Imagine the ass hurt

...and public outrage if some shit kid created a “tower defense” type game based on the Portland courthouse seige. Like a simple little indie game that involves picking your side, antifa rioters or the Feds. You stash money and buy stuff like if your rioters you upgrade to “leaf blowers” and shields and helmets and gas masks(as they didn’t have this shit on the first days). And on the feds side you save points to upgrade fences and fortifications and fire suppression tools, or big ass sound blasting weapons that stun people.
Reason I say this is because I’ve noticed something watching the riots. These people literally are NPC’s. And I’m certain a lot of them were raised on stupid little apps like one I describe and they seem to be playing their riot like real life is a god damn tower defense game. It’s like a big game of plants vs zombies to them or something and they keep bringing newer ideas an shit like it started with just body’s. Then shields and helmets, then gas masks, then more fireworks, bricks, leaf blowers. It’s literally like plants vs zombies irl!

Attached: 06C011E5-36F5-47E8-8EB6-96BBA6BC1F71.jpg (840x472, 131.08K)

Other urls found in this thread:

you would need an optics meter
can't just kettle them on night one

Night one would be just regular cops arresting people for painting house in graffiti

bumping because it sounds fun and triggering
I'd pay a couple bucks for it

(probably bad idea) should have unlockable "proud boys" or something too, they can ride around on scooters and pogo sticks or something (from Austins livestream)

good ideas: "FED double agents" and/or "WS double agents" that hurt the castle but improve optics.

Antifa unlockable lasers, which are upgradeable, that disable feds out of the game.

upgradeable shields, fireworks, bombs, taht sort of stuff

upgradeable accuracy of antifa, since they hurt each other by throwing shit at themselves

multiple layers of fencing that hurt optics for feds to enter, but protect the castle, antifa can start fires and hurt the castle, feds can enter and put out

oh my god this sounds like fun!

yea it’d be funny as fuck because it would be a good way to point out how fucking retarded the protestors looked. Might discourage others from joining in on the whole retarded game. Peace can be created just by holding the mirror up to these fuck heads. Might finally stop the damn riots.
But what I wonder... how would one distribute this game? I’m sure App Store would ban that shit.

I kind of see this as a potential good thing. Trump recently passed an act the if you riot you get 10 years in prison minimum. That's it we're fucking done, nobody sympathizes work these retarded niggers/nigger lovers without an agenda anymore.

If seige/tower defense game came out and Ike maybe if it was completive multiplayer it might serve as a distraction well we rebuild because let's be honest these rioters have the minds of children and a tiny bit of "theatre" is all takes to keep them happy.

Do a kickstarter, I'll donate

The soi boys rioting would suddenly stay home probably if they had some vidya version as an outlet. Why go out and get actually tear gassed when you can sit at home and play tower defense riot. It’s easy, doesn’t hurt, and you don’t get 10 years in prison for it!

Why don't we make this? This is one of the easiest types of games to make and can be made widely available to quickly start playing through HTML5. You can embed it on almost any website too. If someone started an IRC group and found some people who can make it that'd be awesome.

(Also suggest me some tower defense games.)

Attached: Dr6FE_uVsAA5Y9j.jpg (1200x675, 114.39K)

If its so easy start a fundraiser faggot. Ill donate

Wouldn’t I get doxxed and sued hardcore or some shit for making a kickstarter for a horrible controversial game??? Also it’s just an idea I have ZERO programming or game design talents. Fuck I don’t really even play vidya anymore certainly not tower defense. It’s just an idea I thought of and maybe someone with good programming and connections would be able to make it happen. I don’t need any credit

Start screen

Attached: 1595898738788m.jpg (1024x681, 105.15K)

Oh my god! That should be line under the title of the game.
Remember kids! This is easy, safe and you don’t get ten years in prison over playing a video game”

Or some funny quote like that to pwn. The soi boys.

Don't forget to include Obama as one of the bosses for your proposed video game. You can have him holding a burning American flag, copy of the Communist Manifesto, and a cartoon bubble above his head that reads "I hate white people and I hate America."

Or maybe you could have Obama somehow repealing the propaganda ban, just in time for the anti-american lugenpresse to promote his cult of personality so all gullible dumbfuck Americans would buy into that lies, propaganda, and horse shit that emanated forth from his 8-year subversion and reign of terror over our humble little country.


Just got to change the resident evil for copyright issues but damn the concept is perfect. And just play some dark intense suspenseful horror theme music in the background while you look at that for a startup screen.

to continue >make it a game focusing on optics, not a classic castle game, that will make it not just political, but unique and fun.
make the player chose between letting antifa attack the gates or hurt the courthouse and firing back. Or fucking feds up vs gathering more support.
A balancing act of optics and defense/attack.
Hopefully that's not too difficult/complicated, /pol has done way crazier things, so i'm sure there's a beautiful autist that can figure it out.

Some more ideas:
both sides have livestreamers that improve their optics, antifa can upgrade their MSM coverage and social media censorship.
End of day news "report" using real article headlines, give a disclaimer that it is a real headline from whatever news source, more recognizable the better. maybe a link to an archive.

Feds can upgrade trump sending feds, which helps protect, but hurts optics.

random encounters, and/or triggerable
example: cars entering, which can take out some antifa but hurt fed optics. Or car can sit there and get fucked up, which hurts antifa optics.

Upgradeable BLM presence (would be nice if they weren't mostly white cucks IRL, for the sake of gameplay realism), which improves antifa optics, but they suck at throwing shit and are prone to hurting their comrades.
Give them a small and expensive upgrade path and call the costs of it reparations. (if you want to be a real cheeky cunt, don't make it actually upgrade anything, just cost money, but that might be too on the nose).

Have a Riot Rib unlock/upgrade. RNG a max riotrib level and once it gets past that it takes a large portion of your money and disappears.
They will improve HP for those that visit, but randomly cause some to turn green and drop HP a bit later. Overall make it a positive for HP though.

For MY game? Hmmm if it catches on good enough I would love to make a game like this but as I said I’m not a programmer and have zero connections to game design types or programmers and don’t have loads of time to create this shit. Really I would love to just donate this idea to someone among us anons who would be interested if they think it would actually turn into something big. I’d love to just watch it pop up in the news someday and laugh my ass off over something I just came up with one day and posted on image board.

to continue and Antifa money done through fundraising, so have a tree for that. have a bunch of it done through all sorts of faggy organizations, preferably real.
have a behind the scenes thing that shows how they are real and connected.
>Have one time bonuses that come from Soros, for example, once the first fed is blinded, Soros sends 1000 credits, or something like that.

No. What would they sue you for? Defamation? As long as you arent biased in your depictions it wont even be super controversial. Also, you cant really get doxxed unless you yourself fuck up.
TL;DR Don't be a faggot

What do you suggest the black protestors should be depicted as? Like wearing loin cloths and carrying spears and having big fat lips and running around going “Ooga booga booga gib me dat fo free moh fugga?”
Wouldn’t that just be tear inducing levels of comedy there?

Here is the original pic user. Like your idea.

Attached: 1595899689499m.jpg (1024x681, 92.72K)

Well I guuuesss I could be the one to do the Kickstarter unless some other user would rather do the honors. But if people pile money on this project I can’t honestly say I have the means to create a video game. So it would be an empty promise unless I got some game making or app making studio or some shit.

Yea I also had an idea to use this software to put real faces on 3D models and put them into a really simple first person shooter game or something. that could literally be zero effort and would have so many hilarious possibilities if someone just set up levels and did voices or at least funny text

Were the FUCK are the anons who created angry goy when you need them!!!

yea ive been messing around with the unity engine for 9 years or so, so i could give advice on how to fairly easily make something with that. ESPECIALLY if you have a little start up money to purchase an asset or two, I mean like 50 bucks, not a large amount of money

Would it look like this? Or better quality than this shite. Though I will admit this little shitty underground game was quite funny.

Attached: D9B7BDDB-06AD-4912-B33B-3C571D9B91BD.jpg (269x202, 8.04K)

man honestly, your best bet is like
this 45$ city system looks pretty sick and it just generates the city for you. then you can just use the standard unity FPS controller and make a really simple shooter game, and purchase some models for the enemies. then just set up the levels

>cool idea but we also should make it kosher and shill ZOG puppets for the lulz and to trigger the libtards

but no, it wouldn't look like Ethnic Cleansing, that is likely made from scratch in openGL or some thing. its far easier to make simple games now.

Man I got wife, kids, job this looks like an extremely time consuming hobby. I want some single childless sperg to take the reigns and do this shit.

Also... and I know I’m gonna catch hell over this... but I’m a fucking phone poster. Don’t have a computer or PC. I’m pretty much an average joe normie.

Oh ok, it costs a serious amount of money to hire a single childless sperg to create a game for you, you can't afford to do this.

What kind, I'm desperately trying to figure out a big boy career. Don't need to be rich.



The way to keep the game progressing is to keep the optics, by design, around 3/4 against the feds. So antifa tends to escalate. Force spending upgrade points at the end of each day.

>Have a white guilt meter. The higher the better for antifa. increases financial support and number of rioters (maybe a boost to BLM).

>have a protest to riot to insurrection meter/spectrum thingy, goal being to goad the other side to raise it, allowing, based on optics, to increase the violence.

Antifa bosses/special characters: The ginger and his black fleshlight, if killed improves antifa optics.
The antifa moms, once beaten improves optics. Mayor Ted, if protest doesn't progress to riot when he's there, improves antifa optics.
Various pedos (give them a shirt to distinguish), if arrested, improves Fed optics a bit.
Redlight antifa, carries weapons secretly and drops them for others to pick up, if arrested improves fed optics.

Black Israelite boot kissing booth. boost to white guilt.
Struggle sessions. idk what that would do, but it' an idea.

nah, keep it realistic, or atleast based in reality, this isn't just a game for us, it's a game to show the public what's going on.

>What do you suggest the black protestors...
not exactly canon as far as i know
but the NFAC makes sense to me.

BLM should be mostly white though. Drop that little redpill. I like the idea of them being weak throwers but good for optics.

NFAC would be a late game upgrade path, since they all have guns. (I know I know I know...)

Antifa can upgrade to the having gun stage too, just not all of them will. Would be better for a middle middle to late middle stage upgrade. multiple tiers, start with airsoft, end up with AK. make taking one out without a real gun bad for optics.

I’m a mechanic. Puts bread on table. And yea I recommend never becoming rich as this draws in gold diggers for potential wives.

I’m not gonna hire him. He’s just gonna see this thread and do the job he was meant to do. Make a satirical game based on a thread some drunk dude created.

Nice. You enjoy it? My dream job is to be an arts teacher.

God damn... the optics. So genius. I can shit out a funny idea like “let’s make a Portland tower defense game!”
But the way your detailing it is genius and way to in depth for my pea brain. Good work. I would hope the angry goy creators or the Epstein island maker is seeing this shit.
And as for BLM being mostly white this is funny as FUCK! Imagine if literally all the little black lives matter game sprites were white! Hehehehe. Then the only time you see blacks come out is to loot after some white soi boy breaks a window or something.