Let that sink in

Let that sink in.

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Other urls found in this thread:


>trump supporters
I agree

they're aggressively anti-theist not uncaring athiests though.

Self pity = beta.
Begging for authority = beta
Passive aggressively doing these things = beta

thats a high IQ take though, just misguided in what its aimed at. being demoralized and depressed is unironically a sign of high IQ. theres a reason whites and asians commit suicide at about 8x the rate of niggers

Watch how fast you’d get banned there by criticizing jews or muslims

Over half of all humans on this planet, closer to 75% are below 100 IQ and fit for nothing except menial labor and will be culled when they're obsolete by Jews and their White shadow goyim. Religion is just to keep them under control until then.

Atheists are just as retarded as religious zealots.
This guy gets it.

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I knew this Finnish guy from a wow private server guild and we always laughed at his voice because of how retarded his accent was

based. but instead of being depressed the next step is just to live for yourself and realize it cant be helped

He’s an atheist so you didn’t even need to bother with the rest of this post

Sounds like he needs God in his life.

>tipping point


a fag complaining about being a fag. what else is new?

That's how I feel about the religion of leftism.

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Atheists believe that we stop existing after death. They are depressed people to begin with.

sad faggot is sad

Based. Fuck pekkas.

Digits confirm.

What's their deal with taking actors that played smart people on TV and presenting them as actual geniuses?

>being demoralized and depressed is unironically a sign of high IQ
Does that mean being a trans girl is the most high IQ one can be?

Trips of truth. God bless u bong!

It's the little things. I thoroughly enjoyed my firearms course purely because we had a Newfie who never stopped talking and I had to try to figure out what he was saying almost entirely through context. I think he was mostly talking about his bitch ex-wife, though I'm not sure.

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Typical Finns trying to be ESL like all the the other scandis but they sound so terrible. Fuckin drunk mongols

God I wish all these atheists redditards actually had the balls to kill themselves.

most trannies are white and asian as well, and the tranny fetish usually comes from realizing that women live easier lives, and the tranny suicide rate comes from realizing they will never really be women, so yes i would say trannies are high IQ

>I look on reddit and I'm disgusted
>I look on twitter and I'm disgusted
>I turn on the TV and I'm disgusted
Yeah, no shit. Jew-owned, faggot-filled sewers pushing miscegenation and nigger shit ARE disgusting places. Sounds like this faggot might actually be waking up, hopefully.

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>I feel obligated to do absolutely nothing and just sit at home and waste away

he was clearly already doing that anyway.

This is bad, leftists are realizing the best strategy is to stay home and do nothing.

If this post doesn’t make Trump supporters stand back and reevaluate I don’t know what will. They bring up tons of great points.

Suicide weekend

Is this supposed to make me feel bad?
Everyone on here is depressed, We just don’t also have the entire Twitter, US news cycle, Instagram, Facebook, and Reddit on our side
Kek Leddit users need to commit an hero
still voting trump

>deny God and remove purpose in life
>oh no why do I have no purpose in life

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>Trump said something mildly offensive on twitter

What are we supposed to do? The Jews will sic the Feds on you if you try to direct politics any direction other than what they've dictated years in advance. Same with most industries and hiring private goons.
Why should I fight for a bunch of low IQ mongrels who can't control their own consumption habits and reproduction rate who would probably rob and murder me if they had the chance or were told to, even if they wear the same T shaped symbol as me as history shows?
If you're intelligent but born into the wrong economic class you're effectively powerless to do anything except play the goyim debt treadmill a little better than the rest before you die.

He's so close to the Truth.
He believes human beings are selfish, sinful creatures.
He recognizes how humans have always been sinful creatures, and accepts that humans always will be sinful creatures.
He observes the various instances of immorality in our societies.
He put his faith in this fallen imperfect creature called Man, and had his faith betrayed.
He's searching for a higher ideal to strive for, a greater being to put his faith in, something to give his life hope and meaning. But yet his pride blinds him from seeing how his worldview is nearly exactly in line with Christianity.

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Hopefully a few enlightened Zig Forums users will stop and think for a second: why do these people feel the same hopeleness as I do?

politics don't exist. every "side" is by essence designed to alienate you further into total anguish and desolation. radicality is the only answer.

We have a functional society right now. Just because his faggot ass doesn't like it doesn't mean it's not functional. The only non functional parts are the parts he supports.

Twitter, reddit and mainstream media are all anti Trump so what is he complaining about

We're posting sinks now? Wew lads.

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I don’t know about transgender but homosexuals have a higher than average IQ. The explanation for that seems to be because in terms of evolution, if someone is less likely to procreate they would have more time to make an impact that helps their siblings and their nieces/nephews. This fact is probably why those that dislike gays tend to use religious or purity type arguments against them. (Which is it’s own rabbit hole that I’m not bothering with here.)

200% Demoralized!

Christianity is why we have 3 continents filled with shitskins that weren't exterminated or shoved into reservations and why they're also pouring into our countries, because some of them profess the same bluepilled goyim control mechanism as the Whites.


I was thinking of converting to Islam so that I get a free casus belli for my disdain of women.
I also get to say nigga legally

This guy is a fag and grabbed a dude’s dick on tv.

Really interesting how all these first-posts are some snarky lefty comment. Almost as if they're just lurking in the catalog.

Yet the decline of Christianity correlates with the rise of globalization and multiculturalism

Wow, it's literally me except I'm disappointed that humanity aren't woke on niggers and the JQ

88% of americans are essentially illiterate and cannot read past what a 13 year old can.


Posting literal reddit screenshots. My fucking God.

The top post on r/atheism is ranting about the black woman who covered up the blm street mural with paint

No you faggot, you're just spewing tales that justify your decisions after you've already made them.
If Christians didn't afford shitskins the same rights as real humans we would have taken over the entire world by now and have next to zero problem with immigration. Instead you pretend like it's fine when my entire neighborhood is blasting Fiesta music and cutting people into mincemeat just because they pray to Haysoos

Lol why does he assume he is right?

I sit on the couch im triggered, i turn on the tv im triggered! Everywhere i look im triggered!

You're both faggots. It's all baseline tribes fighting among tribes in govt, private sector, sjw fags, 1000 sects of christfags clamoring they're "right". Hitler was right, everything outside an ethnonationalist state is headed for death of the human person and you fucking jew worshippers are deluded enough to think shuffling the deck chairs on a shit sandwich is the solution

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Subversion for the Goyim.

Yet if you drilled down and got them to actually say what they think you would find that their hate session were not delusional or wrong about anything they just don't agree with leftist bullshit.

correlation = causation

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