When Attorney General William Barr was talking with Rep. Tom McClintock in regards too intelligence agencies abusing power. Bar had stated that this would be something that John Durham would be investigating.

Barr then stated, "Justice is not something you can just order on a schedule just like you do PIZZA."

A.G. Barr then looks to the left where democrats sit.

How did you anons not notice this?

Attached: hqdefault.jpg (480x360, 26.35K)

Other urls found in this thread:


take your meds, schitzo


42:00 timestamp


Its still live can't get a direct time stamp it is towards the end when he is talking to Tom McClintock though. about 40 minutes ago


Look here


If he doesn't say cheese pizza and hot dogs it's not pizzagate. Pizza is pizza, cheese pizza is child porn.

no, he’s trolling. enjoy the show, faggot.

fucking nice, just saw it, clearly looked to the dem rafters and stared

your cunt is extremely fucked

WIlliam Barr said at the end of him talking with Tom McClintock: "...you know justice is not something you order up on a schedule like you're ordering a pizza."

It was one hour and 7 minutes ago on that stream: >youtube.com/watch?v=I2vy76EH_Fs

He also mentioned something about a lot more people would be under investigation if lying under oath was truly enforced or something while looking around the house. Plus the Arizona rep that was talking about child exploitation and sex trafficking through the internet. Kinda based ngl.

Make a thread when he starts actually arresting the left.

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what kind of pizza?

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>Make a thread when he starts actually arresting the left.

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honestly he held is own pretty wall. He seemed unbothered by the belligerent demoshits.

Both sides are evil. Wake up

>Make a thread
>when he starts actually arresting the left.

Attached: 1594828037125.jpg (550x731, 93.63K)

Attached: freddy_pizza.jpg (1970x1320, 414.65K)

are we watching the same stream? I just watched Jayapal fucking peg him on national television while he stuttered and didn't fire back at all.


They all need to hang

Zig Forums is now a port for glowniggers to spew their government hype propaganda. So gay.

Thanks Somalia

We did.
It was his second of three hints.
>by those standards a lot more of you would be under investigation
>justice is not something you can just order on a schedule just like you do pizza
>sexual assault too

You know you're over the target if you're getting flak in the way of immediate "take your meds, schitzo" like JIDF shills. For the "smartest people in the world" you jewish fucktards really are astoundingly stupid. I mean, seriously, you're fucking retarded. I wish I could beat the life out of your kike ass right this very moment.


>Make a thread ....when he starts actually arresting the left.

Attached: 0O101.38 PM.png (468x51, 1.64K)

Would pay cash for an user to make a thug-life mash-up of this hearing.

Yeah. I'm sure that kike will start arresting all the jew and elite pedos any day now.
Nevermind that it's been a monthly prediction for three years.
Trust the Remphan

Shots fired !!!! BUMP

Posting 36 seconds after thread created. Fuck you kikes

>you can't just schedule arrests and hearings
how does this give you faith in anything?

Barr is corrupt

Attached: Barr.png (759x944, 368.73K)

Smells like nothingburgers.

i'll send you 0.001 btc if you return to reddit and stay there

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It's all so tiresome

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The only thing that could out do 2016 is if they could somehow swing the House red on top of defending the Senate and Executive. There is still hope, frens.

Attached: justice.png (1125x902, 477.65K)

>timestamping a livestream
nigger you are stupid.

go back to r-e-d-d-i-t F.A.G.

Why is he testifying?