
Why do we not use this word in the same way jews use the word "anti-semitism"?

I am in awe at the way they have made their own word for "racism" and make it appear much worse than regular racism. Why dont we do that with 'Anglophobic'?

We should be screaming anglophobe at even the slightest implication of racism. Get it established.

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Americans aren't Anglos, English isn't even their official language.



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You really don't consider yourself anglo? Ew dirty fucking traitor.

You really still a traitor after all these centuries?

Begone anglophobe

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>Americans aren't Anglos, English isn't even their official language.
This is why Jews win.

They don't pilpul each other when it comes to racial matters.

They just unify under the "semite" banner and win.

White people deserve to be genocided.

Thats the spirit

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"-ism" would be the best suffix for this word that does need to develop.

Based. How can angloids cope.

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He's callin for anuda shoah! Mods where are you? Never forget the 6 gorillion anglos

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I see hate on his face (And subvertly in the sign), though

It was over 60% British when founded, the mongrels have taken over now though

No one is scared of you, Anglo.

>No one is scared of you, Anglo
They will be.

i used to envy whiteys but not anymore

your countries are un by jews, and you are being replaced by niggers and muslims, your own women are traitors of your own race

fuck you, you are the disappointment of human kind, but at least you nigger lovers aren't speaking german huh?

Frens only in this thread plz

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Anglosphere + slavs maybe. The ones I have met here and on are pretty cool anyway.

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Brazil bro pls don't hate us
When people live life in ultra luxury they get mentally weak and will believe anything
The west has had it too good for far too long
Mankind wasn't meant to live on easy mode like Westerners live on currently
We were meant to eternally struggle
So we could overcome it and improve

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People are not scared of jews, but they are scared of getting their arses slapped in court. It would be good if we just copy their tactics on this one.

We need to cultivate an environment in which people are scared to even think anglophobic sentiment.

british people calling americans mutts for years. before BurnLootMurder hit UK you anglo mutts were posting 'laugh at america' threads. and now that it has become clear that you have been completely curbstomped by your government and are going to be replaced way before white americans.... NOW you beg for solidarity.
Nah fuck you mutt. rot in the hole you created. atleast our gov and our cops fight back. its literally all your fault globohomo exists in the first place.
i spit in your outstretched hand.

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Rocks and glass houses monkey, Its honestly hard to think of a worse place to live than brazil

Pick one.

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Pick one

If only we had seen the errors of our ways sooner.

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>All these shills
>All 1 post by this ID
>All D&C posts
My compliments to the OP, shills really are nature's measurement device. Didn't take them long at all to descend upon this thread and try to derail it. This is a good idea OP, we need to promote it.
Also, this post, in spite of my name, WILL bump your thread.

Anyone else about to be a /pool/bro?

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He's probably a fucking wetback

>people are scared to even think anglophobic sentiment

That's like asking poor people not to be jealous of the rich. Ask yourself, even with all the Jewish privileges, would you actually want to be a Jew instead of a WASP? Fuck no, no-one wants to be a hook-nosed little goblin man, with wiry pube hair and a nasally whining voice.

I couldn't give a flying fuck if anyone is an "anglophobe", because I get to wake up every morning as a White British Man and the fact that billions of people in the world seethe just because I exist is fantastic.

>"We need our own word like Racism"
Only in Bongland does one look to Niggers chimping out and think "Yeah, I want to be more like them".

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>chimping out
We call it " Holidays"

We already have the word anti white and its damn near mainstream now

All these seething shills are all CRAMPED up in the cuckoffice, working. I enjoy a nice swim while sipping on rum, shitposting at my hearts content. Get back to work in your cagie wagie!

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make it 2 posts by this id faggot. have you been paying attention? have you been on this board for 2 days? look at all the posts by canadians and britons, they fucking hate us, call us mutt and laugh at us when any misfortune hits our country when we need our brothers the most.
white america is alone in this fight. i didnt want it to be this way but thats the way it is.

You do know the difference between banter and actual anger right? Its like if someone calls you a nigger, and you laugh em off, you dont get angry

Based and Franco pilled

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How is the US "anglo"?
Sure we speak English as an accident of history, but there were many European nations colonizing North America from the very beginning.
And even today, we are only 56% white, and that 56 is not "anglo" but a broad mix of european ancestry.
Many parts of the country are significantly more German than anglo. The only section of the country that you can say is definitively anglo is a small part of new england.





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Sorry we started the quarantine back up Carlos, I know you were looking for some Anglo cash. Will your family be able to feed themselves this year without British tourism?

We get it Jose, your boomer boss is out buying smokes and your pool cleaning duties can be put on hold for 15 minutes.

Thas rite

That's not the American flag

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>pic related is you about to get fucked
You do realize the US was a english colony first, right? Australia is only 70ish percent white b/c all the chinks

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You started it.

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So the best parts of America are anglo heritage is what you are saying?

I would never dispute that. It's the same story in all our former colonies.

theres no banter in making fun of america while innocent whites are being beaten to death in the streets. i saw atleast 10 different threads on the day the riots erupted laughing at their own people suffering. this doesnt even count all the other times canadians and british people spew hatred at us every day.
its not banter. its callous and malicious hatred towards us, because ethnic purity spiraling is all they have left even though all whites have been multiethnic for thousands of years.
