TKG/ - Ted Kaczynski General


>The Industrial Revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.

>Essential reading:
->'Industrial Society and Its Future' (ISAIF):
Easy-to-print version:

->'The System's Neatest Trick':
Easy-to-print version:

>Further reading:
->Technological Slavery
->Anti-Tech Revolution (ATRev):
->'The Technological Society' by Jacques Ellul
Available at:
->Último Reducto
->'Propaganda: the Formation of Men's Attitudes' by Jacques Ellul

>Who is Theodore „Ted“ John Kaczynski?
->Confirmed 167 IQ
->Man of Action
->PhD in Mathematics

>Visit our FAQ:

>Visit our /prep/ing list:

>Goals for now:
spread the message
create memes

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Other urls found in this thread:

What have you done today personally to become more independent of technology?

I haven't done much except trying to not watch pornography (day 9) I feel like if I jump from the building instead of doing it stair by stair I'm going to fail and return to my old habits.

Got rid of useless, time wasting shit like smartphone, limited screen time to one hour daily and try to learn skills that are useful like foraging and cooking.


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>I feel like if I jump from the building instead of doing it stair by stair I'm going to fail
Yes that will happen if one tries to do everything at once. children also need time to progress from milk to solid food.
In that sense we are children adapting our body and mind for what is going to come.

I have made multiple lock conditions for my phone using AppBlock, plus I got my girlfriend and myself to delete all social media and speak against technology/social media whenever the subject comes up.

Here is the APK for AppBlock. Very good for productivity. You can set blocking conditions based on many different conditions.

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Hi. Hope you guys are doing well.

Reminder that Kaczynski is right about everything. I've read everything from the presocratic to marx and heidegger. They manage to say in 1000 pages what Kaczynski says in a paragraph. I was studying philosophy until I discovered TK and it cured me. All is well. Destroy industrial society.

Why was he so right, bros?

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We need to somehow bring back the UK Tedposter.

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I am not sure if this is a good idea. it would be better to slowly or immediately delete all the distracting apps, keeping only the basics and start to work towards getting rid of your phone.
appblock also looks like it is proprietary software, which sub optimal for a number of reasons, like security and being safe from having your data be used in a malicious way.
If you have to use something like this, i would recommend opentimelimit, which has no networking capabilities and is free software. You can get it at fdroid

>We need to somehow bring back the UK Tedposter.
Who was he?
I'm to much of a newfag to /TKG/ to know something about him.

He's the one who started /TKG/ I believe. He disappeared a few months back.
Back when he was active, nearly every /TKG/ thread would garner hundreds of replies and he was also very passionate; he had multiple long pastas and would engage with every single technophile or noob, often extensively quoting Ted's writings like the Scripture.

that sounds incredibly based i hope he comes back.
Maybe he started a revolutionary movement now and is building it up in this moment.

>only social media I use is Zig Forums to memepost
That's literally it. Feels Good Man©

Here, I (barely) found one of his threads

I've been working a weird schedule, sorry I haven't been showing up lately Tedboys

Remember anti-tech revolutionaries, have large families and teach your progeny all that you know. Gods speed

Guys, how do I learn to survive in the woods?

Best case scenario: You know someone with the required skills and learn from him directly.
Alternative you start reading books about foraging, hunting, fishing, building, "natural medicine" etc and start to practice it.
You also need to get land outside of Germany as we have nearly no real forests and way to many regulations.

>found one of his threads
He was based as fuck

>plus I got my girlfriend and myself to delete all social media
Your girlfriend will resent you for this. I've seen it happen. She will snap, redownload everything, hide it from you, and then when you find out and get angry she will blame you for it. She'll tell her friends and they will poison her against you and tell her you're controlling and demanding. She'll allow these lies to fester because it will give her an excuse to feel better about betraying you and going back to the dopamine drip feed. She might even end up cheating on you because all women are whores.

I want to write a letter to Ted, what kind of letter do you think he'd like?

A based one

I meant like what topics should it be about? I'm not much of a math genius.

Better practice your penmanship. He made fun of the last guy mercilessly while telling him to worry about improving himself before taking on the system.

As long as I write in cursive my handwriting is good. I can only write well in print if I write slowly and with a pen.

Any particular reason not to type?

Just bought a number of physical, philosophical texts. Nichomachean Ethics, Metaphysics, Meditation, Enneads, and La Scienza Nuova. Trying to make sense of the world. ISAIF proved a gateway, I guess. Especially in driving my purchase of physical copies, as I supposed they'd be harder to lose.

Haag, is that you?
>La Scienza Nuova
Holy mother of based!


how do i post these threads myself instead of waiting for others to do so?

Whats up bros recently realized Im more in line with Ted than I really thought after thinking more about my ideology and my ideals as natsoc so I downloaded the texts and going to read later on. Already planned on doing things to seperate myself like hiking, less computer time and learning skills like cooking due to me already knowing how important that is thankfully so Im already on the right tack

Truly a Chad

Nah, just an user. Vico's work, from what little I've read, seems like a critically overlooked work of enlightenment philosophy for its application of metaphysics to history and society. It was actually the work I started with after reading ISAIF, before I realized I lack the background in philosophy to make good sense or use of it, so to speak. Most of my understanding of philosophy has been derived form Christian doctrine and theology, which is why I gravitated a bit towards the Enneads and eventually plan to read most if not all of the work of St. Augustine in the future.

You simply copy the text of the thread and save it somewhere.
Choose a picture and save it.
Go to pol at 2PM EST (20 o clock in where we live) and click post a new thread fill out the information and you are done.

no start hunting porn ceo's + porn whores

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>Better practice your penmanship.
Good thing i can write in fraktur
>I want to write a letter to Ted, what kind of letter do you think he'd like?
You tell him what happens in the world and offer him to do research to support his claims and to give him access to other needed information.
>I'm not much of a math genius.
He said that he forgot most about it too.

>He said that he forgot most about it too
Where did he say this?

TED talks arent about total abandonment of technology but the total annihilation of top down control type mass technology.

Bad technology:
>Social media
>closed source smart phones
>polluting cars
>any tech company run by jews

TED approved tech
>open sourced OS
>distributed manufacturing
>anything that makes jews angry