Portland Riots - HAPPENING

Beta blocker == Bomb thrower

Attached: 1595959052547.png (1516x2116, 1.94M)

Other urls found in this thread:

flickr.com/search/?text=portland protest&min_taken_date=1594785600

Look at the excited guy in this video:
1. vest
2. shoes
3. hair
4. mannerisms (crouching posture, awkward retardation)

Attached: 1595949085755.webm (840x472, 1.34M)

Very likely its the same guy

Attached: 1595156599208.webm (1280x720, 2.46M)


Do you think he knows that vest isn't bullet proof at all and is purely for aesthetic? Also it's the same guy 100% those vests are zoomer hypebeast shit and are constantly sold out. The chance that someone has two identical icons vests in the same city at the same protests is EXTREMELY rare.

>tl;dr it's him.

well that seems uncalled for

>The Beta Bomber

Attached: 1252794966322.jpg (326x324, 54.21K)

Fuck. Well, you got one of ours. Congrats. He will not do ten years. I advise comrades, to think about this shit. Wear black clothes. Wear masks. Latex. Dont get fucking doxed by poltards. But Id rather be this guy than a poltard going down for 10 or 15 years. Synagogue arson etc.

likely nothing, its fucking him.
now back to biz, lets get this nigger v&.
useful link for searching commies, get comfy with it.
flickr.com/search/?text=portland protest&min_taken_date=1594785600

haircut and shoes look the same

slow motion

Attached: DdiZJZglXUJ77oqJ.webm (1280x720, 2.97M)

Attached: realblm.jpg (236x175, 10.88K)

Shoes are the same. Air Jordan 4

Are you going to swallow the beta blocker pill?

Attached: metohexal-succ-95-mg-retardtabletten-retard-tabletten-D00850477-p1.jpg (1000x1000, 103.5K)

wait so how many bombs went off last night? I saw one.. but was there more? Did people get hurt?

>100 retardtabletten
DON'T DO IT user

his behavior is odd, like he's playing it up for the camera.

hes touching her the whole time and keeps looking back as if her tits are going to get bigger.

Irrelevant the vest is the give away. Those vests are hypebeast clothes and they're EXTREMELY rare.

Attached: icon-reflective-vest-6.jpg (800x1000, 58.97K)

You get v& next

lol wtf dudes just trying to touch her ass, god I hope the police shoot this faggot and he chokes on his own fucking blood.

Yes. We must never forget that a leftist was bullied so hard for being a cuck he decided to bomb a federal building.

The beta blocker and his knightly powers were vanguished after m'lady broke his heart. Now, after unending wickedness and callous cyber bullying, he has become... the beta bomber.

Attached: 1595161801031.jpg (813x1061, 186.61K)

yeah that's the same guy. fag got himself a ticket to the fedaral pen

I doubt he knows. Also most of their gas masks are cheap Amazon knock off kind

Found it, kek!

Attached: BenjaminWood-Pavicich_CDN_8e9f394f_4d4970ca37.png (287x363, 175.65K)

What the fuck is hypebeast?

You realize the police aren't using bullets you god damn retard

This is the guy we need to blast on Twitter

they'll throw the book at him. feds dont fuck around when dd's come into play

Attached: realblm07-28-02.35.28.jpg (405x300, 24.92K)

You’re aware that there are federal agents in antifa cells nationwide that have been there for months or years right? They know who you are and I’d be shitting my pants right now if I was you lmao

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I agree Trump should be reelected comrade but don't you realize this is all a trap?

Then why bother wearing a fake plate carrier dipshit.
Like supreme and shit like that. Limited run color patterns. Limited release clothing. Faggy zoomer collectible clothing shit.

Will the MSM report on his 20 year minimum sentence when it goes down?

This is definitely the same dude, same shoes same vest same build and everything. Hope the police find him and he dies like the faggot he is.

He is, they are

>he was protecting THIS

Attached: 1532873235903.jpg (258x245, 12.45K)

groping, user

Attached: STOP.jpg (600x800, 56.66K)


Attached: 72693776.jpg (625x603, 73.79K)

If I was the feds I would get Amazon to tell me the info of all the customers who purchased that vest in that color in the last 6 months and had them delivered in the Portland area. I bet the list is very short

>they'll throw the book at him. feds dont fuck around when dd's come into play

Yeah OK, badge licker. That shit only applies to a white guy when his shotgun accidentally slam fires. Fuck feds and fuck cops.

this, think theyre hi top air force 1s tho

Indeed, same vest

Attached: vlcsnap-2020-07-28-20h32m02s931.png (777x560, 477.59K)

Did he throw a bomb or a "bomb" (aka fireworks)?

He won't do 20 years. They'll threaten him with 50 unless he gives up someone. They'll give him a deal where he acts as an informant. This is the type of person they can flip. He is a pussy who wouldn't last in federal.

*cums on you*

he looks cute ngl, 10/10 would make him my bucci slave

Attached: 1574568130577.jpg (432x454, 59.31K)

He probably took the powder out of a bunch of fireworks, make shift host for the powder then added sharp and burning things in the mix. That was more like a makeshift pipe bomb >

Bump! He fuckt up!

aryan brotherhood will fuck this guy raw in the federal pen. they hate commie fags worse than niggers.

same vest, same haircut, same mask, same body proportions.
Same guy

>Beta blocker
Too lazy to look for the appropriate reaction image but that's jolly good. Lolz were had.

you faggots are scary
i love it
bring this simp down on terrorism charges

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im about 45 mins into random footage, several hits on faggy green vests, but none identical so far.
i think those shoes are going to be the kicker.
>all white jordans? to a black bloc party
>look shoes, check vest
stands out like a nigger at a pta meeting.

What is this thing and why did you post it?

wait, is the chick standing on the fence the same as naked chick from the beta blocker vid in OPs post?

that means she would know who he is

>100 Retardtabletten N3
This is perfection.

Attached: Eheh eh HHeheh.jpg (1379x943, 89.6K)


Attached: commiedy.webm (1920x1080, 1.44M)

>Then why bother wearing a fake plate carrier dipshit.
They do it for the optics and social media clout. Just like everything else they do. Mind slaves.

Attached: 1595950067077.png (785x1000, 232.09K)

Is there a post or archive made yet?

100% him

>same vest,
>same haircut,
>same mask,
>same body proportions.
>Same guy
He's fucked.

Attached: ibvxF7etlhPOdi19.webm (720x1226, 2.92M)

>fashion bulletproof vest

Attached: 9m8t2.jpg (793x575, 84.93K)

It seems like she's trying to show her bobs and vegana to everyone and the dude's like "No, you have to pay for that like I did"

I doubt it. He was surprised by how powerful it was, no testing done before hand. Someone gave him that to throw.

thats not the naked chick.

naked chick has a fb page with her looney beliefs

These people want to make everything about themselves, and therefore try to draw all the attention on themselves. Like our named faggot friend in this thread... Now imagine 1000 of those people converging on a building. Its extremely easy to just go snatch these dumbasses up for federal crimes.