will be no repercussions for him?

Weird how certain sections of society seem immune to the cancel & woke culture.

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It's America, we only care about blacks Latinos and Jews here

Fpbp. Nobody cares about Asians

He's not wrong

This. I've never given a shit about asians.

No one cares about Latinos in America either. Every now and then there's arguments over immigration but all references to diversity = black.

I'd rather see Asians in my games and movies than horribly crammed in Jews and joggers

How can you make show about an extremely asian centered character like lron Fist, (he's white sure, but his whole character comes from asian martial arts and themes) and then not include asians?

Nobody cares about asians? Sulu kicked ass in Star Trek 2009 with that cool segmented bushido blade.

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Whites only worship blacky. Theyre literally obsessed with nig nogs, both the right and the left

in case you haven't be paying it attention the token diversity race in shit has always actually been pajeets. You don't find it odd in the slights that the movies and tv shows go well out of there way to always make sure there's an indian in the main cast?

what a surprise that the sjws executives are all racist
were never gonna get a show with good minority characters ever again rip
stupid fucking sjws

Yeah and this Sulu was not a faggot.

Original Sulu was cool despite being played by a super faggot

There's not a big enough demographic for it to matter. Literally 2% of Americans would care. No brown points for Asian bros, so they get the axe

>'nobody cares about asian people'
a jew is right for once. I don't give a rat's ass about them, no tears for immigrant cunts

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wasnt iron fist cancelled?

It would probably be a good idea to care about asians since their values align with conservatives. But since no one cares about them they end up democratic by default since the dems control all the nice buzzwords and the right does not care

I can already hear BLM jumping in saying "Fire Loeb and make a new TV series about black characters and toss in a token Asian because Black Lives Matter!"

I mean its true, nobody cares about asians. If it isn't apparent hollywood is catering to blacks right now. It coukd change with china being catered to more and more but who knows, I see niggers being pushed for the foreseeable future.

Wheres the lie

They'll just say that a white executive did it to make everyone angry.

Still voting Trump

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>t. stupid sjw

Welcome to whiteness asian friends, let us destroy the jewish masters together.

would have been cool if the quote didn't have the s in cares, and said "nobody care about asian people"

Asians don't even care about asians

nice mental gymnastics retard

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Unless he has evidence to back up that claim, I don't give a shit.
Words mean nothing without evidence, and if he can't prove his claims he shouldn't be making them.

They already cater to China, in China. Outside of America nigs are irrelevant

his big break at being captain was kinda lame desu senpai. i dunno what's up with this fad of having every bullshit actor try to show every emotion. all they had to do was have sulu be less hectic/unsure.

The bigotry of Jewish executives will be transferred to you and you will get the blame.

BASTE asians without a maga hat please mass immigrate to our country

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Nobody cares about them because they are in insignificant portion of the population. Most of them don't vote. Those that do vote, vote blue because they all work and live in major blue cities.

> Whites only worship blacky.

Americans only worship blacky*

Asian people's only real complaint in America is that the Jews keep them from going to Harvard or becoming movie stars.

If you can market to the lowest IQ group, every other group that's smarter should be able to get the message.
>it's easier for companies to sell acting niggardly than acting white

Zero, you kike

>Imagine being this obsessed with fascism

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